Letitia Bloemiste/Florist

Letitia Bloemiste/Florist We are a well established florist that has been serving the Strand, Gordon's Bay and Somerset West co

We supply and deliver flowers for all occasions to Strand, Gordon's Bay and Somerset West.


Vir die wat nie die vrou in jou lewe bederf het gister
Ons is besig Om Weer mooi bosse
Bymekaar te sit
Kom haal ook sommer Vir die dame in kantoor


Credit ... Ann


Gap Cover is more vital than ever before, to avoid families putting themselves at risk of getting into debt over outstanding medical expense shortfalls. As medical schemes struggle to keep up with private healthcare rates, increasing premiums as a result, many have downgraded their healthcare plans...


🌸Calling all Flower Lovers 🌸
Pniël Horticultural and Industrial Society is proud to host the National Chrysanthemum Show, that will take place on the 6th of May 2023 at the Pniël Congregational Church Hall!

🌸Entry Fee: R10
🌸9:00 - 12:00 Viewing of Chrysanthemum exhibitions
🌸12:00 - 13:00 Opening and awards ceremony
🌸13:00 - 14:00 Sale of flowers to public
🌸There will also be food and craft stalls.

Get your tickets and join us for a festive time at the National Chrysanthemum Show!



500g Chicken breast fillets, cubed
2 tablespoons butter
1 onion
250g mushrooms, sliced
1 Tbsp dried thyme
½ teaspoon salt
1 pinch black pepper
250g blue cheese
2 cups sour cream

Melt the butter in a pot on medium heat and fry the onion until soft.
Add the chicken cubes and fry until golden.
Add the mushrooms to the chicken cubes. Fry for a few minutes.
Sprinkle with thyme, pepper and salt. Crumble the cheese into the pot and stir.
Add the sour cream and let boil, but lower the heat and let simmer for 10 minutes. Serve with cauliflower rice.


Japanese honey dew melon.


Find out more 👉👉



I have always thought that Noah was safe inside the Ark because he built it according to God's specifications. I thought that perhaps it was the strength of the gopher wood and the soundness of the architecture that ensured that the waters of the flood would not come into the Ark.

But today I encountered a verse that shifted this whole paradigm.
Let's read what Gen 7:16 says .." The animals going in were male and female of every living thing as God had commanded Noah..

Don't miss this.... even after Noah had built the Ark, it was God Himself who shut him in, in order to shut out the waters of the flood... In other translations this verse says "The Lord sealed them inside."

May the Almighty God seal us inside His Ark of protection through this last quarter of 2020, and each day after and forever.

It is not the fact that you have locked your house that keeps you safe at night, it is not your good driving skills that keeps you safe on the road, neither it's your healthy eating habits that keeps you healthy - only God can shut you in and shut out the devil that is seeking to devour you.

Father we pray that in this last quarter of the year, as we walk into the streets and as we drive on the roads, God shut us in. Father we pray for our children that in the midst of dangers and molesters... You will shut them in, keep out the flood waters of abuse, r**e, murder, accidents, diseases and untimely death... God shut us in, shut us in your Ark of protection , into your Ark of compassion.. 🙌🏽


4 x Lekker Resepte Wat Ouma & Oupa Nog Gemaak Het

● Kerriesult Of Brawn
(Suidwesters Maak Lekker Kos)

3 kg beesskenkels (ek gebruik ook graag ‘n mengsel van vark-pootjies (“Trotters”) “Eisbeins” en skaap-skenkels! )
5 ml swartpeper en sout
3 middelslag uie
30 ml sonneblomolie
30 ml kerriepoeier
15 ml borrie
375 ml bruinasyn
30 ml appelkooskonfyt of perskeblatjang
2 ml gemaalde koljander.

Bedek die vleis met koue water, geur met sout en peper en prut tot baie sag.
Skil die uie en sny dit in skywe.
Verhit die olie en soteer die uie, kerriepoeier en borrie daarin.
Voeg die res van die bestanddele by die kerriemengsel, verhit stadig tot kookpunt en laat afkoel.
Ontbeen die vleis en sny dit in klein stukkies op.
Voeg die kerriemengsel by die vleis en prut dit ‘n uur lank.
Giet dit in ‘n nat bak en laat afkoel.
Bedek die bak met kleefplastiek en plaas die sult in die yskas om te stol.
Dit kan tot 2 weke in die yskas gebêre word.
Sult moet nie te styf wees nie. As dit die geval is, smelt dit in ‘n groot kastrol oor matige hitte en vog nog kookwater by.
Proe daaraan of dit ekstra smaakmiddels nodig het voordat dit weer gestol word.

(Resepte vir Almal)

2 SKOON afvalle, pens en pootjies
500 g skaap kookvleis
2 uie, grof gekap

SOUS ...
2 e matige Kerrie
1 e Masala
250 ml Bruin asyn
250 ml Suiker
250 ml Water
1 t Allspice
1 t Koljander
1/2 t fyn naeltjies
1/2 kaneel
1/2 t gemmer
4 aartappels geskil en in groot blokkies gesny.

