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Sweet Vibes Zm To exceed our customers expectations in quality, delivery, and cost through continuous improvement an

The steps just got bigger…..Tale Zambia

The steps just got bigger…..Tale Zambia

Unlocking Success in the Digital Realm: Navigating the Path of Effective Marketing Strategies 💻🚀

Unlocking Success in the Digital Realm: Navigating the Path of Effective Marketing Strategies 💻🚀

Crafting Desires, Building Brands: The Heartbeat of Modern Marketing Strategies 💡📣  "

Crafting Desires, Building Brands: The Heartbeat of Modern Marketing Strategies 💡📣 "




Before You Doubt Yourself,Do Something.Before You Quit, Try Again 💪💪

Ndiwe Olimba Navi Power
Lesa Amipale Bonse 🙏🙏

Video : Mr DJ Lo
Audio : uptown beats (T-Sean)
Outfits: Drip Doctors
Try Again Out Now 🔥🔥🔥


Fill up heroes stadium 🏟️
Yo Maps Yo
Kwithu FM 93.3
Strong Youth Movement
FinFix Quick Cash LTD




STRAATA EXPERIENCE on the 14th 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳📌📌 mark the day 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 amapiano sick 😷. Hit me up for your tickets




Good morning Ma international Fans 💪💪💪 On 27th Of May 2023,Location Ni ku heroes stadium 🏟 🕺💃🏾

Title: The black rider in the woods ~Bird: this forest is a darkened by your presence every day you walk in it. Are you ...

Title: The black rider in the woods ~

Bird: this forest is a darkened by your presence every day you walk in it. Are you of the living or the dead? We all shiver upon hearing footsteps of your black horse and a man in Black who rides it. We all wonder what you might be.

Man: have I ever laid my hands even on the tiniest of the living in these woods? I only move on my horse in harmony with all that lives in it. My horse's steps are marked on the grounds of these woods that can only tell that my horse is of the living so can it be its rider.

Bird: your reek of sadness and darkness. Your heart is darkened, it beats with sadness. Are you mourning? Is that why you ride a black horse and covered in black clothing?

Man: you feel and see so much to be an ordinary bird. What are you ?

Bird: am not more than an ordinary bird. It's a gift of the living to feel and see all that comes to sight. Your darkened and sad heart can not escape the living's ability to feel. You are mourning. Why do you mourn? What do you long for?

Man: I long for something that I cannot have, I mourn because I cannot have it now. It lives only in my past memories.

Bird: is a black rider perhaps longing for a human lady? Is it the loss of a human lady that has darkened and made his heart sad?

Man: it is so bird of the woods.

Bird: did she pass on black rider?

Man: she still lives and she is as healthy as she can ever be. She left, she couldn't stay by my side. Her heart couldn't find what it needed in my world. My eyes shed no tears instead it was my heart that wept, my heart wept for my eyes . It never stopped weeping and a heart that weeps for this long becomes not only a sad heart but also a darkened one. The tears for her darkened it.

Bird: does she know of this? That you still weep for her heart and longs for her long gone presence?

Man: I couldn't dare make that known to her as she seemed happier without my presence than she ever was when I was beside her. I chose to weep in silence and walk in silence. I found not comfort in any anything apart from the sight of these beautiful woods.

Bird: is the love for all humans this sorrowful and painful as yours reeks of pain and sorrow?

Man : humans love can be as beautiful as the most beautiful sights of the earth and it can also be hurtful as the flames of fire on a skin.

Bird: but why do you risk it all by loving?

Man: That is the answer for another moment my friend.

Bird: Now will you mourn her untill your last breath?

Man: I will mourn her for eternity. I burned my past with her but not my memories with her for the memories cannot die, they are immortal . My memories with her lives on......

Bird: how can you love someone that much? I don't want to come face to face with that kind of love black rider, it's not mine but yours but still its story hurts me this much. What must I do to escape it black rider?...✍🏿✍🏿

UNZA MONK LIFEChapter 5I reached pa Zanaco from the BH very shocked with what has just happened then I see this person c...


