See us at Twisted Things In downtown Ypsi. The Magician’s Nook has three main areas of focus. Community, Sustainability and Art. Community
The magical, kink, LGBTQA+ and neurodivergent communities are all near and dear to the artists of the Nook. We strive to make high quality art for those communities as an act of inclusivity and visibility. We are also looking for local charities to sponsor th
at serve the above communities. Education is another import aspect of our community work. We host classes (free other than material costs) have a blog that focuses on education. we also offer mentorship and spiritual services such as house blessings and divination free of charge. we want to see you thrive. Sustainability
Most of our products are upcycled, meaning we take what some call trash and breath new life into it. Much of our supplies comes from thrift stores and scrap areas. What we do buy new is sustainably, ethically, and ideally locally sourced. As of 08/21 all plastic products are made from recycled materials, upcycled or biodegradable. Crystals mined by child labor and plants harvested to extinction have no place in the Nook. Art
While we are a business and we do sell things these things are all art. Nothing is wholesaled with a new label stuck on it. Everything has been changed/Altered/created/assembled by one of our artists. While this does help pay the bills its is also a celebration of the macabre and magical. We love being able to provide art for the communities that we love. Our Artists
Joseph is a nontraditional student pursuing a master’s in mental health counseling with hopes of opening his own practice that caters to the spiritual, LGBTQ+, kink, and Poly communities. His spiritual path is ceremonial in style with its roots in ancient Greek theurgy. He is the logos of the magician’s nook and creator of the hand dipped candles, blended oils and incenses. He also offers mentorship and spiritual services such as house blessings and divination to the community. Anthony
Anthony is a nontraditional student and jack of all trades. He is currently studying automotive technology. He has autism and his art helps him connect to the community and give back to the world. His spiritual path is putting the craft into witchcraft. He is the creator of the fiber arts such as the charm pouches, blacksmith, woodworker and computer wizard.