PARTY ANIMALS, originally known as "Zoo To You", was created in 2006 initially as a mobile educational workshop which would bridge the gap between the classroom and an actual working farm. The hands on approach showed a remarkable improvement in the children's ability to remember facts, as the pictures now stored in their 'memory boxes' were more vivid. The Moms and Dads who attended our workshops
were impressed with our standards and began requesting we host their children's birthday parties at their homes! To date, we have done many, many parties; corporate year end functions; been privileged enough to help the "Reach for a Dream Foundation"; attended Festivals and are also regularly found at Shopping Malls during the Holiday Season. HOW IT WORKS
All the Animals are hand reared and tame. The animals are always small, therefore allowing the children the opportunity to touch and feed with absolute confidence. A one of a kind interlocking enclosure is erected on a level area in your garden or venue of your choice. The standard size is 5 meters x 4 meters and stands 2 meters high, and we attach a shade cloth ceiling which protects both children and animals from the sun. (In winter-time, your garage would be a sensible option) Internally, the floor of the enclosure is lined with straw, and straw bales are packed within the perimeter for the children (and Granny) to sit on. Leafy branches are strategically placed to complete a calming farm style effect. We supply all the relevant feed for the various animals, and milk bottles are even on hand for the seasonal babies to suckle on. We seat and explain 'the rules' to the children (i.e. no running etc) and are always present throughout the event to ensure everyone is safe and enjoying a one of a kind experience like no other! WHAT YOU WILL SEE
Our Seasonal Animals are Piglets; Ducks; Guinea Pigs; Baby Chicks; Baby Hooded Rats; Cameroon Dwarf Goats; Bunny Rabbits; Ducklings and a gorgeous Lamb. The best thing about what we do, is that we have the pleasure of providing a niche experience to the public, which allows them to go to a place they've all known about, yet not actually been to! Your children will leave our enclosure with memories (and photos) that will last for many years to come!!