Chapter 5

I reached pa Zanaco from the BH very shocked with what has just happened then I see this person coming my direction with what looked like dreads perhaps wigs from afar… “mmmmh this can’t be a girl” I assured myself because she just looked so pale with a guy’s step and a funny looking short … oh kanshi its Dee aka Chicharito, I knew it couldn’t be a girl... “mwaiche ati how? Wachoka kuti?” he asked me looking very drunk and hungry at the same time and I answered him where i was from, “oh I see, nipaseko iliyonse mwaiche apa njala sivintu olo ma coins ninshi wanipanga” he asked and I started wondering why he drinks on an empty stomach, “mmmmh muntu wanga apa sinichitika, I’ve had a bad week waziba I would have loved to help but sivintu” I answered him and off he went…. “So this guy abanankwe benda na ma gelo ena aleenda ne nsala in the same way abanankwe ba tekenkoko ena aleteka ama dread locks” I asked myself as I continued walking back to school.. just by October palya pa car park side I met Teddy am sure he was following Chicharito, I didn’t even bother to start telling him about the trouble he has gotten me into when I called him, just greeted him but from the way he sounded am sure he had been sipping on Bolz in school, then this girl who wore a skirt that ends where it begins passed and ba guy guy started asking her ati “ela iwe, taulefwayako ichupo cha ma hungry lion?nga walala insala ni sharwarmar” but she seemed not interested and just passed… “mwaiche only if this girl knew what she’s refusing, nga walyumfwapo ati abaume abalowa eifwe, salt yonse mu mubili twalifumyamo, eifwe fwebasende gelo after ukutimba job ya tulipila nokutulipila pa mulandu wamilowele shesu infact…….” Ba Vaub kalaleni na munaka, I cut him short and started walking towards the gate because I knew he wasn’t going to stop talking.

I reached pa gate very disturbed with what happened ku BH, instead of using that unza kiss road everyone uses , I followed a Toyota hilux that was entering school, “alo iwe!!is that where the VC during orientation told you to be passing? Some of you lishinafye ati muli ma students otherwise reasoning is very limited” one security guard said and I was wondering why him who has an unlimited thinking capacity was doing pa gate lifting and dropping that ka barricade for vehicles to pass, so I pretended not to have heard him but he continued talking so I decided to go back and find out if for real he was talking to me, “naumfwa its you am talking to” he said just after I asked him if he was talking on phone or talking to me… “mudala am aware that you haven’t gotten paid for close to 6months now but just a point of correction am not in any way connected to those in charge of paying you for you to be saying such rubbish to me” I corrected the man and started walking away, “does this man know that he’s two months’ salary is equivalent to a student on omission?” I wondered... I reached pa level tried opening the door only to find its looked with loud music playing inside, checking in the key hole the keys are in, so I started knocking but wala the guy isn’t opening, knocked several times until ba roomie Lushango Mayovu slightly opened the door and removed only his head with no shirt saying “mwaiche nipaseko chabe 20mins, am almost done in fact nili mu extra time apa” so I excused him and went pa balcony waiting for him to finish… true to his words within 20mins he was out with this ka small girl who am sure was from chreso coz of the ka dress code, she wore this ka light green top,ilya green ya ma reflectors yaba RTSA with utusapo utwa black with different shoe lasses i.e green on the left-side and red on the other one, from the way she looked she was obviously 13 or 14 years old.. I went mu room and opened all the windows for fresh air and started putting things in order because the room looked like people were fighting, ama poto were all over, one blanket was on the flow, ama doors ya ma closets yonse open with one study table in the middle of the room... “with this am sure this girl has learnt a lesson, na tolamo amano takeseko na futi kuno” I said to myself …

Four months down the line, I moved on and accepted that i was dumped and that the girl is now officially my ex... I went back to football and I was just doing fine all alone. I became friends with Carlos who was my captain, we went together for training, after training we would go pa center together to have one or two bottles... “boi am in a relationship now, I have asked the girl to bring me water ku ground so that you see her and have your say” Carlos told me one afternoon as we were going for training… “yeah you’ve been single for so long am sure spelling the word RELATIONSHIP can’t be that easy for you” I jokingly replied and we laughed about it... just after doing 4 laps, Carlos went to talk to this girl who looked so nice and I went after him to say hi….mmmmh wait a second!!this is my ex, oh she’s now dating Carlos ? I felt cheated on…. Immediately the question one Isaac Mwanza asked mu group ati “who told girls to be looking nice when you break up?” clicked…. “heyMark !!” the girl called out to me as she never says my name in full, “oh you guys know each other?” Carlos asked and I didn’t want to blow up just there and then so I went like “am sure she’s seen me from somewhere, mwingi twapita ifwe infact boi today am not feeling too well I will join you guys for training mailo” then I left…. “what did this girl follow in Carlos aii? because the guy ama looks not saana, fund nayena kuwayawayafye, she’s not even a fan of football, maybe the guy is a big spender no wander people call him big calo ” these questions bothered me as I walked back to my room… as a good friend after training he came to check on me with the same girl,am sure he thought my sickness was something serious when infact not… one week passed after knowing that the newly elected sports secretary is dating my ex so one day I followed him to tell him everything about me and the girl he’s dating, I reached pa level yakwe umu guys and I was told he had gone to bath, I couldn’t wait for him to finish so I followed him mu shower and behold I saw what the girl might have followed in him and why people called him *big calo*… “boi ati how?” he asked but I couldn’t answer there and then because I was so shocked and felt so small…. “I will come see you later muntu wandi finish bathing” I told him as I walked out…