Laat die skoon afvalle oornag week in water en witasyn mengsel.
2 lt water en 500ml asyn.
Sny die pens in repies van so 2 cm.
Pak pens en pootjies in groot casserole saam met die uie en skaapvleis.
Meng al die bestanddele van die sous en giet oor.
Meng deur.
Maak toe en sit in oond op 150 C vir 4 ure.
Sit aartappels by en bak verdere minimum van 1 en half uur voor ete.
Hoe langer hoe beter.
Verdik sous met Maizena net voor opdiening so dik soos jy dit wil he.
Bedien met rys of Samp and beans.

● Murgbene
(Voortrekker Resepte)

Murgbene - vra jou slagter om kalf/bees-murgbene in lengtes van ongeveer 8 cm te saag.
1/2 K pietersielie (gekap)
Uie baie fyn gekerf
1/2 K kappertjiesaad
Worcestersous sout
Knoffel vlokkies (Opsioneel)

Rooster die murgbene in die oond vir ongeveer 30 minute by 200℃.
Murgbene is gewoonlik gaar as die murg so effens van die been begin wegtrek.
Maak n mengsel van pietersielie, uie en kappertjiesaad.
Maak n slaaisous van die suurlemoensap, olyfolie en Worcestersous-sout en gooi dit oor pietersielie-mengsel.

● Geurige Sout Beestong Met Mosterdsous
(Resepte en Wenke)

Beestong ...
■ 1-2 gepekelde beestonge
■ 5 peperkorrels
■ 1 wortel, geskraap en in stukke gesny
■ 1 ui, in kwarte gesny

Ouma Dinah Se Mosterdsous ...
■ 250 ml suiker
■ 250 ml wit asyn
■ 3 eiers
■ 10 ml mielieblom, aangemaak met
■ 100 ml water
■ 25 ml mosterdpoeier
■ Sout en witpeper na smaak

Vir Die Tong ...
Sit die heel tonge saam met die peperkorrels, wortel en ui in ’n drukpot.
Voeg genoeg water by om die tong te bedek.
Sit die pot se deksel op en verhit tot kookpunt.
Kook vir 45-60 minute in die drukpot (of ongeveer 3 uur in ’n gewone kastrol) tot gaar en sag.
Laat afkoel en trek die membraan rondom die tonge af.
Verkoel die tonge in ’n lugdigte houer tot benodig.

Vir Die Mosterdsous ...
Klits die suiker, asyn en eiers liggies in kastrol tot die suiker opgelos is.
Meng die mielieblom, water en mosterdpoeier tot glad.
Voeg by die eiermengsel en verhit oor matige hitte tot kookpunt. Laat prut terwyl jy die sous roer tot dit verdik.
Geur na smaak met sout en witpeper.
Laat effens afkoel en bêre in ’n lugdigte houer in die yskas.
Sny die tong in skyfies en sit dit voor met die mosterdsous, growwe brood en slaaie.



This bacon, egg and cheese cups are a quick and easy breakfast that’s low carb and incredibly delicious. These baked eggs are high in protein and can be ready in less than 20 minutes!

2 teaspoons butter, softened

4 large eggs

4 tablespoons heavy cream

4 tablespoons shredded Cheddar cheese

2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, optional

2 strips bacon, cooked and crumbled

2 tablespoons chopped green onions

¼ teaspoon kosher salt

¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven or air fryer to 200°C.
Coat the inside of 4 x 300 ml oven-safe ramekins with butter.
In a small bowl, whisk together eggs and cream.
Stir in cheeses, bacon, green onions, salt, and pepper.
Pour mixture into ramekins and bake 15 – 18 minutes, until eggs are set.

Instead of baking I did them in my air fryer at 200°C for about 15 minutes.
Enjoy immediately!

Recipe tested and photo: Melissa Ann Vermeulen


Die nuwe Bruis met die immergewilde Joanie Combrink op die voorblad, is van vandag af op die rakke! Lees ook meer oor Bruis se toer na Israel.


Hier is die drie pasmaats van elke boer wat hom beter gaan leer ken op die plaas!


Homemade Orange Cupcakes

1/2 cup (227grams/4 Oz) butter, softened
3/4 cup (150grams/ 5.3Oz) sugar
Zest of 2 oranges
2 eggs
1/2 cup (120ml) sour cream (non-fat, light or regular)
1/4 cup fresh orange juice
1-1/2 cup (204grams/7.2Oz) flour
1 t. baking powder
1/2 t. salt
1/2 t. baking soda

Full recipe: https://www.brightercook.com/search?q=homemade+orange+cupcakes


Het jy al ooit gewonder wat was 1 ste die hoender of die eier....lees gerus die artikel


Jess Prinsloo se ernstige melkallergie het kort voor Nuwejaarsdag haar lewe geëis toe sy per ongeluk haar tee met die verkeerde teelepel geroer het.


