PLEASE READ TO THE END... Tickets are now on sale for C.A.K.E Community for action and kirkby events Children's Christmas party which will be held at Kirkby Leisure Centre on Sunday the 15th of December from 12 noon till 2.30 pm. You only need to buy tickets for the Children not the adults or babies under 1 years old. Only Children who have purchased a ticket will receive food and a present from Santa. If your child has any food intolerances then please message us directly so we can accommodate their needs. These tickets sell very fast so do not leave it too late to purchase your child's or they may be very disappointed. Tickets are £2.50 per child 1 to 10 years and are cash sales only. Under 1,s are free and can partake in the party but food or gift will not be provided. We would like to thank all the local businesses that donated raffle and tombola prizes at Party in the park during the summer that has enabled us to raise funds to subsidise this party and keep the ticket price extremely low.