I found ba roomie sweeping pa level with a first year BA student they were with back in high school, the boy had maths and accounts papers in his hands and I could see a 10% on the BF-140 paper and a 19% on the BF-120 paper without even finding out what might have caused him to get such marks, I started shouting at him “iwe mwaiche how can you surely be getting such poor grades?do you think your parents will be happy to see those results with all the money they spend on you? Young man please bikako amano ku skulu this is your life ka moreover……” “ela Mark boi those papers are actuall…..” the roomie tried cutting me short but I went on saying let me tell this boy the truth, ine I remember when I was a first year like him I would starve myself if I get below 70% in any course… “ba Kamba these are actually your papers, we have a test next week and I came to ask for some past papers from you when Paul gave me these telling me to wait for you before getting them” the youngstar told me, and checking on the name and student identification number on the paper its surely mine….fyapena!!!

Watch out for Chapter 6

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UNZA LOVE TRIANGLEChapter 1“Mmmmmh okay napapya maa, hope I make it back mwe lesa” I was wondering to myself after writi...


Chapter 1

“Mmmmmh okay napapya maa, hope I make it back mwe lesa” I was wondering to myself after writing 1100 my second last sessional paper, my CA in the same course was younger than our last born who is 12 years old… “Boi you’ve seen, I told you that these two questions no matter what they will come mu sessional, plus those other two questions were equally simple, am assured of getting a minimum of 20 marks from all the four questions plus ka CA ni mbama ” Peter Banda Jnr said to Makan Anthony as they approached me, “ Mmmh iwe boi you are talking of 20? Ine ni ma 25marks from all the questons, only that my CA wasn’t that good so I might end up getting an A instead of A+ and should they make a mistake of giving me a B+ I swear am appealing” Anthony replied…. I was asking myself nati do these guys know how much am praying for even a bare pass pano ndi? “Boi Choolwe how was it for you?” Peter asked me and avoiding to look so dull I was like “kachoka boi waziba, it wasn’t as hard as I expected muntu wanga”… these guys couldn’t stop talking about the paper and it was just pricking me when I start recalling how many mistakes I made mu exam.. out of 4 questions I only finished 2 with full of mistakes, the other 2 I only managed to write section A and B leaving out C, D, na E… I just excused myself from them and used the long cut to my room…. Later on that day I went to Ridge way for my DR which was to be the following day...Passed midnight I was feeling kwati I have done nothing, whenever I finished a topic to go to the next one, ninshi I have forgotten the previous one, whilst muma P classes panicking, I just overheard two girls who were seated behind me saying let’s try and ask him, because we are just lying to ourselves here, i can see its math he’s solving, “what kind of temptation is this now? Do these girls know that in as much as they think they are lying to each other they are way better than me?” before they approached me I just picked up a fake phone call and left the class... utuntu… Lol… Am sure they waited and waited for me to come back but I was no were to be seen because the time I returned they had already left….

