Rev. Leon Marriage Officer Western Cape

Rev. Leon Marriage Officer Western Cape I am a marriage officer for civil marriages and civil unions. Hetero- and same-s*x weddings!

YOU NEED A MARRIAGE OFFICER?  I CAN HELP. I have been a registered marriage officer since 2006. I am registered to perfo...


I have been a registered marriage officer since 2006. I am registered to perform both civil marriages AND civil unions (same-s*x marriages). I specialize in big or smaller, but intimate wedding ceremonies at any wedding venue of your choice in the Garden Route area. I do all the necessary paperwork and personally submit the documents to The Department of Home Affairs. Your wedding must be legal. Your wedding must also be special. Therefore, you and I Tailor-make a wedding ceremony you always wanted: indoors or outdoors, formal, or informal, English, or Afrikaans, religious or non-religious but always a spiritual and inspirational ceremony. People from any church denomination are welcome. The price depends on the kilometers traveled to the wedding venue. I am registered to marry both hetero- and same-s*x couples.
Email: [email protected]
WHATSAPP NUMBER: +27 (0)72 400 5292
Rev. Leon.


What is an Antenuptial contract?  As a marriage officer, I often officiate couples who experience some degree of discomf...

What is an Antenuptial contract?

As a marriage officer, I often officiate couples who experience some degree of discomfort when it comes to getting married with an Antenuptial contract. Your wedding is one day but your marriage is forever. An Antenuptial contract is an agreement entered into between two parties before their marriage and is often referred to as a “prenuptial”.
Upon entering into the agreement, the parties agree to exclude the system of Community of Property from their marriage. Some refer to this as being married “Out of Community” of Property. There are two forms of Antenuptial contracts, those including Accrual and those excluding Accrual.
If you do not enter a valid notarized Antenuptial contract prior to your marriage, you are automatically married "In Community of Property".
The Antenuptial contract may also include a variety of terms and conditions, usually relating to the division of assets in the event of death or divorce.
During the marriage, each spouse will retain his or her separate property and will have complete freedom to deal with that property as he or she chooses.
This would not be the case if the parties were married without an Antenuptial contract, and as such, were married in Community of Property.
There is substantial protection in our law for spouses married according to an Antenuptial contract which protection is not afforded to people married in Community of Property.

Next time we will discuss the benefits, pros, and cons of having an antenuptial contract signed before you get married.

Contact me if you have any questions or need any guidance.

Love and Greetings,
Rev. Leon
WhatsApp or Phone Call: 072 400 5292
Email: [email protected]

Who is not allowed to get married by law?During the ceremony I ask the couple the following:  Do you know of any legal i...

Who is not allowed to get married by law?

During the ceremony I ask the couple the following: Do you know of any legal impediment against this marriage?
In other words, are there any legal reasons why you cannot get married to your bride? A personal vendetta or religious view will not be considered a legal reason for this marriage to be illegal. Here are some legal reasons why I will have to stop the ceremony and declare that the ceremony cannot continue. By law, I will have to send everyone home without the couple announcing it as “JUST MARRIED”.
Under South African marriage laws, the following persons cannot marry in South Africa:
(1) Those who are already married.
(2) Minors (i.e., those under the age of 18), unless they present written consent from parents, legal guardians, or the court, depending on the situation.
(3) Anyone suffering from severe mental disorders.
(4) Marriage between a father and daughter, a mother and son, a grandfather and granddaughter, a grandmother and grandson is illegal in South Africa3. The second group of blood relationships that are prohibited is if the parties are related to one another through a common ancestor and if one of them is related in the first degree to that common ancestor.

Love and Greetings,
Rev / Ds Leon Nel
Marriage Officer, Officiator, and Counselor
Relationship and Family Therapist
Rev Leon specializes in non-denominational, civil marriage, and civil union wedding ceremonies.

Phone Rev Leon: +27 72 400 5292
Email Rev Leon: [email protected]

SOUTH AFRICA HAS FOUR TYPES OF MARRIAGES!  Huge confusion exists regarding the options a couple has when they register t...

