I’ve been putting these videos up on my personal FB page every day for 3 or 4 weeks. I don’t claim to be a video guru, as long as we are all in, it’s a distraction for friends and family. I’m sharing this one because David Niven’s book, The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People is worth sharing with your employees. If you have had to close and lay off employees, emailing or texting a Secret each day is a great way to keep in touch. I guarantee it will be as good for you as it will be for your employees.
If you are an essential worker employing or supervising essential employees, it’s even more important. I hope you are taking care of yourselves as well as others who rely on and probably look up to you (whether they say it or not). I think the #1 secret to happiness is to sincerely care about those around you. We will get through this!
Here’s what CEO, Aron Ain had to say about employee engagement at the SIM Boston Summit. I think I would like to work for Kronos!
Here is what Stephen Pitcher, President of the Worcester Education Development Foundation (WEDF) had to say about program growth over the past year during a recent presentation.
Infinite Vision is honored to call WEDF a former client!
Everyone should belong to business associations-it’s important to be part of your community, and you never know when you’ll find growth opportunities and/or new customers/sales leads.
Julie tried Hylux for the first time...
Donna Picard, owner of Maison de Manger-House of Eats, not only carries Hylux, she has become an avid fan!
Infinite Vision client, Dr. Brittany Falcone, Back to Health Chiropractic, presented last night at a Woman and Wellness event. In this video, she demonstrates a stretch that you can do at your desk to keep your back and neck healthy.
It was an honor yesterday to attend Opening Convocation at Whitinsville Christian School. A procession of Seniors and Kindergarteners opened the ceremony. This alone spoke volumes about an institution that values and leverages their stakeholders!