Imperfect Perfection

Imperfect Perfection The Wedding venue where time isn't measured by clocks, but by moments. You are choosing hundreds of hours, experimentation, blood sweat and tears.

Imperfect Perfection since 2007: “When you are choosing Imperfect Perfection you are choosing more than just a venue. You are choosing days, weeks, months and years of frustration, time, passion and heart. You are not just choosing a venue, you are choosing a piece of heart, part of soul and moment of someone’s life. Most of all you choosing time to have time to feel the day, enjoy the time with family and friends – you are selecting a place where time is not measured by clocks but by moments. “

Coming SOON! I love these photos but am completely besotted with this building.  One of the things that I am the proudes...

Coming SOON! I love these photos but am completely besotted with this building. One of the things that I am the proudest of is that at Imperfect Perfection Venue we are committed to being an excellent original version of ourselves and refuse to be a mediocre copy of someone else.
What we have at Imperfect Perfection can't be copied and can't be duplicated, because every door frame window frame, and brick is handpicked. Some are gifted by people who see the value of something for someone else they no longer have value for, but these people are respectful and aware of preserving and would rather gift it or sell it to someone who can use it and treasure it. One man's trash is another's treasure. We are proudly repurposing upcycling and nurturing a culture of sustainability. This building will soon be available for any function or event, where you would need the bare minimum because we offer a wealth of options.. RAW BEAUTY AND AUTHENTICITY. Imperfect Perfection where time isn't measured by clocks but by moments, moments where we refuse to be dictated to as to what we should love, how we should look, and what we should do by social media. Keeping true to whom we are 18 years down the line..........sticking to being an excellent version of ourselves rather than a mediocre copy of someone else. Thank you, Sugar and Spice Photography for the amazing photos. Odette Monique Prinsloo make-up and hair. Our beautiful model Charli Vosloo

Johan en Anya. Verskeidenheid en ankers.  Vir ons is dit sekerlik die grootste voorreg om geseënd te wees om te werk met...

Johan en Anya. Verskeidenheid en ankers. Vir ons is dit sekerlik die grootste voorreg om geseënd te wees om te werk met soveel verskillende mense. Dit klink na so ‘n cliché, maar ons is ontsettend dankbaar dat die paartjies wat Imperfect perfection kies, uit verskillende wêrelde kom en dat ons van kunstenaars en akteurs tot akademikuste , ingenieurs, ambagsmanne, en mense van “all walks of life” hier kry. Een ding wat regtig uitstaan van Imperfect Perfection paartjies is dat hulle beslis nie konformiste is nie, en dat hulle nie bang is om hulself te wees nie. Jongmense wat weet wat hulle wil hê, wat al ‘n paar draaie in die lewe gestap het, en wat werklik almal uitmuntend is in alles wat hulle doen. Almal wat by ons trou is mense met ongelooflike waardes en werklik mense wat in hul werke presteer en ‘n verskil maak. Middelmatig is beslis geen bruidspaar wat by Imperfect Perfection trou se standaard nie, hulle almal hardloop verby die wenstreep en gryp die lewe. Met Anya en Johan het ons ‘n paartjie leerken wat op hul stil manier besluite neem, en alles wat hulle doen en beplan met groot oorleg doen. In ons almal se lewens is sekerlik een van die grootste gawes, mense wat ons anker, en terselfdertyd vlerke gee om te wees en te word wat ons moet wees en word. In Anya en Johan se lewens is daar sterk ankers, en ek weet dat hierdie twee mense hoog gaan vlieg, met hulle voete nederig op die grond. Ek d**k as ouers kinders kan grootmaak wat nie voete van klei het nie, wat gewortel genoeg is om beide die sukses en die teleurstelings van die lewe te kan hanteer, is dit susksevolle ouerskap. Anya het by ons opgedaag met haar klein figuurtjie en ons harte kom steel, en sy was nog mooier op hul troudag. Wat ‘n voorreg om deel te kon wees van hierdie twee ongelooflike mense se troudag. Dankie Anya en Johan dat julle imperfect Perfection gekies het, Imperfect perfection waar tyd nie gemeet word aan horlosies nie, maar oomblikke, oomblikke waar ons ‘n stappie terug neem, omdat ons weet ons staan op heilige grond. Ons sê tot weersiens vir Johan en Anya, ons hoop om julle gou weer hier by Imperfect perfection te sien. Julle het met jul besluit om hier te trou, ook deel geword van ons Imperfect Perfection familie, en hierdie plek sal altyd hier wees vir julle, om na toe terug te kom, want julle het jul eie anker hier kom gooi, die anker van liefde en wonderlike herhinneringe.

