And here’s the reveal for Meatball!!! #InternationalMakeupDay!!
Progress on Meatball for this International Makeup Day!!
International Makeup Day progress with Mark!!!
It’s International Makeup Day, so… Mark and I are gettin’ Made Up in the studio today!!!
Hey dude, what'd you guys talk about on the Rocker Morning Show today?
Me: Ummm..... Pop-Tarts.
107.7 RKR #Kalamazoo #Michigan #SWMichigan
Mariah Carey needs to CHILL THE F*** OUT!!! It’s only Nov. 1st!
YOOOO!!!! This fork goes HAAARD!!!!! 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
Hehe…. The British are honorary Wichitans in my book! Even THEY say it right!!!
Sometimes, a little Hardcore is just what the doctor ordered. Shouts out Revisionist and Brickyard for some much needed stress release! Awesome show!!
Dirty Honey is coming to The Cotillion!!! June 20th!! Tickets on sale later this week, and I'VE got tickets to give away next week!! Details at
ALSO, check out my interview with the guys in Dirty Honey, talking about their new album, AND getting back out on the road! (And how they're gonna get me hammered the weekend of my birthday!)
Vacation is officially over.... back on air tomorrow. See ya then Wichita. 🤘🏻🤜🏻🤛🏻