Many families face the challenge of not having a society to cook during their time of grief and when that happens the stress is left with the family to prepare food for their guests who must come support them during this hard time and still moan their loved ones. Well we are here to relieve you of that stress. How you may ask .by hiring our services to come cook during your funeral and take care of washing the pots and dishes and dishing up.
Our package goes as follows
Mamphehi R1500
Service includes cooking and dishing up and cleaning /gathering all the used utensils and washing pots
50foam pack and spoons
Mbokodo 2500
Service includes cooking, dishing up washing dishes and two of our own pots and 50 foam packs and spoons
Mme wa lapeng 4500
Cooking, dishing up, washing dishes,
2 pots
100 foam packs and spoons
100 beaker
1 gas cylinder
Tshwara thipa ka bohaleng 5500
Cooking, dish up ,clean ,
3 pots
1 Gas stove
1gas cylinder
100 foam pack and spoons
100 foam beaker
Mme wa sebele 6500
Cooking, dish up, wash dishes
4 pots
Serving dishes
100 foam package
100 foam beaker
Gas stove
Gas cylinder
50% deposit is payable upfront before we can commence with work.