As jou tyd min en jou huismense honger is, is hierdie resep net die ding!

Korslose souttert

■ 30 ml olie

■ 1 ui, gekap

■ 125 g sampioene, gesnipper

■ 125 g geurige kouevleis, soos salami, gaar spekvleis of gerookte ham, gesnipper

■ 250 ml gerasperde cheddarkaas

■ 1 wiel fetakaas, gekrummel

■ 30 ml fyngekapte pietersielie

■ 80 ml bruismeel

■ Sout en swartpeper na smaak

■ 4 eiers, geklits

■ 375 ml melk

Voorverhit die oond tot 190 grade C en smeer ’n middelslag-tertbord. Verhit die olie en braai die uie en sampioene tot gaar. Laat effens afkoel en roer die kouevleis, kase en pietersielie by. Sprinkel die meel, sout en peper oor en roer deur. Klits die eiers en melk saam en voeg by. Roer tot goed gemeng. Giet egalig in die voorbereide oondbak en bak vir ongeveer 30 minute, tot die tert ferm en goudbruin is. Laat effens afkoel en sit voor met ’n mengelslaai. Lewer agt porsies.


(Fred's Home Recipes)

Die mengsel van 60ml sunlight liquid, 125ml suurlemoensap, 250ml wit asyn en 565ml Water in spuit bottel is magic!

Granietblaaie, stort deure, teëls, alles kom so mooi skoon, sonder enige moeite.


Motorists will no longer have to wait in long queues to renew their driver's licences, thanks to the new system which saves them time.

Visit online.natis.gov.za - Centres operate Monday - Friday 8am – 9pm & Saturday - Sunday 9am – 9pm.


Perfect Fried Shrimp

Canola oil
2 large eggs, beaten
1 cup whole milk
2 tablespoons chile hot sauce (such as Cholula)
2 pounds large peeled, deveined raw shrimp
3/4 cup (about 3 1/4 oz.) all-purpose flour
2/3 cup (about 2 7/8 oz.) cornmeal
1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
For serving: lemon wedges, cocktail sauce, rémoulade (optional)

How to Make It
Step 1 Pour oil to a depth of 2 inches in a large deep skillet; heat over medium-high to 370°F. While oil heats, whisk together eggs, milk, and hot sauce in a shallow dish; add shrimp to the mixture, and toss to coat. Whisk together flour, cornmeal, salt, black pepper, and cayenne pepper in a separate shallow dish.

Step 2 Remove 6 to 8 shrimp from egg mixture, shaking excess off; dredge in flour mixture. Place dredged shrimp in hot oil; fry until coating is golden and crisp, about 2 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon to a baking sheet lined with paper towels. Repeat with remaining shrimp, bringing oil back to 370°F over medium-high heat before adding each batch of shrimp.


SUMMERVALE LIFESTYLE RETIREMENT ESTATE | 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms | House Residential To Let, Gordons Bay, Whispering Pines | R14,000 pm


Helderberg Nature Reserve has a wonderful program for kids called Ecorangers. As you can imagine, the kids had loads of questions about the beached whale. Wendy, who runs this initiative kindly gave SWNW permission to post these questions and answers:

I trust many of you took the opportunity to visit and see the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) washed up at Strand yesterday.
Some researchers were checking out the carcass while city staff planned how to move the massive creature away.

Some questions I have been sent:

1. Do these whales usually come to South Africa?

They are frequent visitors along the coast of South Africa. They are known for their playful antics and curiosity. The Humpback Whale is acrobatic, and spectators can often watch it emerging from the water and splashing. They are favourites to be seen by whale watchers between the months of July and December.

Every year, humpback whales undergo incredible migrations between feeding and breeding grounds. They feed near the poles and give birth in the tropics, and each year, individual humpback whales travel as much as 25,000 km) between these two areas. Humpback whales only eat in their winter feeding grounds and live off fat reserves for the rest of the year, including while migrating.

2. Was this one fully grown?
The adult Humpback Whale can reach an average length of 11.5 to 17 m. This one seemed small to me. They can weigh a few tonnes - usually 25 to 40 tonnes. That is massive.

So was this one fully grown? I don't think so. One of the researchers estimated around 20 to 25 years. They can live from 80 to 90 years.

3. Why did this creature die? That is a tough question. I honestly do not know. It seems its life was cut short. The researchers did say it could be due to Seismic blasting. They are not yet sure. They will run a few tests to determine the cause of death.

Seismic blasting can harm everything from tiny zooplankton and fish to dolphins and whales.
See more here:

The whale will be removed as it poses a health and safety issue. The City of Cape Town staff were planning to move the carcass and bury it.

The scientific name for humpback whales, Megaptera, translates to “big-winged” in reference to their long pectoral fins. These fins can be up to 5 m in length.

Thank you to the photographer 😄


Strand Pavilion 18, Beach Road

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 00:30





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