Quick explanation on what is going to happen in my shed.
HO scale South African railways layout on 12mm gauge
SAR HO scale 12mm
First time they pull in unison.
Class 35GE exact HO on 12mm gauge
At 245g it will haul 56axles over a 2% incline. No problem
I have just too much clutter in boxes and bins. I need to sell this stuff. And I hate swopmeets. Too time consuming.
I am taking the highest bid at 12H00 15/10/21.
Start at a grand and work from there.
So....another absolutely brutal run. Thank you to Carel, André, Dirk, Lourens and Neil for getting all the stock out there.
A pleasant surprise was Willie Oosthuizen rocking up with a beautifully prepared set of CG1 class 31's. Built by SARM. I would love to get my hands on them to fit sound and smoke. They are absolutely stunning.
And that is why CG1 makes so much sense as a social scale. Willie quietly in his own time sat down and detailed his consists. And then took our breaths away.
This scale does not need to cost you any more than any other scale does. Yes, at R35k for a loco and R4k to R6k for a wagon......initial costs can be high. But you dont need to worry about track. You can build a consist over years. Until.....you have something that is so fullfilling to see run, that going back to a smaller scale will be almost impossible. And you run at the club.
This is the pinnacle of model railroading. It does not get any better. Especially to remember our heritage in real railways. South Africa has a rich and intricate railway history. Cape Gauge 1 has the ability to keep that heritage alive. So we never forget the good old days.
SAR, Spoornet, Transnet Freight Rail......in miniature. It might be in shambles in real life. But as a model theme.......we can keep it alive.
Mooi.......was nog nooit lelik nie.
The power of these CG1 locos keep surprising me. I am running twins and trips, pulling 124 axles plus. But this afternoon I actually pulled all of them with a single loco. Its interesting to note that in trip configuration they pull about 4.5amp average. Gross combination mass of about 80kg.
Very efficient. They are effortless. The smoke, the way they look.....the way they sound.....brutal. I am very very satisfied. The sheer amount of new stuff surfacing, CG1 is growing fast. So fast that we are running out of space in our station.
Thanx to everybody involved. Its an honour to be part of this.