Its 12:50hrs and I have 4 topics to cover, the instructions for the examination say we are supposed to be seated in the exam room 30mins before the stipulated time which was 14:00hrs… the more I panicked to cover the remaining topics the more I felt I was confusing myself... Pa last I was just like Job 13:13, *vochitika vichitika, vondifika vindifike* and packed my books and went ku room to sleep a bit in the remaining minutes…. “Alo boi, boi…..iwe boi…….” my roommate woke me up, “thought you said you have a paper today at 14:00hrs” he asked… “yes muntu wandi, I just want to rest a bit before then” I answered him and he told me it was already 14:00hrs, checking on my phone it was exactly 14:09, I just rushed to the NLT 1 reaching there I was told to go to the lower cafeteria where my colleagues were, searched myself for any foreign material only to find that I had carried my phone, I don’t have any pen with me and on top of that I have forgotten my exam slip.. I now start sweating like no man’s business... I went back ku room, got all I needed and left the phone and within no time I was pa lower cafeteria, the guard checked my slip and asked me who told me to come ku lower cafeteria when all my friends were mu sports hall …before he continued making me look stupid I just rushed ku sports hall … "just take your time because there is no difference whether you write the paper or not coz you are almost blank" the inner me said… Am now by the door to the exam hall and the guard there stopped me ati only the chief invigilator can make a decision whether I should enter or not coz I was late by 25mins. The chief invigilator took time to come to attend to my issue because they had caught Victor Nyambe popularly as *Vicmalo * a mafosa with an 85 pages’ handout, without even bothering how that was possible I pushed myself inside, the guard grabbed me to take me outside but I seemed to overpower him so he called out for more man power but before then the chief invigilator came and ordered that they let me in...

Am now walking to go and seat ninshi apo everyone’s attention is on me because of the same noise I caused pa door… my shirt was wet with sweat, as confused as I was I used the same wet shirt to wipe my face… Within no time they distribute question papers and it’s time to start writing, I open the question paper only to find that the compulsory question that carried 40marks was one of the 4 topics I didn’t study, going to question 2 nayena no bwino bwino, 3 and 4 the difference is the same, question 5 looked user friendly as it only had a heart and Ear so I immediately selected it together with question 6 that I at least knew part A which carried 10 out of 25marks... I wrote the two questions I knew in the first hour of the 3hrs duration, now the problem is that I don’t know how to start these other remaining questions, I tried poking my immediate neighbor Chikonde PHIRI in front for answers and what comes first but umu guys asheta kwati he’s not even hearing me, so I raise my hand to go outside and as I was walking I was checking on the diagrams from all my fellow first years in that ka line, fortunately I got two, one for the Heart from Chikondi Mapalo Kabonde and Ear account from Betty Chunga..Am now seated on the toilet pan thinking how these other guys are enjoying answering these questions when ine am finding difficulties, moreover we are taught by the same lecturers in the same classes, does this confirm that am just dull? Before I could even answer myself I just heard a loud bang on the door and before I knew it two guards were already inside and started searching me, am sure they thought I had a paper or something, so they es**rted me back in the exam hall… Am back on my seat after at least copying two diagrams but wait a second!!i didn’t see which parts to label to start with, so I just sleep there because am blank, i just sat there counting the air-cones in the exam room then i saw a nice looking moma looking at me, am sure she could tell that the paper was hard for me, avoiding to look totally blank I pretended like I was just stretching my neck, but what do I write coz I have written all I know, so I just turn the question paper around and start writing what I will be doing pa holiday and my first year experience so that she thinks ndekafumya… it was time up and they started collecting papers and when it was my turn, the woman said I have been instructed not to collect yours… I start sweating now thinking maybe someone saw me copying until the woman explained that i have been given 20 extra minutes to cover up for the inconvenience earlier on pa door, I felt a bit relieved but again what am I going to be doing in that 20mins because I don’t have data, so I just tell the woman that am done and she collected my paper too….