With couples, like Coert and Shayle, there is never enough time. You always want another cup of coffee and another oppor...

With couples, like Coert and Shayle, there is never enough time. You always want another cup of coffee and another opportunity to "just do it again". You always want them to stay a bit longer and time to pass a bit slower when they are around. There are so many moments that I hang onto, for my sake, because it is couples like Coert and Shayle that remind us again why we have chosen to do this job. We love full circles because it gives us a bit of a repeat, replay and that amazing opportunity to just feel that awesome feeling again. I have seen couples that have suffered pain or loss in their families, just find a way to be more thankful and to enjoy a lot more in life. It is almost like they have been gifted with an attitude of gratitude. When there is a family member who has suffered illness and fighting daily battles to survive, there is a different type of feeling all around, one of savoring moments and grabbing opportunities, and realizing that THIS is as good as it gets. Almost a year after their wedding, many miracles have happened, and my heart bounces with joy. All we can do for a couple such as Coert and Shayle is to pray that they will continue to be as thankful as they are because gratitude is what gives hope, and hope is what gets us through most things. They visited us again on Saturday at our wine tasting. We were so spoiled to have them here, to get the opportunity to look at the joy in their faces and to celebrate life with them. Thank you Coert and Shayle and all your friends and family for bringing so much inspiration to us, you taught us to seize the day, to take nothing for granted, and to be grateful for small things. Your excitement even a year after your wedding, is heartwarming and absolutely breathtaking. Imperfect Perfection where time isn't measured by clocks but by moments, moments, where clients become family and their happiness, becomes our treasure. Thank you Coert and Shayle for making a trip to bring us your photos on a stick, it is such an amazing gift to be able to share your photos. Thank you Chantelle Loots Photography for the most beautiful photos. 4Eva Industries4Eva Industries makeup and hair. . Chantelle Loots Photography 4Eva Industries

Niëll en Angelique. Wat ‘n fees! Pieter Pieters, dis die eerste keer wat ek dekor fotos ontvang 2 dae na ‘n troue wat ek...

Niëll en Angelique. Wat ‘n fees! Pieter Pieters, dis die eerste keer wat ek dekor fotos ontvang 2 dae na ‘n troue wat ek kan deel op ons sosiale platforms. Hierdie fotos is so asemrowend. Ek kan nie wag vir die res nie. Wat ‘n ongelooflike ervaring. Ons het soveel liefde ontvang van elke gas, ons bruidspaar en familie. Die verskaffers is met die hand gekies en een karaktereienskap wat ons almal gedeel het, was om vreugde te vind in wat ons doen. Dit was so lekker om saam met almal te werk. ‘n Troue is ‘n somtotaal van soveel goed. Ons vind groot vreugde in dit wat ons met die oog kan sien, maar nog soveel meer as ons dit met ons harte kan voel. Ek sê altyd vir ons span, daar is baie venues, baie geboue, baie asemrowende plekke, maar net ons eie voetspoor, hoe ons met mense werk, hoe ons hulle dien, en hoe ons hulle geliefd laat voel, wat ons sal onderskei van ander venues. Mens kan alles in die lewe dupliseer, van meubels, tot vensterrame, maar nie mense nie, jy kan nie die kern van elke mens dupliseer nie. As iemand sou vra wat maak Imperfect Perfection anders, dan sou ek sê, die span wat ons het, ons is mense met ‘n hart vir ander mense, ons deel een gemeenskaplike waarde, om alles wat ons doen te doen tot eer van God. Ons herhinner onsself elke dag daaraan, dat wanneer ons die Koningkryk eerste soek, sal alles anders bygevoeg word, ons doen ons deel en God doen die “magic”. Ons paartjie Niëll en Angelique met hulle gaste was ‘n klomp vrolike mense, wat gekom het om hierdie twee se troue te geniet, en dit was ‘n FEES! Dankie Angelique en Niëll vir die voorreg om deel te kon wees van jul mooiste dag, mag julle altyd soek na die humor en lag wanneer dinge verkeerd loop, want dis die knope in die tou wat ons soms tot bo laat klim! Imperfect Perfection waar tyd nie gemeet word aan horlosies nie, maar aan oomblikke, oomblikke waar ‘n pa en dogter mekaar omhels met trane en soveel emosie, waar ‘n ma en seun dans, en hy in haar oor die woorde van die liedjie sing, en waar die bruid die ruiker skeef gooi, en ‘n gas op ‘n tafel dit vang. Cake by Herkie Jacobs Ongekompliseerd perfek. Pieter Pieters Photography VlakVark Productions Vinique Deuer Imperfect Perfection

Uit die boks. Charl en Carla. As ek vir Carla kan aanhaal: “Hoe swarter hoe beter” , Carla is versot op swart. Soos met ...