Huge confusion exists regarding the options a couple has when they register their marriage at home affairs. Yesterday a couple insisted I register their marriage as a civil union. It is, however, not possible. Below is a summary of the options available depending on how and under what circumstances you are getting married. I hope this will explain and clarify much of the confusion.
There are FOUR distinct types of marriages according to the Marriage Law in South Africa. As a registered marriage officer, I am legally registered to officiate two of the four types of marriages in South Africa, namely, a CIVIL UNION and a CIVIL MARRIAGE. Ensure you know the differences to find the correct marriage officer for your wedding.
ONE: What is a civil marriage?
It is a marriage that can only be entered into between a man and a woman.
A civil marriage will automatically be in a community of property, unless the persons enter an antenuptial contract indicating that the marriage will be out of community of property, with or without the accrual system.
TWO: What is a customary marriage?
It is a marriage entered into between a man and a woman, negotiated and celebrated according to the prevailing customary law in their community.
A customary marriage entered before 15 November 2000 is recognized as a valid marriage, however, it will be regulated in terms of the specific traditions and customs applicable at the time the marriage was entered.
A customary marriage entered after 15 November 2000 is recognized as a valid marriage and will receive full legal protection irrespective of whether it is monogamous or polygamous.
A monogamous customary marriage will automatically be in community of property unless it is stipulated otherwise in an antenuptial contract.
In a polygamous marriage, the husband must apply to the High Court for permission to enter such a marriage and provide the court with a written contract stating how the property in the marriage will be regulated (to protect the property interests of both the existing and prospective spouses).
THREE: What is a civil union?
It is a marriage entered between two persons of the same s*x.
A civil union will automatically be in community of property unless it is stipulated otherwise in an antenuptial contract.
FOUR: What is a religious marriage?
It is a marriage entered in terms of a religion such as the Islamic and Hindu faith.
Even though it is not recognized in South African law, some limited protection is granted to a religious marriage in the following instances:
a spouse may, upon the death of the other spouse, approach a Magistrate’s Court for a maintenance order against the deceased spouse’s estate,
a spouse may inherit in terms of the law of intestate succession (when a person dies with no Will), and spouses are protected against domestic violence.
A religious marriage must be treated as a marriage out of community of property without the accrual system.

Need Help or need a Marriage Officer to officiate your marriage?
Contact me:
+27 72 400 5292
[email protected]
Love and Greetings,
Rev Leon.


What is Antenuptial Contract WITH accrual?

Last week we discussed being married out of the community of property and having an Antenuptial Contract without accrual. These days, most couples, when they prefer to be married out of community of property, get married with an Antenuptial Contract WITH accrual. Each partner states the value of their respective assets at the beginning of the marriage. Thereafter any assets are shared 50/50. One can state that specific assets are excluded from the accrual, such as inheritance and donations.

Advantages of an Antenuptial Contract with accrual

1. You both share in the wealth accumulated during marriage

2. If each of you owned property before the marriage, it remains in your respective names

3. You each conduct your own independent financial affairs.

4. If one of you goes into debt, it cannot be claimed from the estate of the other

5. In the case of divorce, any assets made whilst married are shared – it doesn’t matter who acquired them; each partner’s current net asset value is calculated by subtracting all liabilities from assets

6. The antenuptial contract can be tailored to suit your needs

7. It protects the partner who remains at home to care for the family.

Let me and my legal team make sure your marriage sets off on the right foot with the antenuptial contract that protects your marriage best. “Till ONLY death do us part” you promise your spouse to be. Therefore, your Antenuptial Contract and Last Will and Testament must take hands. These two documents form the circle of protection surrounding the entire lifespan of your marriage. The beginning, and the end.

Contact me to not only officiate and register your marriage but also help you prepare for these two life-changing events of your marriage. The wedding day. The funeral day.

Love and Greetings
Rev. Leon

WhatsApp or Phone me: 072 400 5292

Email me: [email protected]

What is an Antenuptial Contract WITHOUT accrual?There are two types of antenuptial contracts should you wish to be marri...

