To all of our valued customers of Smokies on the Water, it is with several mixed emotions that Tom and I are announcing the closing of Smokies On The Water after eight years on Grosse Ile. Due to the business conditions on Grosse Ile and the uncertainty of the bridge to the island closing again in the future, Tom and I have decided to move in a different direction, We want to thank all of our key employees over the past 12 years for making Smokies the success it was, especially Donna, Kim, Michelle, Eric and Kevin who have all been with us and loyal to us for several years!!!! Please be patient with Tom and I as we research a future location for Smokies. If you have any gift cards or would like to come see us to say goodbye one last time, we will be business as usual until December 23rd which will be our last day. Thanks for a great 12 years with us at Smokies!!!
Scott and Tom