Red Solo Cup was not on our original playlist…until a few of those big red cups made their way to our dance floor (from a lawn game)…then it appeared on the playlist, along with several more of those oversized Red Solo Cups!
From the “2024 Summer Wedding Album”
#redsolocup #redsolocups #letshaveaparty #proceedtoparty #danceparty #weddingplaylist #mountainweddingvenue #destinationweddingvenue #parkcity #utahweddingdj #utahweddingvenue #slc #saltlakeweddingvenue
I love that Jess + Brendon are having so much fun during the Bride & Groom First Dance.
From the “Summer Wedding’s Album”
#firstdance #brideandgroom #brideandgroomfirstdance #lover #tswift #redbutte #redbuttegarden #redbuttegardenwedding #utahweddingvenue #utahweddingdj #saltlakewedding #wipautah #djmitchross
It was the 21st night of September and we were Boot Scoot Boogieing, Congrats to Cody + Charlee!
From the “2024 Summer Wedding Album”
#21stnightofseptember #bootscootinboogie #summernights #countrywedding #countryweddings #linedance #utahweddings #utahweddingdj #utaheventdj #mountainwedding
Jakob and Alexis make their escape!
From the “2024 Summer Wedding Album”
#grandexit #sparklersendoff #andthecrowdgoeswild #djmitchross #utahdj #utahweddings #mountainwedding #countrywedding
Such a fun wedding celebration with Jakob & Alexis!
From the “2022 Summer Wedding Album”
#countryweddings #mountainwedding #utahdj #utaheventdj #summerwedding #brandingiron #brandingirons #djmitchross #countrymusic
Michael and Lauren making their exit with a sparkler send off!
#sparklersendoff #sparklers #sparklerexit #summertimeweddings #mountainweddingvenue #mountainwedding #destinationwedding #utahdestinationwedding #utahdestinationweddingvenue #ogdenvalley #wasatchmountains #wasatchback #utahweddingdj #parkcityweddingdj #utahweddingvenue #wipautah #djlife