Joh. Causion - long post🙈
Where or which date do i begin at 🤔.
It has been a whilllllllle since i posted, Alottt has happened.
Busy... nope, dont even know that word... try overworked and underpaid🤣🤣🤣.
I have been under the radar since my Olaf passed and its been lets say, very emotional. I saw a memory on fb the other day as i was going to post my work, but needless to say, just couldnt. So lets try today.
Embrace yourselves my people. Its really a rollercoaster slippery slide kinda post. 🤪.
So in this 3 weeks i have been overworked.
Farewells baptisms ALOT of birthdays high tea's graduations a funeral an engagement and a church thanksgiving.
Sjoe. 🙄.
So a recap a birthday for Zach who turned 4, he had two celebrations, one at school and one at home.
He had cupcakes and party cups for school and the main cake with cupcakes and candy floss for home.
A 2nd birthday photo shoot with a Dino cake and cupcakes.
Then a high tea, savoury boxes and fancies.
2 birthday celebrations on the same day, i made 400 fancies.
A birthday celebration the next day and the entire order had to be ready at 7.30am🙈.
No guessing what time i had to start with those savouries hey.. u guessed correct, 3am 🥱.
On the same day above, another savoury and fancies order for a 1st birthday.
An engagement, fancies was needed. This order was put in "today for tomorrow"🫠.
A baptism, i didnt even take photos of this order. It travelled all the way to Jansenville.
Frozen savouries fancies the baptism cake with cupcakes, hopefully i will get a photo of this order from the mom 🤷♀️.
Same day as above, a graduation, now this was alottt. Savoury boxes, savoury platters galore and fancies. Sjoe. I was in my 🥩chops🙈.
A birthday she ordered fancies.
Then a funeral, order had to be ready for collection at 9.30am to be at church 10am. Joh... i made it, i still dont know how.. but i got through it.
A thanksgiving, i gained a new client, all the way from Rustenburg😊. She ordered fancies.
Then a high tea/graduation where the clients table was 50 shades of pink.🩷
In between the above, our TNR (trap neuter return) program was not affected by my workload, we fed our ferals religiously, i had one of my ferals euthanised, she was sick beyond repair, i had many cats sterilised during the above, i had my Olaf euthanised as well, still cant believe it, i picked up deceased animals on the road, gave them a decent send off instead of becoming part of the road 😭.
I had one of my ferals tested for FIV & FELV, he suffers from something we cant figure out yet, but on treatment, then one other feral had an op. She fractured her hind leg/hip. And the one day i got to sleep late, on a Sunday morning at 5.30 am, faadiel calls me to come help him, he rescued a mommy and her 4 puppies from a rubbish dump.
I also was out of transport for a week.
I am sick, Acute Bronchitis, Laryngitis and eye infection, but
I give credit to Hana, my daughter, she decorated 650 six hundred and fifty fancies UNSUPERVISED‼️.
I would never have gotten through all of the above without her help. Not while i am sick.
She deserves a standing ovation. 👏👏👏👏
She is part of the reason why i was on time with these orders.
When Allah blessed me, he blessed me with her. Ameen.
I am beyond grateful. Thank you for your support