Uit die boks. Charl en Carla. As ek vir Carla kan aanhaal: “Hoe swarter hoe beter” , Carla is versot op swart. Soos met elke paartjie bly ons, al is ons verlief en verlore , twee mense met ons eie idees. Charl is die oorsaak vir die kleur in die troue. Wanneer twee mense bymekaar gebring word wat so dieselfde is maar tog so verskillend, dan kry ons ‘n prentjie van perfekte harmonie.
Kahlil Gibran het geskryf in sy boek the Prophet: We were born together and together we shall be forever more, but let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of heaven dance between you. Dit is so belangrik dat paartjies mekaar ten volle omhels maar terselfdertyd mekaar se individualisme vier. Ons bly steeds ons eie mens, met ons eie identiteit en in saamwees, leer ons van mekaar en ons leer bietjie mekaar se mannerismes en gewoontes aan, ons raak ‘n mengelmoes van twee mense, maar nie so verstrengel in mekaar om nie steeds ons eie menswees en drome te soek, en te koester nie.
Carla en Charl is totaal en al toegewyd aan mekaar om die beste weergawe te wees van hulself. Hulle kom uit die gasvryheidsbedryf en het presies geweet wat hulle wou hê. Hulle het Imperfect Perfection se ROYAL pakket gekies wat hulle kon toelaat om rond te speel met die spyskaart, sodat hulle kon eet waarvan hulle hou en so bietjie kon verander aan die Canapes.
Ons is mal daaroor as ons paartjies kry wat ons druk om buite ons gemaksone te funksioneer, om goed anders te doen as altyd, want dis hoe ons leer en nuwe dinge bemeester en ons ook die beste weergawe van onsself word.
Charl en Carla, dis jul andersheid wat ons verbeeldings aangegryp het, dis julle egtheid wat ons totaal verlief op julle twee gemaak het, en dis julle braafheid om te wees wie julle is, wat ons geinspireer het met ekstra huppel in ons stap. Ons is baie lief vir julle en hoop om julle weer hier by Imperfect Perfection te sien.
Imperfect Perfection waar tyd nie gemeet word aan horlosies nie, maar aan oomblikke, oomblikke waar paartjies die spyskaart kry en hul eie voetspoor los, hul eie keuses maak, braaf genoeg is, om net te wees, wie hulle is, want hier by Imperfect Perfection, kom jy net soos jy is, net wie is jy is, en ons sal jou omhels. Ek sluit af met my eie aanhaling: “ I would rather be an excellent version of my crazy self, than a mediocre copy of someone else”

Photos by Bright Light Photo & Video SA

Experience an unforgettable day at Imperfect Perfection with an exclusive wine tasting with Truter Family Wines, venue v...

Experience an unforgettable day at Imperfect Perfection with an exclusive wine tasting with Truter Family Wines, venue viewings and bookings, and mouthwatering cheese platters.

🌿 Saturday, 31 August 2024
🌿 R 220 per couple
🌿 Contact: [email protected]

✨ WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT ✨We are thrilled to announce the winner of our giveaway including a styled engagement shoot and a ...


We are thrilled to announce the winner of our giveaway including a styled engagement shoot and a romantic dinner at Imperfect Perfection!

Congratulations to Amoré Malan (.malan) 💍 You have won:
🌿 A styled engagement shoot at our venue
🌿 A romantic dinner for you and your partner to enjoy
🌿 A venue viewing and consultation with our expert Wedding Coordinators

Kindly send us a message to claim your prize. Thank you to everyone who participated and stay tuned for more exciting giveaways and updates from Imperfect Perfection.

Imperfect Perfection has countless stunning photo spots, perfect for capturing the magic of your day 😍We love incorporat...

