Hello hello!
I wanted to give a few updates.
1) We have not shut down the food truck permanently, but it is shut down currently for the next few weeks. This is to address several issues between things we found on the truck that weren't up to our specs as well as feedback we received from several events where we did not perform up to the legacy of the Frontier.
We have cleaned our house, so to speak, retooling the truck during this time, and should be back operational very, very soon.
2) That said, while the truck is parked, the OG Frontier location is busier than ever, and our Frontier Too Cargo District location will be open soon we are looking to onboard some great new faces and talent.
FT positions have the option of benefits such as insurance. (Medical, dental, vision)
We will start booking interviews tomorrow from our main office to give our GM a break from running the restaurant and trying to keep up with the applications. He's busy so our admin staff are stepping in to help. It's hot out y'all!
Food Truck & Catering Director -$20/hr
- Booking events, staffing the truck, ensuring the truck us staffed, stocked, and cleaned.
- Communication, integrity, organization, accountability, and the ability to correctly schedule and document are key to this role.
Kitchen Staff - $15/hr plus tips
- Either working the kitchen in the OG location, truck, events, and the Frontier Too, this is the position that keeps us going and our fans fed with that great big smile on their face.
- Position includes prep, cleaning, interacting with customers, making the delicious items on our menu during slow times and heavy rushes.
If you have applied before or we missed your message, you are encouraged to please apply again.
Please message on either page, Frontier Food to Go or Frontier FoodTruck To Go , or email Frontierfoodtogo at Gmail.
Thank you and we will see you soon!
- Todd