Tina Ruggiero CEO & President
Distinguished Society Destinations & Events, Inc. (DSD)
A Benefit ( B ) Corporation
Creating Awareness, Education,& Support
Specializing in Not For Profit Org.'s & To Make a Positive Impact on Society
ph/fx 800-918-9148 direct 917-719-0101
[email protected]
My newest and exciting accomplishments for 2012~
Advocate and Committee Member of:
1. Nassau County Coa
lition Against Domestic Violence http://www.cadvnc.org/cadv/
2. New York Women's Agenda - End Domestic Violence NYWA http://newyorkwomensagenda.org/
3. United Nations Women Metro New York - http://unwomen-metrony.org/
4. United Nations Women - Global http://www.unwomen.org/focus-areas/?show=Violence_against_Women
Charitable Partnerships:
www.FMWorldCharities.org, a registered 501(3)(c) global media healthcare charity with a Rock n'Roll Twist! Family Promise: www.familypromise.org helps homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence. Earth Ethics Society, www.earthethicssociety.org Earth Ethics is an educated and logical system of morals based on the needs, wants and aspirations of mankind. It is a new, rational, and modern means of analysis aimed at resolving two basic ailments that have plagued civilized mankind for the last five millennia. These are on the one hand: waste and disharmony with our environment, and on the other: misunderstandings, dissensions, wars and conflicts. Earth Ethics has arisen as a result of a fundamental realization that people the world over share far more in common than they have as differences. If we consider that every person shares ninety percent of his cognitive existence in common with everyone else and has only ten percent that is different, then that ten percent is almost certainly attributable to political systems and coercions, historical suspicions, cultural differences and religious misinterpretations. Claes Nobel is the senior member (doyen) of the illustrious Nobel family of the Nobel Peace Awards fame. He is the Chairman of The Earth Ethics Society Foundation and Chairman on The Earth Ethics Society (USA). He is also Chairman of The National Society of High School Scholars.