Stole this:
While sitting in the park, there was a kid maybe 2 years old on a balance bike and it made me think.
For hundreds of years, the generally accepted way to teach a child how to ride a bicycle was to start them with a tricycle. Then, as they grow, transition them to a bicycle with training wheels, eventually raising the height of the wheels until the point in which they are ineffective.
Then someone realized, the use of training wheels actually delays the child's progression and makes it harder for them to learn how to balance a bicycle. We become reliant on the training wheels.
This is how we treat many aspects of life. But how wrong are we? Hanging on to mental and emotional training wheels. Moving them up an inch at a time. Hoping not to topple over. Delaying our progression.
The biggest thing that I've learned from my career is that either you are or you aren't. You do or you didn't. You sink or you swim. Such is the law of nature.