Imperfect Perfection has countless stunning photo spots, perfect for capturing the magic of your day 😍

We love incorporating your theme and colours into every aspect of your day. For this wedding, a whimsical white and green theme with natural elements was beautifully woven throughout, adding a personal touch to every detail 🌿 photos by Sugar & Spice Photography
Contact us today to book a venue viewing 🤍


Om amper n jaar terug te kyk op die lekkerste dag met die heel beste mense en vriende wat familie geword het, maak mens skoon nolstagies…dit voel soos gister.

Imperfect Perfection –dit was perfek, stresvry en besonders.
n Dag vol emosies met baie lag, baie huil, baie grappies, baie dans en n Amazing FLASH MOBS.

Lene o my aarde wat se mens van jou? Jy is n persoon wat in n oogwink soos familie geword het. n Persoon waarmee jy alle spesiale oomblikke kan deel, kan sit en stil raak, saam kan bid, en saam uitspatig kan lag.

Lene, jy is net ongelooflik! 'n Ware juweel wat soveel liefde en vreugde na ons troudag gebring het. Baie dankie dat jy elke tree van die beplannings proses saam ons was regdeur tot waar jy voor in die kerk gestaan het en die mooiste woorde oor ons gespreuk het tot waar ons vandag nog gereeld met jou chats kan bou oor die lewe.

Ons sal die herhindering jou woorde, advies en menswees viraltyd Koester.

Ons het jou lief.

Dankie aan die hele Imperfect Perfection span en familie julle is amazing en ons waardeer julle so baie.
Ps. Enige toekomstige bruid, as jy die perfekte plek en venue soek, hoef jy nie verder te kyk as Imperfect Perfection nie.
Jaun & Sune

🌿 A Heartfelt Thank You from Imperfect Perfection 🌿We are incredibly grateful for the kind words shared by our wonderful...

🌿 A Heartfelt Thank You from Imperfect Perfection 🌿

We are incredibly grateful for the kind words shared by our wonderful guests. Receiving testimonials like this one on Google means the world to us.

To all our wonderful guests, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for trusting us with your most cherished moments. Your kind words and feedback inspire our whole team to continually strive for excellence, making every event as perfect as possible.

For anyone planning their next celebration, we warmly invite you to discover the love and personal touches that make Imperfect Perfection so special. Come see for yourself how we can turn your dreams into unforgettable memories.

Book your venue viewing with us, today 🤍

"Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale." 💍✨At Imperfect Perfection, we lo...

"Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale." 💍✨

At Imperfect Perfection, we love making your special moments unforgettable. After your chapel ceremony, guests can enjoy canapés and welcoming drinks on our veranda and deck area. It's a wonderful space to relax, mingle, and soak in the joy of the day.

Our favourite part is designing dessert tables that add a special touch to your celebration 😍 Think of a beautiful spread filled with tasty pastries, cakes, and cheeses, all tailored to your wedding theme. It's a special way to bring that extra bit of detail to your day.

We look forward to helping you create a wedding day that feels like a fairy tale 🌿 Book your venue viewing with us, today-


"In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine." – Maya Angelou.

At Imperfect Perfection, your unique love finds its perfect home, surrounded by breathtaking scenery and thoughtful touches that make your day truly special 🤍

Contact us to book a viewing of our indoor and outdoor venue options 🌿

Strauss en Lesley 🤍Ek weet nou waar die woord “gentle giant” vandaan kom, nadat ons vir Strauss ontmoet het, het ons pre...

Strauss en Lesley 🤍

Ek weet nou waar die woord “gentle giant” vandaan kom, nadat ons vir Strauss ontmoet het, het ons presies verstaan hoe ‘n groot man met ‘n sagte hart lyk en optree. Lesley en Strauss is maklik twee van die saggeaardste mense wat ek nog ontmoet het.

Ek is mal oor die verskeidenheid. Ek is so dankbaar elke paartjie is anders en elkeen het hul unieke voetspoor. Ek is dankbaar vir verskillende smake en idees. Ek is dankbaar dat Lesley en Strauss Imperfect Perfection gekies het. Ek hammer baie daarop, maar hierdie keer was dit weer, ‘n troue waar ek myself moes knyp om te besef dat hierdie voor my oë gebeur.

Strauss en Lesley staan reg vir hul eerste dans, ek kyk af na Strauss se voete en sien hy het sy skoene uitgetrek. Hierdie groot man het besluit om kaalvoet met sy vrou te dans, want hy wil seker maak hy trap nie op haar tone nie. Ek d**k dis sekerlik een van die oulikste dinge wat ek nog ooit by ‘n troue gesien het. Strauss het ‘n saak met wie wat d**k, hy doen wat hy voel hy moet doen, om sy vrou te beskerm en om die beste dansmaat te wees vir haar.