Yes I have messed up in my last two papers but am done with exams anyway, I felt so light at last… straight away I went to pack in readiness to travel back home with the first bus the following day…I went straight to phone to call aba ku nganda that mailo lunch they should include me as I will be home by then…but just before I could call home I found 8 missed calls from an old childhood friend of mine Chama kanoka , and whenever this guy calls ninshi it’s a good deal because he's into clearing and forwarding so I try calling back but its telling me insufficient, “mmmmmh I just bought a soChe pack last-night and apa pene ama minutes yapwa? I only remember calling Chuma Mwiinga my girlfriend from home that mailo am coming..oh wait a second!!the guy called me on a zamtel line and I only bought ka airtel to airtel pack, so I rushed pa maunza spar to buy airtime , “Hello comrade, you know am telling these guys about the football tournament I sponsored in Chawama, this one is strictly for Yango taxi drivers but am thinking of organizing one for students here and Cbu but the problem with students is that they……….” "Hello Gershom" some girl who seemed not interested in what he was saying cut him short to tell him what she wanted, I also took this as an opportunity to run away whilst he was talking to the same girl... I bought airtime in the other and called back my friend “boi ati how, sorry I was writing the time you called, tsup?” I asked him “okay I see, how was it?”he asked me, kwati ma setting “Muntu wanga please just tell me what you called for don’t start asking useless questions” I blasted at him and he told me that he wanted me to es**rt him ku Chipata, Eastern Province over the weekend, he is taking two Fuso trucks to some farmer who bought them.. what a nice start to my holiday, “okay boi count me in I will be there mailo before 15hrs” I assured him… Early bells am on a Yango to the station, reached the station but power tools no bwino bwino as the one I found was fully booked and the next bus will be pa 09:00hrs. Awe I can’t wait because this is just 07:00hrs, so I just jump on a Likili bus and by 07:30hrs we are on our way, at last am out of school pressure, Lusaka here I come, I felt so nice going back home after such a long time... suddenly I noticed that majority of the passengers’ hair was brown with dust, am now wondering where the dust might have come from, I wanted to ask the woman I was seated next to but she seemed busy with changing her child’s diapers, the ka atmosphere even changed, i wondered if that was allowed on a public bus, "i cant wait for the guys doing Transport and Logistics at Nipa to finish and come correct such problems and perhaps introduce electronic tickets" i said to myself “ excuse me madam, do you mind if I open the window?” i asked the woman who answered with a big “NO” so I opened the window but to my surprise she blasted at me in a language I seemed not to understand… I then recalled how this “do you mind” question used to give me problems in high school so I immediately understood the woman and closed the window.

“Why can’t the government just award the contract of the chingola-solwezi road to someone else? We can’t afford to continue moving in public this dusty!!” a man in-front of me complained out loud to himself as he dusted his coat… it now clicked where the dusty on the passengers’ hair came from. The driver seemed to have sensed like I was in a hurry and before I knew it I was in Kapiri pa weigh bridge, “oh so this is the famous weigh bridge the town boasts of?” I wondered to myself and saw a newly wedded couple taking pictures just there kaili it’s the *hottest* place in town…. I even understood why that girl from my class who comes from here said whenever I what to visit her its just to call when I reach the weigh bridge and she’ll find me there… the bus was cleared and we were back on the road, as we passed Mulungushi University, i admired the front part of the school, it looked so nice I wondered if that’s what inspired their motto to be *the frontier of education*, the location of university made me understand why people from there respect Unza because had it not been for people traveling to Unza it wouldn’t have been known.. At last we are in kabwe!! Yeah you are right! *tunda station*, what a nice town kabwe is even if people say bad things about it, at least it contributes to the GDP of Zambia with those same K2 from the toilets… The bus parks, and am out to relieve myself from the famous toilets and probably buy something to eat kaili its now custom… Whilst urinating in the toilets I see this ka small boy standing next to me, “mmmmmh why don’t these guys just build another block for children because this boy might end up getting a ka *nsonkela* with what he’s seeing here” I wondered to myself as i was zipping up to go get myself a drink from the ka fast food next to the toilets. Got a fanta with some crisps and went back on the bus… “mmmmh did I leave my bag here?” I wondered as I found my backpack on the seat open, checking inside,the PC is gone………fyapena!!!

Watch out for Chapter 2

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Is life at unza and Cbu the same 👀

NEW STORY ALERT!!!!UNZA LOVE TRIANGLE Chapter 1*The idea of the story is from a song called Na Musonda by P.K Chishala* ...


Chapter 1

*The idea of the story is from a song called Na Musonda by P.K Chishala*

A girl from a humble background in Eastern Province comes to The University Of Zambia-Unza and dumps her guy after meeting a second year student at campus who also refuses to date her in fear that she might do the same to him if she finds another good looking guy and as a result she ends up losing both guys

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NOTE: The UNZAMonk Life story has been suspended till further notice due to public out cry on the vulgar language used

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UNZA  MONK LIFEPart 4Ine early bells the following day I replaced my simcard pa level imo ifi so I got eagerly waiting f...

