Yuma, thank you for supporting Feast of San Pedro Pairing Event !
Each and every one of you made this experience memorable!
Stay tuned for future pairing events!
#yumasfavoriteeventplace #yumaciviccenter #pairingevent
Thank you Yuma, for supporting the Feast of San Pedro Pairing Event!
#yumasfavoriteeventplace #yumaciviccenter #pairingevent
"Flashback 2019 Christmas Ball". We will be posting information on the 2021 Christmas Ball in early September.
Wanted to show this video of last years event-Drive Thru Back To School Rodeo is scheduled for July 17th this year once again. We will be posting some updated marketing, but, until then, if you want to donate items to put into the 1800 BackPacks we are giving away-Call Esther Markle at 928-373-5046.
Scottish Burns Supper 2019 with Ballet Yuma.
Scottish Burns Supper 2019