Loves adventures, dancing & consuming massive amounts of caffeine. I love living in NC but will always be a California girl at heart. There is never enough chocolate, red bull, or white cheddar popcorn. Sometimes, I want to travel the world, be crazy, and never stop running around. Other times, all I want to do is cuddle up in bed, eat way too much ice cream and watch a romantic comedy. I swore I’
d never be addicted to coffee… then my Mom bought me an espresso machine. My family is pretty into board games, that’s one of my favorite things to do when I go back and visit. Except for Monopoly… that always ends in punches or tears. One of my dreams is to cage dive with great white sharks. My husband and I are extremely spontaneous. Wanna go on a road trip?!? I still prefer to read books with pictures. I like to take kids trick or treating every Halloween…
you would think this is for the children… but it’s really just because I want free candy. To me, a no trespassing sign means it’s probably an awesome location for a shoot. I also believe a roped off slope on the mountain means there’s more
powder for me and I don’t have to share. There’s a really sneaky way to cut the whole line on the Pirates of the
Caribbean ride at Disneyland. If you want to know it… come with me. I always love a good prank, whether I’m the one getting pranked or doing the pranking. Okay, let’s be honest… I only like being the one doing the prank. The most recent lesson I just learned was don’t try to feed homeless people in New York. You might get yelled at an spit on. I hate shoes. I will wear my rainbow flip flops all year long…
even if there is a foot of snow on the ground. I’m notorious for starting random dance parties at stressful times to lighten the mood a little. So, if you want to get to know me more... hit me up and lets chat on the phone, go grab coffee... or even better- a meal. And by meal I mean Sushi.