The most important goal for us in this business is to focus on excellent service to our guests in the tourism industry and to assist people in achieving their goals, uplifting them in difficult times. We seek to coach people on how to handle difficult situations in the hospitality industry and create opportunities for personal development for all our teams. We strive to maintain standards in the h
otels by taking hands with them in making sure that these standards are the same in all the grading you will find for hotels. As a single point-of-contact, we consolidate all our short and long-term outsourced labour activities in our quest to provide reliable and appropriate solutions and meeting all our clients’ requirements. At R&B Staffing Solutions Pty Ltd, our staff is the face of our business as we emphasize that in all our continuous research and development as well as our training programs. All this we do in order to be able to customize our services as a way to cater for the differences in our clients’ needs. Our policy is to ensure that whoever handles your needs is the best candidate in creating lasting first impressions as much as they must be able to deliver beyond the normally expected results. We seek to ensure that the clients:
Effectively manage their fixed recruitment costs by using pre-determined variable service costs instead
Enjoy the benefits of the best candidate quality and retention
Shorten the time lag between advertising a post and the time of hiring
Maximize control of their projects or functions through our customized management systems.