Well that was fast!
We will be working on orders and will let you know if If we are able to add more on Thursday!
Thank you to those who places there orders early .
Switching the look of my feed for a moment for earth day . I am grateful for all things provided to me by the earth. Well isn’t that just about everything? Today is a day to praise the mountains, the oceans, the wind and the rain. The sunrises and sunsets, and all the earths wonderful creatures! The places I have traveled and the nature I have yet to see. The nature that will never be seen by anyone. Natures great wonders and waterfalls, canyons and lakes! A day to give thanks to our home, a home we cannot live without! It is very important to protect our planet. After all, we only have one Earth. Have a great day, get outside.
Ps my video is from the Susquehanna river on one of my many summer evenings . Its one of my favorite places to go to be outside with family and friends. Those of you that know me, know I’m a river rat and proud of it. #suskey #suskeysunset #riverrats #susquehannariver
Posting a bouquet video just because. #haveahappyday #yorkpaflorist #eventflorist #weddingflowers #dahlias #anenome #bridesbouquet
That one time where I deconstructed a bridal bouquet from a wedding show to talk about pricing . Pricing talk is then #1 conversation when planning a wedding. People have no idea on how much floral costs and we understand that . Each and every stem has a cost , greenery, filler, blooms and luxe blooms. In this video if you can imagine the average of each stem costing around $6.00 ( no matter how small or big ) . Garden roses and peonies are about $10-$15 a stem . I believe there about 8-10 of those blooms in this bouquet alone.
Then there is labor added on . We add on 30%. I think this is where most creatives lose. Florists are most often willing to sacrifice their labor wage to design something above what was paid for .
Choose your vendors wisely. Talk openly about your budget . Priorities are different for every client . Some girls are all about the bouquets, some it’s the ceremony setting , for others it’s the wow at the reception.
Florists are people pleasers, that’s for sure ! We work on the weekends giving up time with friends and family . We work late nights finishing projects . We trouble shoot on site . We are magic hahah( well almost ).
Well it’s official we are SOLD OUT !!!
We hit a record number and yet it still wasn’t enough . There simply weren’t flowers to be found . Local growers are selling for their customers ( along with dealing with a freeze from last night) . What a whirl wind . We are finishing the final orders this morning and will know by 10:00 if there is anything to spare . You can call the studio to find out . Deliveries will start around 12:00 when we get out of freezing temperatures . Thanks for your patience . Xoxoxoxo
Some flowers just have dance hands ! Flowers have so much character . They make me feel good .
Today is the first weekend for me that was supposed to be a wedding weekend . I had a quick flash of anxiety about feeling like I was supposed to be somewhere . Had I forgotten something ? It’s the worst feeling ...... or is the worst feeling that of the bride and groom who post pones their celebration day? Clearly it’s them . I do my best to say chin up but I am sad for them. Weddings are stressful to begin with . However ,in the end , they love each other and love always wins . Thats the bottom line, plain and simple , you have love . #lovewins #dancehands #flowersofinstagram #yorkpaflorist #baltimoreflorist #phillyflorist #iloveflowers
We are open today just letting you know because I’m not quite sure what to say about this . Deliveries will be cut off soon as well. Parking is available at the central market parking garage .
Lets talk bouquet pricing !
The most perfect day ! Congrats Ashley and Jacob ! Cheers to you @ashley_itterly #fostersflowershop
#weddingflorist #yorkpaflorist #greenweddingshoes #flowersofinstagram #lancasterbride #greenweddingshoes #harrisburgbride #travelingflorist #bohoweddings #baltimorebride #phillybride#yorkpaweddings #fostersflowershopbridesbouquet #iloveflowers #weddingflowers #eventflorist#yorkpaweddings