What is an Antenuptial Contract WITHOUT accrual?
There are two types of antenuptial contracts should you wish to be married OUT of community of property. The first one is “WITHOUT ACCRUAL”, the other is “WITH ACCRUAL”. Today I will discuss Out of Community of Property WITHOUT ACCRUAL. Next week we will discuss WITH ACCRUAL.
WITHOUT ACCRUAL simply means that all assets and debt acquired before plus during the marriage remain separate throughout the course of the marriage. Assets are never shared, and each partner has a separate estate. Each partner has full contractual freedom to buy and sell his or her own assets without the signature of the other. If one of the partners becomes insolvent, creditors have no claim on the assets of the other partner. This type of contract is most often used by couples where the one or both parties have accumulated substantial assets prior to marriage and wish to protect those assets. The disadvantage of such an Antenuptial Contract WITOUT ACCRUAL, is that, in the case of death or divorce, you are entitled only to those assets you have accrued in your own name. The parent who chooses to stay at home to raise children will unfortunately also not be entitled to the assets accumulated by the other partner.
Love and Greetings,
Rev Leon
WhatsApp: 072 400 5292
Email: [email protected]

Physical Touch as the Fourth Language of Love must create Intimacy.   Husbands tend to see any physical and intimate tou...

Physical Touch as the Fourth Language of Love must create Intimacy.

Husbands tend to see any physical and intimate touching as foreplay to having s*x. In any marriage, there must also be daily non-intimate or non-s*xual touching.

One of the benefits of being in a relationship with someone whose language of love is physical touch: you can express love without having to speak, without having to do the dishes, or go out and buy a gift.

Physical touch is one of the easiest ways to be intimate with your partner and even though it is physical, it can create emotional intimacy.

Show Love Through Non-Intimate Touch

Physically touching your partner is one of the best ways to build a bridge and increase feelings of connectedness. When your partner gets home from work, you might kiss them or hug them, which can immediately release some of that day’s tension. These are simple but meaningful gestures.

Some non-intimate touches can lead to intimacy, but can be a great alternative for couples who are looking for ways to express non-s*xual love through physical touch:

Rubbing your partner’s back—When a friend is dealing with a difficult or upsetting situation, touching them is a normal reaction, and this form of touch can be just as effective in a romantic partnership. Rubbing your partner’s back, or massaging them, can signal to them that you’re there for them and that you love them. You can also rub their arm, their hand, or another part of the body. Just make sure you’re communicating with your partner and making sure they are comfortable with it.

Sitting side-by-side—Sitting close enough to be touching your partner is an effortless way to signal that you love them. You’re out to dinner or you’re at an event and you want to show your partner love, but don’t feel comfortable kissing them or holding their hand. Sitting with your hips or feet touching is a non-verbal way of connecting with your partner.

Tickling—Some individuals may not like to be tickled, but tickling is a physical expression of love. Not sure if your partner likes this? All you must do is ask. Communication is an integral aspect of any successful relationship, even if your love language is physical touch.

Notice when you argue or disagree with your partner, you often move physically away from them. It is not always easy to break the tension following an argument, but often the best way to reconnect is to close that physical distance and touch your partner.

You have heard of the phrase “makeup s*x.” Reconnecting physically with your partner can signal that the argument is over and that you’ve both moved on. However, not all couples want to be s*xually intimate following a fight. Hugging, kissing, or even holding hands can be just as meaningful.

Physical Touch in Long-Distance Relationships

If you are in a long-distance relationship, cuddling, kissing, and holding hands is not an option, but video chats have made it possible to be together when you’re not actually together.

Body language is just as expressive as verbal language—so if your love language is physical touch, then body language can be just as important.

When you are on video chat with your partner, make sure you are giving them your undivided attention. Move to a quiet space. Turn off your TV. Make eye contact, and use inviting body language to show that you are physically with them.

Video Date: Set up a date and time as you would if you were in the same place and do everything you would if you were not long distance. This could mean getting dressed up, setting up the candlelight, and preparing wine or champagne. Do what you would normally do but with video instead.

Other ways to show physical touch from a distance: blow each other kisses, send them gifts that physically remind them of you (such as a sweatshirt of yours, a stuffed animal, or a sachet of your perfume or cologne), and talk about physically touching each other. It may not be the same as the real thing, but our imaginations can be a powerful tool that long-distance couples should utilize.

