Just less than a month left peeps馃グ馃幎馃巻
Are you ready? Its Salome, Peadon and Honey Live at the EL Guild Theatre 22nd March馃ぉ馃拑
Get your outfits...its #blackandblingtheme 馃枻馃拝鉁笍
#dresstoimpress 馃榿馃巼鉂わ笍
Whatsapp 0834080246 now to secure your tickets馃帿
Proudly brought to you by 043 Events 馃帄 follow our page馃憤
#seeyouthere #dontmissthis #letyourfriendsknow #eveningout馃幖
Next Friday 28 Feb馃巻.. we all meet at Legends Showcase Venue...bring your friends, your partner, your whole crew馃榿鉂わ笍...lets end the month of love together with Prins Comedian and Tats Nkonzo 馃ぉ
#jokesfordays #celebratelove #comedyshow馃槀馃槀
Whatsapp 0834080246 to get your tickets now馃コ馃帿
Brought to you by 043 Events 馃榿
Tats Nkonzo shows us some love鉂わ笍 and makes this one extra special...he brings out the guitar馃幐馃榿 #comedyshow #MonthOfLove #eveningout馃巼
Prins Comedian joins too馃ぉ...adding to an evening of music and great laughter...its Love is for Dummies - Tats Nkonzo and Virgil Prins
Come out to Legends Showcase Venue next Friday 28 Feb....and join these 2 proudly EL born award winning comedians 馃弳馃帀馃帄馃槏 #proudlyEL馃實 #ELonthemap
Whatsapp 0834080246 now to secure your tickets馃帿鉁笍
Proudly brought to you by 043 Events 馃コ
Visit www.043events.co.za for more info馃幖
Time is ticking and the 22nd March is drawing closer馃ぉ馃帄馃拑 #areyouready
#blackandbling 馃枻馃拝 #longweekendvibes
We cant wait馃槏 Salome, Peadon and Honey Live at the EL Guild Theatre 馃幎馃暫馃幖
Fast approaching the 50% Sold mark...its gonna be one to remember馃巻馃帀馃巼
馃摙Check this out - its a first馃榿...during the day we will have a #familymarket at the East London Guild Theatre from 09:00 - 15:00 so bring the whole family...lets all have a good time馃コ馃グ #jumpingcastles #stalls #artsandcrafts #livemusic 馃幖馃幎
Whatsapp 0834080246 to get your tickets now鉁笍
Proudly brought to you by 043 Events 馃帄 with Salome , Peadon Smith Live and Rosie (Honey)鉂わ笍
Visit www.043events.co.za for more info鉁达笍
East London and surrounding areas馃ぉ...Only a week left to get your #earlybirdtickets馃帿 marked down to R190馃巻馃幎馃帀
Salome, Peadon and Honey Live at the EL Guild Theatre 22nd March.. its a long weekend too馃コ馃巼馃拑
Get your #blackandbling outfits ready馃拝馃枻馃挒 #seeyouthere
#familymarket during the day and the #liveshow at night - a whole day of just awesome vibes馃幐馃暫馃幖馃グ
Whatsapp 0834080246 to get your tickets now馃巼馃帀
Proudly brought to you by 043 Events 鉁笍
Visit www.043events.co.za for more info馃檪
Its an easy Sunday in the 043馃槏
We leave you with a performance by DON VINO SaxyVibes at the East London Guild Theatre last year馃グ馃幏馃幎 #blessedSundaytoyou馃檹
What a show it was馃幖 #musiclovers #liveshows #goodtimeswithgoodpeople 鉂わ笍
We meet again on the 22nd March with Salome, Peadon and Honey Live at the EL Guild Theatre 馃ぉ馃巻馃拑
Cant wait to see you and have another memorable evening together馃挒鉁笍
Make sure your friends follow 043 Events to avoid missing out on live shows and entertainment馃グ #proudlyEL
Visit www.043events.co.za for more info馃幑馃幐馃馃榿
Blessed Sunday to you and your loved ones馃グ馃檹
This Sunday we would like to share and take you back to an intimate evening with "The Soul Man" Fagrie Isaacs Music 馃幖鉂わ笍 doing a familiar hit - Hello馃幎
We had a lovely time together馃檪 with so much love in the air馃挒
Make sure you and your friends follow 043 Events to remain updated with shows and live entertainment鉁笍 #proudlyEL馃巼
Salome performs a beautiful rendition of a popular hit by Aretha Franklin馃グ "Someone Else's Eyes" 馃挒馃幎
We setting the tone for your Sunday馃槉 #goodmusic #easysundays馃幖
This is just a taste of what to expect on Saturday 22nd March (its a long weekend) at the East London Guild Theatre 馃ぉ #greatvocalist #greatperformer #awesomeexperience鉁笍
Dont miss the opportunity to experience an evening with SAs number one Diva馃嚳馃嚘 - Salome, Peadon Smith Live and Honey (Rosie)馃巼馃拑鉂わ笍
Whatsapp 0834080246 to get your early bird tickets now馃帿馃巻
Proudly brought to you by 043 Events 馃槏
Competition Winner Announcement
Its time to announce our "Guess The Artist" Competition Winner馃コ馃帀馃巻馃拑
Just in time for Christmas馃巺馃巹鉁笍
Huge Congratulations to Dayla Charlene Van Niebers ...you are the winner of R1000 Meat Voucher from Browns Butchery 馃ォ馃榿
We had so many names in the draw馃槏 thank you to each and everyone who participated...we always appreciate it鉂わ笍馃檹
Well you guessed it right馃巼馃ぉ Peadon Smith Live , Salome and Rosie are coming to town Sat 22 March 2025 at the East London Guild Theatre 馃敟馃ぉ馃帀
饾棙饾棶饾椏饾椆饾槅 饾棔饾椂饾椏饾棻 饾棫饾椂饾棸饾椄饾棽饾榿饾榾 饾棥饾椉饾槃 饾棓饾槂饾棶饾椂饾椆饾棶饾棷饾椆饾棽 馃帿馃挒 #GetYoursNow #excitementoverload 馃ぉ
Sasha-Lee Davids , Berry Trytsman and Jody Williams making a grand entrance last night at the East London Guild Theatre 鉂わ笍馃巻 oh what a night it was馃幎馃巺馃巹
See you tonight at the East London Guild Theatre 馃コ馃ぉ
We are ready馃榿馃巼 are you?馃拑
Festive Fever Volume 3 is here馃槏