Strauss en Lesley saam met hulle gaste het ons laat tuisvoel by ons eie plek. Ek d**k nog terug aan hulle kuier hier en word gevul met soveel dankbaarheid. Dis hoekom ons hierdie doen. Ek d**k die oomblikke wat ek die beste onthou van elke troue is die ROU oomblikke, die oomblikke waar mense nie hul trane kan keer nie, die oomblikke waar iemand lag dat almal anders aangesteek word om ook te lag.

Soms, sit ons die pot heel mis, om te d**k ons moet in ‘n boks pas en doen wat almal doen. Ons vra wat is die norm, hoe doen almal anders dit, terwyl ons vergeet dat dit ons voorreg as mense het, om ‘n keuse te hê oor hoe ons goed doen. Ons hoef nie soos almal te lyk en soos almal te doen nie, ons is VRY om te doen wat ons voel is goed en reg.

Die hartseer is dat ons nie meer weet wat is vir ons goed, reg en lekker nie, omdat ons gekondisioneer word deur sosiale media oor wat behoort goed, reg en lekker te wees. So as ons ‘n paartjie soos Strauss en Lesley kry wat besluit hulle doen wat vir hulle reg, goed en lekker is, dan is dit vir ons van voor af verfrissend, want dis elke paartjie se “opregte-self-wees” wat ‘n troue ‘n onvergeetlik maak.

Lesley en Strauss julle twee is asemrowend, julle het op jul eie manier kom trou hier by Imperfect Perfection. Vir iets en iemand om so onvergeetlik te wees, moet daar ‘n tikkie rou, hope opregtheid en sterk eie waarde by die troue wees. Dis so belangrik dat ons, onsself ag as mense wat geregtig is op ons eie identiteit, wat nie onder groepsdruk swig nie en wat keuses maak wat reg en goed is.

Ek d**k om kinders groot te maak wat onverskrokke hul eie identiteit omhels, is waarskynlik een van die grootste mylpale vir ouers, want dis ons nalentskap, en dan wanneer ons, sekere waardes in ons kinders inbou, gee ons vir hulle die geleentheid om dieselfde te doen in hul kinders. Dankie Strauss en Lesley vir die lekkerste troue saam met julle. Die was ‘n groot voorreg om julle te leer ken en te sien waar julle elkeen vandaan kom. Imperfect Perfection waar tyd nie gemeet word aan horlosies nie, maar aan oomblikke, oomblikke waar ‘n bruidegom sy skoene uittrek, om sy vrou se voete te beskerm, en oomblikke waar ons soms onsself stroop van iets soos skoene, om gemaklik te dans en saam te dans. Mag julle twee vir altyd kies om saam te dans, kaalvoet en onverskrokke, soos net julle twee dit kan doen 🤍

📸 Carolien and Ben Photography


Bold Black Simplicity 🖤

Paige & Gerrit's Wedding
Venue & Decor- Imperfect Perfection

We often hear brides say that they feel overwhelmed with the wedding planning process and that they don’t know where to ...

We often hear brides say that they feel overwhelmed with the wedding planning process and that they don’t know where to start their venue search most of the time…

While choosing a venue may feel like a hard choice to make, we usually encourage our future brides with the following advice: Choose a place that feels like home. Choose a place whose staff will bring your dreams to life. A wedding venue is not just a location decorated with a few “pretty things.” Your venue should reflect a small part of your heart with your partner. It is the beginning of something new, exciting, and beautiful, shared with the people you love most. It is a place you will look back on after many years, remembering how you felt more than the type of cutlery on the table or the colour of the chairs.

Here at Imperfect Perfection, we want our brides to look back at their wedding photos, knowing that every detail of their day was thought out and intentional. We want them to know that the staff at Imperfect Perfection knows the names of our couples and does whatever we can to make their day as special as possible. A wedding is not just a number on a spreadsheet for us. We cherish when couples return 5 or 10 years later to celebrate their anniversaries and show their children where they got married. But most of all, we love that couples that marry at Imperfect Perfection, choose a place that feels like home.

Feel free to contact us to book a viewing 🤍 We look forward to being part of your beautiful journey.

📸 Anne Grace Photography

Connect with the heart of Imperfect Perfection 🤍We are excited to announce that Imperfect Perfection has joined several ...

