Rogue International is an entertainment company in Arizona and East Coast that specializes in throwing parties, providing entertainment and also consulting on improving small business revenues. Rogue International is a team of proficient and motivated young professionals from several locations all over the United States and Jamaica. RI was created to help various businesses with their business m
arketing plans, act as a promotional consulting service and event management company that nourishes all marketing and promotional strategies. Here at Rogue International, we offer phenomenal services such as: marketing plans, commercial advertisement, effective flyers, beautiful venues, media contracts, banners, and much more. RI has also developed a team of DJs from all over the world! RI has been in business for over seven years on the Eastern Coast of the United States and has continued to provide quality service for our events all over the United States and in Jamaica. Recently, RI has expanded Westward as of November 2010 to Yuma and Phoenix, Arizona. RI continues to conduct many charity events, club parties, weddings, and is now currently evolving to take on the world of comedy! At this time our main company website is being redesigned. For more information check out of our page or contact Avalyn Green CEO/President or Natasha Noronha- Promotions and Marketing Coordinator @ [email protected]
Thanks for choosing Rogue International and as we always say "If its not right now then its right later!"
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