Seth Rukato will be representing Zimbabwe at the Rok Cup Super-Finals taking place 15 to 19 Oct in Italy!
#kart #karting #superfinal #rokcup #RokCup
Travel tips by Maddox Mason who will be competing at the Rok Cup Super-Final in Italy!
Like and follow to see his progress!
#karting #kartinglife #kartingtime #kartinglovers #kartingracing
Amani Kinyua will be competing at the Rok Cup Super-Final in Italy 15 to 19 Oct.
Like and follow to see his progress!
#karting #kartinglife #kartingtime #kartinglovers #kartingracing
Mattao Mason will be competing at the Rok Cup Super-Final in Italy 15 to 19 Oct.
Like and follow to see his progress!
#karting #kartinglife #kartingtime #kartinglovers #kartingracing
Logan Billau will be competing at the Rok Cup Super-Final in Italy 15 to 19 Oct.
Like and follow to see his progress!
#karting #kartinglife #kartingtime #kartinglovers #kartingracing
Aashay Nagura will be competing at the Rok Cup Super-Final in Italy 15 to 19 Oct.
Like and follow to see his progress!
#karting #kartinglife #kartingtime #kartinglovers #kartingracing
Aaron Mason will be competing at the Rok Cup Super-Final in Italy 15 to 19 Oct.
Be sure to like and follow us to keep up to date with Aaron's progress!
#karting #motorsport #supportyouthsports
Aaron Mason will be competing in Italy at the Rok Cup Super-Final in the Mini Rok class!
#motorsport #kartinglife #kartinglovers #Motorsport
Cecil Koorts, representing Rok Cup Namibia, is competing in the Mini Rok division at the Rok Cup Super-Final in Italy. He also participated in the inaugural African Karting Cup, which was held in February 2024 in South Africa.
@vortexrokofficial | @cecil_koorts
#motorsport #kartinglovers #kartinglife
Meet Rudi Schussler - Celebrating his 17th Birthday today!!!
As the excitement mounts with only a couple of weeks remaining, 20 of our South African competitors will face off against some of the world's finest drivers at the Rok Cup Super-Final from the 15-19 October, South Garda Karting Lonato, Italy.
Live Timing:
@vortexrokofficial | @motorsportsa | @kartingsouthafrica | @redstarraceway_official
#Motorsport #kartinglife #supportyouthsports #kartinglovers
Max Boshoff is the inaugural winner of the African Karting Cup in the Mini Rok category. While competing for victories on the racetrack, he is also excelling in martial arts, having recently earned his black belt in karate during a grading in Japan as well as securing 3rd in the SA Karate Kumite Championship.
#kartinglife #Motorsport #supportyouthsports