Hatchling Cape Cobra (Naja nivea), just pipped and busy absorbing the last bit of yoke before coming out.
This little guy didn't have a care in the world, but now it is a little beast. 😆
#capecobra #naja #najanivea #Cobra #venomoussnakesofinstagram #snake #neurotoxic #hatch #hatchingeggs #reptiles
Baby Cape Cobras, before we house them separately. They are a fiesty bunch but really just defensive. When a Cobra hoods, it is trying to look larger and more intimidating to scare off a potential threat. When some snakes are cornered, they have to stand and fight. The simple flight or fight response. Each snake has its own personality.
Even if a snake is coming at you, it is not aggressive. It is being proactive in its defense as intimidation is a very clever tactic in the animal kingdom. Often, when people feel they are being chased, the snake feels cornered or is trying to get to is burrow/bush thicket where you are in it's way. If you don't move or tangle with the snake, there are going to be issues.
#capecobra #najanivea #Cobra #venomoussnakes #venomoussnakesofinstagram #venomous #Naja
Cape dwarf chameleon (Bradypodion pumilum) takes out his roommate (a spider).
The spider obviously moved in for some Black Soldier Flies that we feed to our chameleons and other lizards, but it was the wrong move.
It's very cool to capture this moment.
Many people want to keep these as pets but nobody really has them on permit here in the Western Cape of South Africa. If you see these guys, please leave them alone. Chameleons are one of the hardest reptiles to keep. There are penalties, massive fines or even upto 2 years imprisonment if you caught keeping these captive without permits. Ours is a little rescue that is an ambassador towards educating the public.
#chameleon #lizard #spider #capedwarfchameleon #bradypodion #Bradypodionpumilum
Baby Cape Cobras (Naja nivea) hatching at day 62 at 28 deg c. This is day 64 with some more hatchlings. All babies look similar with a dark band across the throat. Then, as they mature, they go through a colour change with time to get their adult coloring. This is normally a solid colour with speckled varieties.
They can range from pale yellow to bright golden yellows, brown , brown with yellow speckles, reddish browns, black, and I have even had white with brown speckels. In afrikaans, they often called a Spekeld kapel (speckles cobra), Cooper kapel (copper cobra), geelslang (yellow snake) and Bruin Kapel (brown cobra). All Cape Cobra and not different species of cobra.
#Cobra #capecobra #najanivea #venomous #venomoussnakesofinstagram #snake
Water training for the babies Albino Gaboon Vipers (Bitis rhinoceros). Many people fell sorry for some snakes in captivity that they don't have enough space. Well, Gaboons are so lazy they can't find water just 20cm away. LOL. Some amush predators don't move from a good spot.
Some eventually learn this and start drinking as soon as I move them. It's awesome to see and makes for a good interaction for both parties. As they mature, they find water on their own, but in the early days, this interaction is very importing. Misting them also get then drinking quickly. Those massive nostrils are like rain funnels that go straight to the mouth. During the rains, they will often drink from the floor.
#albinogaboonviper #gaboonviper #Bitis #bitisrhinoceros #reptilehusbandry #westafricangaboonviper #gaboonviper ##albinoanimals
This girl, Rhino Viper (Bitis nasicornis) is laying pretty in her cage. Normally not moving from her spot where she is well hidden.
It is so rewarding to keep snakes in bioactive setups. Once established, it makes for easy cleaning, it offers more enrichment to the animals, it's estheticly pleasing. Just win win all around. So often people spend money on animals but not the enclosures and equipment. I am still working on my green fingers though as that can be a bit tricky.
#bitisnasicornis #Bitis #rhinoviper #vipersofinstagram #Viper #bioactivevivarium #bioactiveenclosure #bioactive
This is when Amber had her babies. This little boy was born in a bit of a sh*itty situation. Birth is not always pretty. It's still a fascinating clip.
Gaboon Vipers are ovoviviparous, meaning the babies develop in eggs while inside the mom and hatch inside or just as they come out. Around 30% of reptiles birth in this manor.
#albinobitisrhinoceros #albinogaboonviper #gaboonviper #westafricangaboonviper #bitis #bitisrhinoceros #viper #albinoanimals #reptilebreeding #snake #venomous
I am loving how well my poop scoops work for venomous snakes. Firstly, you stay out of range with these dangerous animals for cleaning, then you can block animals and get them out of the feeding response. Never stick your hand in a cage with a venomous snake unless it is out of feeding mode and safe to do so. Some snakes are best to remove, but others, this method is much safer than handling.
Here, you can see I use it to cover my heat signature with a Fer-de-lance (Bothrops asper). Some snakes like this girl are just insane to work with. Also works very well with my Bushmaster. Man, those things are heat seekers!! I never take my eye off the animal in case it peeks around. Then my Kings like to charge, and you can block and try deter them from their intimidation charges. They are often relentless, though 🤣 .
#Fer-de-lance #Bothrops #venomous #Viper #venomoussnakes #venomoussnakesofinstagram #pitviper #venomoushandling
Amber is having her first meal after babies. It is amazing to see how much their skulls can move to eat prey. Just watch those middle rows of teeth also move independently. Then the big fangs to walk it in.
#Bitis #albinogaboonviper #albinobitisrhinoceros #albinoreptiles #albinoanimals #raresnake #westafricangaboonviper #gaboonviper #bitisrhinoceros #albinosnake #Viper #adder
This boy (Boomslang), is a nutter this time of year. This is when they gorge themselves on food. Normally, preferring chameleons, skinks,birds, and bird eggs, they do take rodents aswell.
When snakes want to eat something, they move with their full potential vs when they are defensive they give plenty of warning. If snakes wanted to bite, there would be no snake handlers, that's for sure.
When ever entering a cage with a venomous snake or larger constrictor, ALWAYS make sure to tap the snake so it knows it is not feeding time. Some venomous snakes will cover the while cage to get you even if you just removing a waterbowl or try cleaning.
Currently, I can't even get this guy out of feeding mode. He is very intense at the moment.
#boomslang #boomslangsnake #heamotoxic
#venomoussnakes #venomous #snake #snakefeeding #snakefacts
Striker, our West African Gaboon Viper (Bitis rhinoceros), seems to be on it this year! Some say shame he is off and blind etc from our last video of him. This is his normal self. What a champ! We have it in slow motion and super slow motion for you. Check the venom! It's just amazing.
#Bitis #westafricangaboonviper #gaboonviper #bitisrhinoceros #Viper #adder #venomoussnakes #gaboonsofinstagram
I think this boy has all the snakes beat with his spurs! This Southern Africa Python (Python natalensis) has massive spurs, which are the remnants of their legs over millions of years of evolution. Thisnis why we call them old world snakes , the Pythons, Boas, and anacondas, also known as water Boas. They are used with courting a female by tickeling and scratching.
Snakes are way better off without arms and legs, and this enables them to go more places than any other animals. Moving underground with ease, climbing, and all snakes can swim. It is not a curse it is a blessing for a snake.
The boys' spurs are bigger than the girl. Anyone got a snake that can beat this guy? Spur measuring contest. 😆
#Python #pythonnatalensis #boa #anaconda #southernafricanpython #oldworld #facts