Soulburst Photography

Soulburst Photography Photography is about capturing souls not smiles. Leonie Jordaan, Soulburst Photographer Photographer: Leonie Jordaan, Capturer of the full light spectrum.

Dragan Tapshanov

The thing I love most about photography is that it forces you to constantly change your perspective.

Office for the day!

Office for the day!

When your images are used an article, it's a bonus! It helps that your man is eye candy too! 😉☺️💛

When your images are used an article, it's a bonus! It helps that your man is eye candy too! 😉☺️💛

The South African wine industry is in demand for skilled professionals in logistics and distribution to keep operations running smoothly.

I am Leonie, I'm your Soulburst Photographer! I am ready to observe and capture your dream with my lens! I love studying...

I am Leonie, I'm your Soulburst Photographer! I am ready to observe and capture your dream with my lens! I love studying people - behaviors, faces, patterns, designs, choices, styles, habitats, environments, relationships, expressions - you name it!

Photography allows me the privilege to observe and present what I observe, while giving back! Photographs are memories, capsules, reminders of what once where. It is one of the few things that is guaranteed to become priceless.

Yours in capturing YOU! Leonie J.

PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHYWe live in a world that is more engaged in visual stimulation than ever. We quickly buy into anything...


We live in a world that is more engaged in visual stimulation than ever. We quickly buy into anything that looks nice, smells nice, feels nice and sounds nice. Yet, some might argue, that we are more disconnected from our senses than ever. Mostly because of over stimulation I believe.

Product photography is a genre that brings me a lot of joy, because when it is done right, it will draw you in like a magnet. I took these pictures for a beautiful treatment spa in Cape Town. They needed beautiful inviting images of the space, but also of the luxurious products they import directly from Thailand.

Admittedly it was hard to keep my eyes open while editing these! I really felt like sitting there, sipping a cup of tea, after getting a complete fully body massage!

Yours in capturing YOU, Leonie

FOOD PHOTOGRAPHYWe live in a world that is more engaged in visual stimulation than ever. We quickly buy into anything th...


We live in a world that is more engaged in visual stimulation than ever. We quickly buy into anything that looks nice, smells nice, feels nice and sounds nice. Yet, some might argue, that we are more disconnected from our senses than ever. Mostly because of over stimulation I believe.

Food photography is a genre that brings me a lot of joy, because when it is done right, it will draw you in like a magnet. You can almost smell the smell of fresh bread if you look at these pictures. Even though it's a visual stimulation, it will unlock core memories connected to the visual and make it seem almost real.

If you are looking for tasteful images to do justice to the quality of food you produce, give us a call and we can collaborate with your prep staff to capture images with zest!

Yours in capturing YOU, Leonie

A BOY AND HIS DOGWhat would children be without animals. Even more so, what would boys be without their K9 friends? It’s...


What would children be without animals. Even more so, what would boys be without their K9 friends? It’s difficult to put what they have in words. Comradery? Companionship? Unconditional love? Joy? Being in the moment? Innocence? Connection?

What do they learn about relationships in having a pet? How to care for? To have empathy? To take responsibility? To consider? To belong? Animals have so much to give us with their presence. Ghandi said that you judge a country’s moral progress by how they treat their animals. If that is true, then the lesson to respect animal life starts at home. And it has nothing to do with rich or poor. Dogs are simple, easy to please creatures. A little bit of food, time and companionship an shelter goes a long way for them. And they give so much in return.

My husband always rolls his eyes when I adopt another dog. However, truth is, these animals have given us much more than what they have ever taken from us.

My son’s whole demeanor changes when he comes home and he sees his dogs! The tone of his voice changes when he greets them. He is instantly transported to a world of love and acceptance. Doesn’t matter how hard his day has been, he always comes back to their wagging tails – signaling that he is home, accepted and adored!

Yours in capturing YOU, Leonie

OUR CLIENTS SAIDIt is always such a wonderful priviledge to get positive feedback from a client!    ...


It is always such a wonderful priviledge to get positive feedback from a client!

MAURITIUS - TROPICAL ISLAND WITH SPIRITThe colorful landscape of Mauritius is quite the smorgasbord of opportunities to ...


The colorful landscape of Mauritius is quite the smorgasbord of opportunities to capture vivid images!

When I look at these images, not only do I wish I was there right in this moment, I also feel immediately lifted up and refreshed!

Enjoy the visual "holiday" for your eyes!