Make the effort and learn to express love with physical touch. Intimacy is not s*x. Intimacy is when your partner feels safe enough to open his or her heart to you while keeping no secrets and withholding nothing.

Love and Greetings,
Rev Leon
Whatsapp: 072 400 5292
Email: [email protected]


Hoë Intelligensie en pas aan by verandering... Die 2 Loop saam!

Today we discuss the fourth Love Language of Five.  It is usually the female partners that complain in counseling that t...

Today we discuss the fourth Love Language of Five. It is usually the female partners that complain in counseling that the only times he touches me, is when he is looking for s*x. It takes a little effort to change this problem and experience new deep levels of love and intimacy. Intimacy is so much more than just having s*x.

How to Know if Physical Touch Is Their Love Language?
People tend to express affection in the way to which they themselves respond. If your partner consistently shows love through physical touch as described here, chances are good that this is their love language.
Given the importance of communication in your relationship, however, the best way to discover your partner's love language is to talk about it. Explore the five love languages together and see if physical touch resonates with your partner.

Keep in Mind. Romantic relationships often require physical touch to thrive, but s*x isn’t the only way to show your partner how much you love them. You can wrap your arms around their waist in the kitchen or hold their hand while watching a movie together or kiss their cheek in the morning before work. Sometimes the simplest acts of love are the most impactful, especially when it comes to physical touch.
Understand Physical Touch as a Love Language
If your love language is physical touch, then that means you prefer physical expressions of love over all other expressions (such as verbal compliments or gifts).
Note that physical touch as a love language is not all about s*x, although s*x can be an important aspect of a romantic relationship. A hug, a shoulder squeeze, a handhold, or even a pat on the back can be an expression of love that is just as meaningful to your partner.
If you are in a non-s*xual relationship or if you are unable to have s*x with your partner for some reason (long-distance, postpartum, PTSD), do not worry. We explore effortless ways to give and receive physical touch, no matter where you are (physically or mentally) with your partner. This may seem self-explanatory, but both intimate and non-intimate touches can and should be used to show your partner love.
Show Love Through Intimate Touch (next time we look at non-intimate touch)
Sexual expressions of love are used in most romantic relationships, but what if you live 100+ miles away from your partner? What if you and your partner are waiting to have s*x? What if you are not a touchy person? What if s*xual intimacy is mentally challenging for you?
Learning to express your love through intimate touch is possible, even if you are not having s*x with your partner.
Despite what you may have learned about romantic love, s*x is not everything in a relationship. It is important, yes, but it is not the only physical expression of love.
“Physical touch, specifically cuddling, releases oxytocin, the feel-good hormone that makes you feel like nothing can hurt you,” says Clarissa Silva, behavioral scientist, and relationship coach. “In addition to the bonding [cuddling] creates between the couple, it also helps boost your immune system.”
Here are different ways to show intimate love through physical touch:
• Kissing—You may feel like kissing has to lead to s*x, but it does not. Kissing is one of the easiest, most effective ways to show physical love to your partner. You can kiss their lips, their neck, their cheek, their forehead, their hand. In many cultures and throughout history, kissing is or has been shown as an act of respect, greeting, or affection. Kissing is used in all diverse types of relationships, romantic and non-romantic, and should be prioritized.
• Holding hands—Who does not love seeing a couple walking hand-in-hand down the street? Holding hands with your partner, in public or in private, is an easy gesture that can immediately release mood-boosting endorphins. Parents often hold their child’s hand for protective reasons, but also for physical connectedness. It is one of the best ways to show physical love to your partner.
• Cuddling—Do you cuddle with your partner when you are watching a movie? When you are lying in bed? If you do not, you should. Physically wrapping yourself around your partner can bring you closer together, physically, and emotionally. Your partner may prefer being the “big” or “little” spoon but try swapping roles or facing each other and seeing how that feels.
• Skin-to-skin touching—Touching can be s*xual, but it can also be non-s*xual and still intimate. Dragging your fingertips across your partner’s back or neck can be an intimate expression of love. Touching your partner’s hair, holding the back of their neck, or even touching their bare leg can be an expressive way of telling your partner you are there for them, you are physically attracted to them, and/or you’re in love with them.
Love and Greetings,
Rev. Leon
+27 (0)72 400 5292
[email protected]

MARRIAGE OFFICER NEEDED?   I CAN HELP, since we moved PERMENANTLY to Sedgefield in the Garden Route!I am a registered ma...

