✍️I Girlfriend eRight for wena mawu mjita uyibona uma ungasebenzi, most yama cherry can't deal ne outie engaspani or ongenalutho because their life is mostly based on outside life competition. The reason why women hate each other is because they compete ngayo yonke into, ilowo ufuna ukuba muhle ukudlula omunye, and other one ufuna kuthiwe uncono nga something. ICherry that's committed in competing with other women AYISOZE yamelana nama challenges that comes with being in a relationship nomjita ongaspani.
If uneCherry that sticks with you when you're down and out UBUSISIWE boy bambelela kuleyongane. IFlop ngamajita is that if eseRight uyakhohlwa ilengane ebinawe through hard times nibone abancono. But iOutie ekhuliswe kahle kubo ayimlahli owayekhona kunzima idla naye noma konke sekulungile. Don't be excited ukudla nalaba abafike ibhodwe seliconsa amafutha ngoba mhla lisha kwaphela okungaphakathi bayobaleka bonke🤝🏿