Giving Back to Some1 in Need not only benefits their life, but also does something for the person giving or sponsoring it for them. It helps you feel better, like your making a difference, not only that, it opens up doors for you and for the person that you are helping.
Many people cannot afford to have a graduation celebration, or 21st, maybe an orphan who does not have parents cannot have a matric farewell, or a person who is always doing so much for other people in the community, but no1 ever does something to say thank you to that person for all they are giving from themselves.
As human beings we have to care more for one another... we have to give more, so that we can receive more.
PEOPLE DONT RECEIVE BECAUSE THEY DONT GIVE, its a Universal principle, what you sow, you reap...what you plant as a seed of giving this season or year, wil determine the harvest that you will be reaping...in future, or next year to come...
Look and ask God, for some one that you can bless this year, dont count the cost, save and ask others to help, in the end, you will be the 1 most blessed....
This year, For my Birthday, i chose to give a birthday to some1 else on my birthday... as a gift... how about you?
Do something small for some1 else, on your special day, spread the love, sharing is caring....