Yours in capturing YOU, Leonie Jordaan

ENJOY FATHER'S DAY!If you are a biological father, an adopted father or if you just took on the masculine role as protec...


If you are a biological father, an adopted father or if you just took on the masculine role as protector, director, guide or supporter in someone's life - KNOW THAT YOU are incredibly needed and appreciated! Not only today, but all the other days of the year!

Thank you for your love, energy, time, attention and lessons to us in this world!



Shield of Protection I met this young one in Namibia, out on a morning stroll with Mum! Watched him trotter along to explore the world while parking the job of safety squarely on Mum's shoulders! A responsibility he will only later in his life learn the weight of! When we are children, we often drea...

I met this young one in Namibia, out on a morning stroll with Mum! Watched him trotter along to explore the world while ...

I met this young one in Namibia, out on a morning stroll with Mum! Watched him trotter along to explore the world while parking the job of safety squarely on Mum's shoulders! A responsibility he will only later in his life learn the weight of! When we are children, we often dream of being an adult, so that we can do all the "fun" adult things like making our own decisions. However, only once you grow up, do you learn to appreciate the shield of a parent ushering you into life.

Here's to the Mums and the Dads who kept us safe until we could manage ourselves!

Yours in capturing YOU, Leonie

INNOCENT EYESI came across these two young Ovambo (or Herero woman) in Swakopmund in Namibia. Meeting them and asking th...


I came across these two young Ovambo (or Herero woman) in Swakopmund in Namibia. Meeting them and asking their permission to take a photo felt incredibly awkward to my western mind. More so with my husband standing behind me. Showcasing our complete nonsense programming around nature, nudity and our undressed state. These girls were so beautiful and pure! Owning their beauty and really had no issue to stand bare before dressed Westerners. In a way, I wish I was as empowered as them to own my body with all it's kinks and bumps!

They were so pure and totally oblivious to what makes our metal brain algorithms go crazy. They just smiled at me with the kindest smile - boasting their tribal decorations and what is left of their youth.

I try to be respectful to them and keep the algorithms happy by blurring the necessary, but I think these images blown up with a beautiful frame will be such an incredible statement piece in someone's home!

There was nothing but beauty to see in their faces. I imagined for a minute what the weight of their muddied hair might be, way to complicated and dusty a hairdo for me. But I still find their beauty fascinating and I would love to go back to do a proper shoot with 3 or 4 of these girls. My creative brain has plenty of ideas to showcase their beauty in yet other and unique ways!

I absolutely love how they own their bodies and femininity it such a unique way. Namibia's landscape is a hard landscape to survive in, yet they bring a beautiful feminine softness with their nurturing energy.

Yours in capturing YOU, Leonie Jordaan

THE FLAMBOYANCE OF FLAMINGOSLast year June we visited Swakopmund in Namibia. I’ve been to Namibia before but somehow thi...


Last year June we visited Swakopmund in Namibia. I’ve been to Namibia before but somehow this trip was different. Not only did I cover more ground and see more of the natural diversity this neighboring country boasts, but I also connected more with the animal kingdom this time.

Out of all the animals we came across, the Flamingos by far charmed me the most. I took one morning and sat for almost five hours observing them treading water for water insects, crustacea and pretty much anything suitable to their palate.

What surprised me the most of that morning, was the incredibly sense of peace I felt next to this flamboyance of flamingos. Their quiet communal breakfast, everyone flying in and out at their own pace and leisure. There was a peaceful rhythm in the picture in front of me. As much as I felt outside it, I also felt a part of them.

In their peaceful, inconspicuous way, they taught me about UNITY.

Yours in capturing YOU, Leonie Jordaan

OFFERINGSDuring a recent visit to Grand Bassin in Mauritius, I captured this beautiful altar display of someone's offeri...


During a recent visit to Grand Bassin in Mauritius, I captured this beautiful altar display of someone's offering to the gods.

We as humans have always known that there are powers and principalities around and outside us. Some of us have embraced this knowledge and power, and some have scoffed it aside as make belief and fairy tales. Those whom embraced this sacred search, have forever been looking for ways to connect with and appease the gods.

Reality is, it all belongs to the Gods - the question is which God(s) and whose God? There is very little we can do to win their favour, much less through bananas and flowers (that we got from nature in any way). But somehow, man knows that magick comes from sacrifice. Sacrifice of the big and small. Sometimes our next meal, sometimes our belief system, something personal and sometimes, something we are quite attached to.

The question becomes, how desperate are you to create that magick or change? What is that change worth to you?