MARRIAGE OFFICER NEEDED? I CAN HELP, since we moved PERMENANTLY to Sedgefield in the Garden Route!
I am a registered marriage officer since 2006. I specialize in smaller and intimate weddings and at any wedding venue of your choice in the Garden Route area. I do all the necessary paperwork and personally submit to the Department of Home Affairs. Your wedding must be legal. Your wedding must also be special. Therefore, you and I, put together a wedding ceremony you always wanted: indoors or outdoors, formal, or informal, English or Afrikaans, religious or a spiritual inspirational ceremony. People from any church denomination welcome. Price depends on kilometres travelled to wedding venue. I am registered to marry both hetero- and same-s*x couples.
Email: [email protected]
WHATSAPP NUMBER: +27 (0)72 400 5292
Rev. Leon.


Dit steel 15 minute per dag van my om almal te block wat iets baie spesiaal met my wil deel en ons ken mekaar glad nie. 😡

Nou weet ek hoekom ek nag na nag wakker lê. Eks besig om te "hunt'. LOL 😆

Nou weet ek hoekom ek nag na nag wakker lê. Eks besig om te "hunt'. LOL 😆

Found on Google from

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Erno Van Dyk, Kevin Greenblau, Michelle Jordan

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Erno Van Dyk, Kevin Greenblau, Michelle Jordan



Huge confusion exists regarding the options a couple has when they register their marriage at home affairs. Yesterday a couple insisted I register their marriage as a civil union. It is, however, not possible. Below is a summary of the options available depending on how and under what circumstances you are getting married. I hope this will explain and clarify much of the confusion.

There are FOUR distinct types of marriages according to the Marriage Law in South Africa. As a registered marriage officer, I am legally registered to officiate two of the four types of marriages in South Africa, namely, a CIVIL UNION and a CIVIL MARRIAGE. Ensure you know the differences to find the correct marriage officer for your wedding.

ONE: What is a civil marriage?

It is a marriage that can only be entered into between a man and a woman.
A civil marriage will automatically be in a community of property, unless the persons enter an antenuptial contract indicating that the marriage will be out of community of property, with or without the accrual system.

TWO: What is a customary marriage?

It is a marriage entered into between a man and a woman, negotiated and celebrated according to the prevailing customary law in their community.

A customary marriage entered before 15 November 2000 is recognized as a valid marriage, however, it will be regulated in terms of the specific traditions and customs applicable at the time the marriage was entered.

A customary marriage entered after 15 November 2000 is recognized as a valid marriage and will receive full legal protection irrespective of whether it is monogamous or polygamous.

A monogamous customary marriage will automatically be in community of property unless it is stipulated otherwise in an antenuptial contract.

In a polygamous marriage, the husband must apply to the High Court for permission to enter such a marriage and provide the court with a written contract stating how the property in the marriage will be regulated (to protect the property interests of both the existing and prospective spouses).

THREE: What is a civil union?

It is a marriage entered between two persons of the same s*x.

A civil union will automatically be in community of property unless it is stipulated otherwise in an antenuptial contract.

FOUR: What is a religious marriage?

It is a marriage entered in terms of a religion such as the Islamic and Hindu faith.

Even though it is not recognized in South African law, some limited protection is granted to a religious marriage in the following instances:

a spouse may, upon the death of the other spouse, approach a Magistrate’s Court for a maintenance order against the deceased spouse’s estate,

a spouse may inherit in terms of the law of intestate succession (when a person dies with no Will), and spouses are protected against domestic violence.

A religious marriage must be treated as a marriage out of community of property without the accrual system.

Need Help or need a Marriage Officer to officiate your marriage?

Contact me:
+27 72 400 5292
[email protected]

Love and Greetings,
Rev Leon.


Love Language and QUALITY of TIME!