Part 4

Ine early bells the following day I replaced my simcard pa level imo ifi so I got eagerly waiting for a call from dad to hear what happened to him ofter that incident of his boss at campus, I asked for a ka spare phone from Teddy to use for a day or so whilst I find another phone kaili my ka Iphone 5s was lost in the fracas at kalundu….just upon putting in the simcard, I received three text messages, one read “you have missed 11 calls from 09780140***…. S**t!! that’s my dad’s line…elo lwanya nomba, the other text was from him again on his zamtel line saying “I will be more than happy if you were to excuse yourself from school, go straight to the graveyard where your mum is buried and ask her who your real father is, please calculate how much you might need to search for that man who will proudly call you a son, am more than willing to foot all the associated expenses…..” the text read in parts… emotional touching right?...how do I convince my dad to trust me again, where do I start from saying am sorry plus my dad has got high blood pressure, what if he dies because of me? how is mum looking at me from up there in heaven? Is this the child she loved so much who took over the name of her father? Is this what I came to cbu for? Is this what my dad has been spending thousands for? For once in my life time ladies and gentlemen I cried like a baby…. Avoiding to alert the situation if my friends discover that am crying, I went in the toilet pa africa coz I still needed more room and time to cry…. As I sat there helplessly, my phone beeped, a text from bae…. Atleast now I can find someone to confide in and a sholder to lean on…wait!!you thought I was a ***? Lol mukosey…. fast fast I opened the text…... “hello Mark John Banda !!...” the message read in parts….. mmmmh how come shes addressing me by my name and full names for that matter, my middle name inclusive…… apa nomba napachepa…. I continued reading the text... “I have been coming to your room for the past two days but you were nowhere to be seen, to make matters worse even your beddie knew nothing about your whereabouts, you even had the guts to sleep out of school without telling me!!seriously? as if that’s not enough, you even without shame, brought in school that old lady you spent nights with..why?.....why you of all the people Mark and am told they even called her import and some guys beat you up…anyway let me not bore you to death with this long text… it was nice knowing you and I wish you all the best with that old woman” I’ve just been dumped for reasons that will be hard to explain to her now…. Before opening this text, I was just concluding my crying but here is another disturbing text tantamount to a funeral… I couldn’t cry some more coz I was more than shocked…I looked around the room mu AB and saw funny writings like “ alo iwe uleposha, wafikafye waikala, so uleshani? Another one read “okay ukunya kalafuma laast waibikapo na sweet-course uku wanka muntu wandi ninshi ni zee” the other one read “course name: ukunya…... course code: uku-1110, congratulations on clearing this course before the sessional exams” you know I can’t really explain the feeling I was in coz I was very disappointed with myself, very sad and depressed about the two texts from dad and bae and here come these three funny writings in the toilet…Lol

No I just have to go to her BH mu senanga road and explain myself what actually happened, fast fast opened the ka door and I was on my way to her BH... I avoided using the main gate because of the cuts I had on my face plus I was limping and that in itself would bring about unnecessary questions... you know unza students like asking funny and obvious questions especially girls, I remember one slim, tall, dark and funny looking B-block moma with a big belly who when seen from afar looks like a python that has either swallowed a dog or a got...yeah I met her mu eastpoint days back, just upon seeing me she came running to me and asked “hey Mark !!you are here?” I mean how do you respond to such a question coz of course she’s seen that I am there…. Anyway its unza so you expect anything… so yeah am now on my way to see baby and probably put things straight…I reach pa inter so that I use that ka small gate that will see me through ku guess we all know it… but whilst still pa inter , I see this small crack on the wall where the chief security officer parks his ka white car , but how did this crack come about, was it lightening or what? I kept on wondering and trying to figure out how the crack on the wall came about, and too my surprise, I just heard…. “bululul!!” as she fondly calls me… wait a second!! it was Patience leaning against the wall probably waiting for someone and not a crack as I thought…. this kind of thinking is exactly what got me into problems pa kalundu…..we talked a bit but she seemed to be in a hurry as the person she had been waiting for came…