Sometimes what we have to put on the altar is easy. Easily replaceable. Sometimes not. And it is in the "nots" that the great and brave ones of eternity are revealed. What is that line that you will not cross? How close will you come to it?

Yours in capturing YOU, Leonie Jordaan

HOLY DUCKDuring a recent visit to Grand Bassin in Mauritius, I captured this duck paying its spiritual homage at the sac...


During a recent visit to Grand Bassin in Mauritius, I captured this duck paying its spiritual homage at the sacred lake: Ganga Talao, representing holy waters for the Hindu people living outside the famous Ganges River area of India.

This lake became holy when a priest infused water from the Ganges River into this pool of water, thereby connecting it to this famous body of water. From there, it became a special gathering place for people who want to worship the sacred Gods and Goddesses from the Hindu pantheon.

With only the animal life and tokens of blessings and prayers being able to immerse itself in these waters, I'm sure this is a Holy Duck. We were lucky enough to dip our feet into it's healing waters while rain started pouring out around us. We were lucky in the fact that it was quite a quiet day with very few visitors to this very popular place of prayer. I could sit there and watch the waters all day long.

A truly magickal visit to a sacred place and for sure one place on the island that I will one day return to.

Yours in capturing YOU, Leonie Jordaan

HANUMAN - SPIRITUAL TRADITIONSI am fascinated by Spirit. Humans, who are in essence, spiritual beings having a physical ...


I am fascinated by Spirit.

Humans, who are in essence, spiritual beings having a physical experience. But sometimes, we get so caught up in that physicality - that it starts to impose limitations or limited thinking on us.

This is something that I think most religions have created for us. Amnesia to make us behave in a certain way, according to someone's agenda or direction, instead of having a deep relationship with Spirit (or God) on our own.

I am more for having a personal, direct experience of Spirit. From that, one can open to all possibilities, potential and aspects of God (Spirit).

One such deity whom I've had the honor of having a direct experience with, is Lord Hanuman. Fierce protector, he warns of eminent danger and he crawls over obstacles to protect those whom he loves. According to some Hindu traditions he is an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Quite the boots to fill as Lord Shiva is both as strong, as he is attractive and the divine masculine of his dear lady - Shakti.

I have learned a lot from having close experiences with Lord Hanuman: some from travels, some through people I've met. Hanuman - the God of wisdom, strength, courage, devotion and self-discipline. From each encounter, I've learned about these qualities that exist within myself. I've drawn inspiration from this archetype and energy and I've learned to accept love and safety to flow to and from this deity to me.

I have learned that I myself am but a mere reflection of all that exists around me. And if you look carefully, you can learn something from everyone and everything around you.

Yours in capturing YOU, Leonie Jordaan

THE EYE OF SPITZKOPPE - NAMIBIAOn a trip to Namibia last year, I managed to capture this image of some tourists, visitin...


On a trip to Namibia last year, I managed to capture this image of some tourists, visiting Spitzkoppe.

The girls seemed happy, wild and free - able to breathe and express their joy- while touring a vast landscape and just being young and alive.

There is something about Namibia, especially the area around Spitzkoppe that is so peaceful and liberating. It's hard to describe in words. No wonder international stars have fallen in love with this dry patch of coastal land. From these mountains, an ancient song of our origins were sung by shamans of indigenous tribes. Sadly some of the evidence painted on the rocks were pillaged by greedy Europeans before they were stopped by the Namibian government.

Namibia treated me with an albeit harsh welcome and rude awakening at first, but somewhere between the dust, corrugated gravel roads and dusky sunsets, I fell in love with this purity and I'm already planning my next trip to go back.

Abstract is not really a genre that suites Namibia (or at least in my mind) - but on this image I kind of like how we as humans are the apple of God's eye. We are all part of God's reflection here on earth. For centuries, humans have forgotten what that means.

Yours in capturing YOU, Leonie Jordaan

MAURITIUS - REFRESH YOUR SOUL!I am just back from a working holiday in Mauritius and I must say: My souleth rejoiceth! 😅...


I am just back from a working holiday in Mauritius and I must say: My souleth rejoiceth! 😅😅😅

It was not my first time to the island, but compared to the previous visit, this trip was nothing short of MAGICKAL! We've spent so much time with our Mauritian friends who took special care to show us the island, it's people and GLORIOUS foods!

I don't think I've ever eaten anything more delicious than a pineapple, topped with tamarind sauce, salt and a dash of chillie!! It became our staple and we tried to find a local vendor by every beach and market we visited!

