Wedding of Kerry & Nathaneel was close to my heart as it involved extended family tying the knot. Despite being on a budget and planning a wedding within a month (the week of for me), we pulled off a beautiful setting by spending very little. Draping and lighting, table gifts, cakes and catering was outsourced by the bridal couple 💐 #eventplannerdurban #weddingplannerdurban #partyprincess #weddingplannerkzn
Neha celebrated her 16th birthday at a venue space at @grimaldis_cotswold . We dressed her occasion with delicate florals which tied so beautifully with the various pink shades of balloons. #sweet16 #partyprincess #partyplannerdurban #eventplannerdurban #decordurban
Have you heard of a Preppy theme? Well this is it! A tweens dream party. From cool caps to the yummiest sweets, Zara celebrated her 10th birthday in colour, fun and only good vibes 😄! I’ve been doing all her events since she could first walk and it’s such a joy seeing her grown into a beautiful young girl. #preppytheme #preppythemedparty #kidspartiesdurban #kidseventplannerdurban #partyplannerdurban #eventplannerdurban #kidsparties #partyprincess
Minnie Mouse is a timeless treasure #minniemouseparty #minniemouse #partyprincess #kidspartiesdurban #kidspartyplanner #kidspartyplannerdurban #eventplannerdurban
Black and gold always goes down well for ladies or gents, and this young lad got to enjoy this backdrop for his 18th birthday bash! #partyprincess #18thbirthday #eventplannerdurban #durbanpartyplanner #kznpartyplanner #partyplannerdurban
Such a fab idea for any Day of the Dead fans, why not a death of his/her 20s,30’s etc? #partyprincess #dayofthedead #deathofhistwenties #dayofthedeadparty #kznpartyplanner #durbanpartyplanner #durbaneventplanner
Ra’eed celebrated his birthday with an aeroplane theme (but it had to be an emirates looking plane- so cute ✈️)! #partyprincess #kidspartiesdurban #kidspartyplannerdurban #kidseventplannerdurban #kidspartyideas #kidspartyplanner #areoplaneparty #theplacesyoullgo
We can BEARLY wait! #bearlywaitbabyshower #wecanbearlywait #wecanbearlywaitbabyshower #babyshower #babyshowerideas #giantteddy #giantteddybear #partyprincess #eventplannerdurban #kzneventplanner #partyplannerdurban #partyplanner #decordurban
We loved how this balloon garland turned out ~ floating above the pool area! #partyprincess #allblackparty #partyideas #partyplanner #partyplannerdurban #eventplannerdurban #kznpartyplanner
DR SUESS themed party for twins Yusra and Uzayr turning 1! The play on Thing 1 & Thing 2 is perfect for twins! Messy Play by The Play Hive #thing1thing2 #thing1thing2party #drsuessbirthday #drsuessparty #drsuess #catinthehat #catinthehatparty #partyprincess #kidspartiesdurban #kidspartyplannerdurban #kidseventplannerdurban #kidsparties #kidspartyideas #kznpartyplanners
The SHARKS rugby asked us to do their year end 2023 Christmas Barbie themed party- what an honour! Look it was the wildest day of the year and we had many challenges from the wind but we soldiered on! #barbie #barbieparty #partyprincess #kzneventplanner #partyplannerdurban #eventplannerdurban #sharksrugby #latepost