"Oh no, there was a quibble. Little Johnny said hurtful things, and now your little one is upset because a friend was mean to them. As a parent, you want to take all the pain and sadness away. Let’s be honest; the thought crosses your mind to give the kid a talking-to who hurt your baby but know that is not the best idea."
According to Big Heart Toys quoted above, the best ways to deal with the issue of mean playmates with small children are the following:
🧸 helping your child(ren) to understand and name/describe their own emotions in their own words
🧸use empathy to validate those emotions and model it to help them understand the feelings of others
🧸empower your child(ren)to use their voice and words in circumstances they find challenging or hurtful
🧸let your child(ren) know it's okay to walk away and refuse to play.
Read the full article here:
https://bighearttoys.com/blogs/emotional/what-to-say-to-your-child-when-friends-are-mean-4-tips #:~:text=Tell%20Them%20That%20It's%20Okay%20To%20Walk%20Away&text=Then%20we%20sometimes%20forget%20to,play%20with%20you%20right%20now.