This was a spectacular moment captured during a spectacular waterfall hike with my friend and colleague, Melonie Laraine. That water was every bit as needed and refreshing as it looks on this picture! I absolutely love it and it is so characteristic of my photography style! I feel the rejuvenation in this photo!

Yours in capturing YOU, Leonie Jordaan

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!May you fall in love with YOU again!Love, Leonie xoxo


May you fall in love with YOU again!

Love, Leonie xoxo

GORDONS BAY SUNNY SKIES (12/02/2024)The only way I can describe Gordons Bay today is: HAPPY. Everyone, everything looked...


The only way I can describe Gordons Bay today is: HAPPY. Everyone, everything looked and felt happy!

Whilst I took clients to the harbour wall for a quick photoshoot, I managed to capture these light and hearty "filler" shots!

Feel free to tag any people you know!

GORDONS BAY FIRE SKIES - TONIGHT! (08/02/2024)My 13 year old daughter started this tradition that we call Sunset Chaser ...


My 13 year old daughter started this tradition that we call Sunset Chaser Club - every evening (especially in summer), we'll watch the skies to try to predict if it was going to be a killer sunset. We have this standing joke that pretty much whenever I don't have my camera gear with me, it turns out to be a spectacular sunset!

I am yet to outsmart Murphy on this!

But every evening around an hour before the sun is due to set, we are ready to get into the truck and down to the beach!

I am acutely aware that my time with my children will one day run out. I know that soon (too soon!), they will be moving out and make their own way in life.

But till then, I will get in the car with them and chase as many sunsets and as many bioluminescent beaches as I can find!

Tonight we almost missed the sunset! But it was still dramatic and we made it all the way out to Grille Shack! Grille Shack before we turned back home.


If you are a photographer.... can we just take a moment to bow down in praise of the INCREDIBLE easy to use features of the new Lightroom updates?? Thank you!

SVETLANA ILUSTIN - RUSSIAN ROYALTY - INDOOR LOCATION SHOOTHow do I explain the heart of this Russian beauty? Honestly, a...


How do I explain the heart of this Russian beauty? Honestly, anything I try to think of, sounds so dull and empty, compared to the vibrant being that she is! I've known Svetlana for a couple of years and one of her BEST qualities is her honesty!

Some of her first words to me were: Oh my God you are awesome!!! You are not nearly as bad as people say you are!!!!! Off course, hearing those words from someone who I felt "saw me" instead of listening to stupid gossip, was priceless. The feeling of her warm love and hug in a time when my heart was shattered to pieces, was the best medicine anyone could hope for. And over the years, the two of us has been each other's confidant and "go to", many many times. Especially when life gets tough.

What I love about her is that she is the tiniest, most feminine, little petite lady - but when she opens her mouth and she speaks... YOU SIT UP AND LISTEN! I suspect it's mostly because of that heavy accent that still, after many years of living in South Africa with her husband, hasn't subsided. She still sounds pretty much like she is telling off a naughty child when she speaks to you!

Svetlana is honest, straight forward and refreshingly forth coming with all her good and all her shady parts (yes we all have those, if you think you don't you are in denial!!). And there, right there, I've managed to ''channel" pretty much words that could have come out of her mouth verbatim!

Not only is she incredibly beautiful, but dynamic, funny and kind! And when she's got your back honey, let me tell you SHE"S GOT YOUR BACK!

There is not an inauthentic bone in her body! The world needs more Svetlana's. Goddess, I love and honor you from the depth of my heart! Thank you for the honor of being able to capture your beauty for your new website!

May you THRIVE and receive the joy you so freely hand out to others!

Love you x1000 times over in this life and beyond!

Hair and Makepup: by the exquisite

GORDONS BAY FIRE SKIES - TONIGHT! (01/02/2024)The burgandy fire with a dash of white and blue!  Something quite extraord...


The burgandy fire with a dash of white and blue! Something quite extraordinary about the texture of the skies at the moment!

I am so glad I was close to my camera for these shots tonight!

GORDONS BAY FIRE SKIESThe fire skies last night. Ominous, dark, broody - this sunset is a scary reminder of the terrible...


The fire skies last night. Ominous, dark, broody - this sunset is a scary reminder of the terrible tribulation of our neighboring town, Pringle Bay. Our thoughts are with those who suffered loss - and also with the wild/animal life who is completely left over to the grace of God.


36 Dressage Close, Firlands Park
Hout Bay


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