Karabo Bambula Soon to be known as Karabo Paintings is a 18 Year Old still attending High School Doing Grade 11 at MOM Seboni Located at Duduza in the City of Ekurhuleni East Side of Johannesburg.
Karabo Paintings Was Born at Heidleberg Ratanda where his parents realized something was Different with their Child when he started Drawing amazing Sketches on his Drawing Book from a Very young Age , Investing In a child’s talent should Be considered as a Priority as Paints were bought for Karabo to Sharpen up his skill embarking into Different Ralms if practicing his Artistry.
As the Art grew in him “Karabo Paintings” the Brand Commencement and the first paying job came in from the Local Super Market owner that took note of the Available talent in the area reaching out for a watermark painting outside his shop for Branding and he knew who was the right person for that kind of a Job.
Getting inspiration from the Best Artists In the World on Weekends Karabo started selling his Potraits to a White Community outside Heidleberg Mall where he got a lot of Support and was convinced that with his own Art he can make a Living as He sold more than 15 of his Paintings And Was Also encouraged to paint More ...then 2017 was another year of Growth for this Talented Young man when he embarked into The Fashion Side Of Things When Fabrics Came into the Picture and Amazing Different Anime charactors were printed on Clothes using Paints that produced beautiful Results opening up more opportunities of Growth and Exposure for Karabo .
Relocating to Duduza For the First Time Karabo Paintings was Invited by the Fastest Growing Fashion Event “D.U.B.E” (Duduza United Brands Experience) to dress Models showcasing his Amazing by Hand paint Printing of different Designs that People who are in Love with Anime characters could Choose From when placing orders.
🔴Wall Paintings (Home Decoration)
🔴Home Graphic Painting
🔴Business Logo Painting
🔴Fashion Anime Characters on Fabric (Custom /New)
🔴On Paper Sketches
🔴Day Care Anime Character Painting
To Enquirer You Can Call /WhatsApp
📱+27 84 613-3964
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