The first love language I covered in the previous post, is, Words of Affirmation, and it’s all about expressing affection and appreciation through words, be it spoken, written, in texts, or all the above.

The second love language is all about spending uninterrupted time that is free of any distractions with your loved one. It’s not just about the quantity of time spent or your activities; it’s about how you spend that time. When you’re with your partner, put down distractions like cell phones and tablets, and truly focus on them. Whether you’re chatting, cooking, or enjoying hobbies together, being attentive and present communicates love and care. This intentional connectedness is essential for someone whose primary love language is quality time, as it makes them feel valued and special.

Remember, it’s not about the clock ticking; it’s about the meaningful moments you create together. Learn to “Create meaningful Moments”. These moments become the building blocks we cement together while constructing our LoveLife Story. Don't wait for your partner. Make a conscious effort to ignite “special moments” between the two of you. Plan it. Fifteen minutes of QUALITY TIME regularly can reignite a new spark and cause a change of direction unimaginable.

Love and Greetings,
Rev Leon
072 400 5292
[email protected]


Successful marriages know what LOVE LANGUAGE is!

Do you love the person you are married to? My guess is your answer will be “YES”. My next question is the question we will answer in the next few articles.
“How do you EXPRESS the love you FEEL for your partner?
Feeling it is one thing, EXPRESSING it, even after many years of being married to him/her, is a totally different ballgame. Gary Chapman identified 5 ways of EXPRESSING love in a long-term relationship. This week we will have an in-depth look at his five LOVE LANGUAGES as he calls it. Today we can list them for you to think about in advance:

1. Words of affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Physical Touch
4. Acts of Service
5. Giving Gifts.
Love and Greetings
Rev Leon
072 400 5292
[email protected]


– Words of Affirmation

Learn the Language of Love. Learn to EXPRESS that you honestly love the one you married or live with. Like any other language you study to communicate with the people in Spain or Germany, you start with the basic vocabulary. What is the vocabulary of The Language of Love?

Mark Twain once said I can carry on for two months on one compliment. You can learn to give compliments. Words filled with respect. Words lift another spirit with honest praise, appreciation, admiration, and support. Words of affirmation will build esteem, not break it down in any way. Words of encouragement will empower the other ones to become the best version of themselves they can be. Instead of focusing on the one or two realities you always moan and growl about with criticisms, mocking, and belittling, find only five wonderful facts about your partner, list them, and then study a new vocabulary: Language of Love with Words of Affirmation.
Your change of direction with affirmations given in a new Language will also spark a positive change in your loved one. Change yourself, not the other one.

Love and Greetings.
Rev Leon
072 400 5292
[email protected]


Maak jou lewe rondom jou vol met slegs positiewe familie en vriende en mense met innerlike Vrede. Vir die twisgieriges en afgunstiges, vra ek maar elke oggend weer, "verlos en beskerm my van die bose" .


Why learn the LANGUAGE OF LOVE?

One of your very first basic needs, seconds after your first breath was inhaled, the moment you were born, is the need to feel safe and loved by someone out there. Your first “scream” at birth is for fresh air and feeling loved. This need stays with you for the rest of your life. Just visit any old age home in your local area and listen to the old people. Many of them feel scared and fear the moment of death. The fear of dying alone with nobody there to love me is VERY REAL. Especially those who were dropped there, and the children “forgot” about them. They visit when they eventually are not too busy (which is seldom) or when they really reach the point of feeling too guilty and have a few minutes to spare for a quick visit. These old people are scared they will die lonely, nobody there.

Your need to be loved and cocooned in tender but intense moments like your moment of birth and death, will always be there. Marriage is the one place, sanctuary, where you can experience and fulfill this need during the long years between birth and death. The God-given irony is that in giving, through EXPRESSING and supplying love and safety to the one special person you married, you are simultaneously stilling the hunger to be loved in this world. What you sow will also be what you reap (Galatians 6:7-9)

For this reason, you MUST learn the Language of LOVE.

Next time: Words of Affirmation.

Love and Greetings,
Rev Leon
+27 (0)72 400 5292
[email protected]


Chestnut Street

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00


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