"Personal Brand is what people say about you when you leave the room." - Jeff Bezos, Founder, Amazon.com
I’m a real person and hotel professional just doing real life. I am a dreamer who always thought I had plenty of time to get things in life achieved, but year after year would pass by and the things I hoped to achieve became less and less likely. Other than the blessing of my children, loyal s
upport and love from family and close friends, and a decent (but busy) career in the hotel and meetings industry, I realized I was not close to doing anything I dreamed of doing. Career doubts. Divorce. Through Pro Fit Bodies I want to connect with real people and professionals dealing with real life situations just like me.
1. People that "only" have 24 hours in their day (and it never seems to be enough time)
2. People that may have clothing in their closet they’ll wear when they lose “X” number of pounds (I had a mock turtle neck held over from the early 90s I finally to tossed a couple years back...seriously LOL :)
3. People that love to experience good food
4. People that make lists of things they want to do in life but don’t have the time or money to fulfill them (coach their kid’s team, travel for fun, give time to charities, live at the beach, have season tickets to their fave sports team, etc.)
5. People who work for someone else and always seem to be living paycheck to paycheck.
6. People that have fun ideas they'd like to pursue but haven’t yet made them happen (who has the time or money, right?)
7. People that get anxious if an unexpected expense pops up
8. People that think outside the box
9. People that intend to purge material things, negative people, or a pressure job that has been weighing them down for a long time
10. People ready for an infusion of positive actions and real change but are in a life and social rut from which they are finding hard to make a break
So if you haven’t guessed, this is a small and very personal list about me, my real life pressures and my hopeful dreams. I have taken a big first step to make a positive change in myself which began with engaging myself in a community of people, fitness programs and health products. I found all of these things with Beachdody. Beachbody and all it has to offer has been a wonderful life changer for myself and hundreds and hundreds of people – real people and working professionals just like you and me. So if you’re ready for a change, let’s do real life together and achieve positive change and experiences. Please push the "Sign Up" button under my banner and take the first step to pursuing a great change in your life and lifestyle.