Connect with the heart of Imperfect Perfection 🤍

We are excited to announce that Imperfect Perfection has joined several new social media platforms! Follow us for updates, beautiful wedding inspiration, and behind-the-scenes moments on:

🌿 Instagram
🌿 Facebook
🌿 TikTok
🌿 Pinterest
🌿 LinkedIn
🌿 Linktree

We can't wait to share many more timeless moments with you!


Since 2007, Imperfect Perfection has offered more than just a venue; it's a piece of heart, a part of soul, and a precious moment of someone's life. By choosing us, you are choosing to truly experience every precious moment of your wedding day and enjoy it with family and friends 🤍

Imperfect Perfection is a place where time is not measured by clocks but by moments ✨️

Visit the following link to start planning your day 💍

Styled shoot: Fire and Grace 🤍 We had the opportunity to work with amazing service providers.  We call this shoot Fire a...

Styled shoot: Fire and Grace 🤍

We had the opportunity to work with amazing service providers. We call this shoot Fire and Grace, inspired by the coziness of winter and the Grace of God, that has brought us to this point by holding Imperfect Perfection in His hands and blessing us with the wonderful opportunity to work with like-minded service providers.

The song: He's Got the Whole World in His Hands... is symbolized by the cement hands we have used in the decor's set-up and in the standing together of service providers to take hands and do something magnificent. We are fired up for winter and celebrating beautiful winter weddings at Imperfect Perfection.

Thank you, Martin and Marelize Vintage Vows Wedding Photography for initiating this styled shoot and for the love that we see in every picture, Samantha Faaseen for the amazing make-up SF PRO Makeup, Veruska Uys for being such a beautiful person inside and out, our model. You were fearless and up for anything.

Imperfect Perfection- where time isn't measured by clocks but by moments, and where we know that when our pockets are empty we still have our hands to offer, to serve, and to love.

Shelton and Shelton Continue, decor and venue

Shelton and Shelton Continue, decor and venue

I do's Seelane en Dikeledi .....

I do's Seelane en Dikeledi .....

More of Dikeledi and Seelane by Legendz Media Imperfect Perfection venue and decor

More of Dikeledi and Seelane by Legendz Media Imperfect Perfection venue and decor

Mr. and Mrs. Mofokeng. Colorful and vibrant. When we met Seelane and Dikeledi we could tell they knew exactly what they ...

Mr. and Mrs. Mofokeng. Colorful and vibrant. When we met Seelane and Dikeledi we could tell they knew exactly what they wanted. We were so privileged to get to know this amazing couple. They are family orientated and as it is, life happens, even when we plan weddings, and they have suffered enormous losses during our planning process.
I still say that it is our pain and dark moments that bring the light to us. You can only truly celebrate the beauty of life when you have a taste of the darkness. It is our times of suffering that make us more interesting, more empathetic and humbler.
We know that what God has put together no-one can separate, and their challenges just brought them closer together. Dikeledi and Seelane both were blessed with the most amazing bridal party. Where life is so competitive and we all try to outdo each other, I loved being a witness to the pure hearts of the bridal party and their unconditional love. It is refreshing when people can celebrate with each other, where friends want the best for each other. Dikeledi and Seelane surrounded themselves with the most amazing people.
Dikeledi’s only requirement was that it had to be stunning, and she allowed us to color outside the lines with the décor. They chose bold colors and a lot of wood that created the most amazing photos. I battled to choose only eighty photos. There were so many I loved.
This was such a happy wedding, a real celebration that made me want them to stay a little longer and dance a little more. Thank you Seelane and Dikeledi for choosing Imperfect Perfection. Imperfect Perfection where time is not measured by clocks but by moments, moments where we dance as if no one is watching and where there is nothing wrong with making bold choices and with laughing until we cry. PHotos Legendz Media Venue perfection Decor Imperfect Perfection


Small Holding 160, Tiegerpoort, Pretoria East

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 07:00 - 11:00




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Our Story

Imperfect Perfection since 2007: “When you are choosing Imperfect Perfection you are choosing more than just a venue. You are choosing hundreds of hours, experimentation, blood sweat and tears. You are choosing days, weeks, months and years of frustration, time, passion and heart. You are not just choosing a venue, you are choosing a piece of heart, part of soul and moment of someone’s life. Most of all you choosing time to have time to feel the day, enjoy the time with family and friends – you are selecting a place where time is not measured by clocks but by moments. “

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