Just as I was about to continue with my journey to bae’s bh, it just clicked that a lot of girls from my class who come from BHs like using the ka Chemistry department route... No ways I better just use the main gate coz ma one if this story reaching class just yet more over the girls that use the same route ebakwata fi energy for gossiping pa vet two, maybe the energy comes from the food and nice expensive wines they get from their blessers over the weekends. Anyway my mind is just focused on going to see baby so am on my way to the main gate enroute to see baby…I reached by that company for cars I was looking at the shops there and thanking God that there was no Hungry lion,Cheers,Pizza hut or debonairs there coz nga lwalinyele kuli ifwe ba mojo…I was minding my own business whilst there when I saw this couple arguing right by the road side, I even drew closer to at least have a glimpse of what the problem really was… don’t ask me how that was my business.. Lol… yeah so this couple argued on top of their voices, the woman was asking the guy how he could sleep with her best friend in their matrimonial bedroom and the guy defended himself saying what did she expect when she was away for work related duties for close to four months? The woman really cried and tried hugging the guy as if to say I understand it’s my fault sweety am sorry for all this drama…. But sadly the guy pushed her away, went to his jeep and drove off… “this man is heartless” I said to myself feeling very sorry for the woman, I could relate how she was feeling and understood very well that all she needed was a shoulder to lean on… “who am I to deny her that opportunity to confide in me?” so ine fast fast reached to pick her up from the ground and es**rt her to her ford ranger she parked just next to where she was…... just upon holding her hands to lift her up just heard loud guys’ voices shouting “ Alo boi you’ve disturbed the scene now we have to start all over again, we are shooting a movie” and the woman stood up complaining to the man who seemed like the production manager saying “aweh sure so I have to start crying all over again? It’s not fair” she looked at me with an angry face saying “so because you failed to hold your balls tight in your dirty torn boxer I have to re-start this all over? mmmmm###xxn” and she walked out to clean herself to restart the scene and even the guy who had driven off drove in again…. Imagine the embarrassment…... “Alo iwe you are still standing there, tambeshila tubombeko, twalasuka tukumfwemo ka!!!!” avoiding to repeat the fracas ya pa kalundu I walked out in shame and started heading back to school very disappointed like an SDA guy left out on a list for going ku camp…. I even reached pa main gate when it clicked that I was actually going ku BH mu senanga road not back to school, I just stopped, searched my pockets and pretended to have forgotten something pa BH and turned and started heading back in the right direction now...utuntu!!…

Fast forward am now pa BH pali baby… I found almost everyone outside on the swing chatting, if at all girls chat coz ine all I know is that they just gossip. Anyway some were unplaiting each other and the ka inner me was saying “so they are removing these old wigs to pave way for new ones from their blessers and their so called boyfriends in school upon seeing the new looks on their so-called girlfriend will be like wow baby you look nice when he knows for sure that he is not the one who bought it and the girl’s parents can’t afford that K6000 hair coz wishi ni driver pa G’n’G, ba nina bash*tisha ichikanda and the only educated brother she has abomba ku council…” yes you are right its its none of my business am here to apologize kuli baby and leave…. “yes what do you want? Please leave me alone and go back am done with you” she screened upon seeing me…. “all so this is the most talked about guy ulya usenda sana ama hule? Iye sure and he looks so innocent ka, looks can really deceive mwe…. I feel for our friend having landed herself in the hands of this evil but innocent looking guy, kwati pali na ba guy, moneni aka toloshi...” this is not what the girls who were there with bae actually said but I assumed it’s what they were saying to when I saw them talking to each other after baby blasted at me… Can I get an amen from ba monk if you think my assumption on what the girls would have probably been saying is correct…Lol… I drew closer to baby and held her tight to at least go inside and so that I explain what happened to me coz pa ba nankwe ala tumpa…so I dragged her to her quarter kaili she just used to share it with her cousin, on the other end there's another BH, mu chintu bwingi nomba, and the main house on the other side… she bit me on my shoulder but the pain was nothing as compared to the beatings I’ve gone through in the past days… At last we were just the two of us inside her cube and the ka inner me like always never leaves me alone, it was like “just apologize fast fast maybe kuti wankwatamo na touch pa last, imagine how refreshing that will be for you after the hell you’ve gone through…Lol…

“baby listen I understand how you feel but at least allow me to explain myself” I pleaded with bae who seemed a bit cool now…. “Please switch on the light its dark in here and please open all windows” she ordered…. mmmmmh apa yashupa mwati touch nala kwata lelo coz opening the windows and switching on the light shilya imbutuma shabantu panse will come pock their nose in our business… don’t say yes just as you pocked your nose in other people’s business pa road side …kikikiki, I was about to sit down from doing what she asked, she noticed the cuts and bruises on my face, hands and neck “oh so it’s true that you were brutally beaten by a mob at school for bring a slut?but why mark ..you are evil please go leave me alone,go just go” she cried out loud… those good for nothing girls we left outside atishani ukulengela pa ma window? The cousin started banging the door trying to push her way in… I opened the door and she entered and the landlord with his daughters entered the room too am sure it was because of ichimpwena cha abaletamba pa window… I explained to the big man what was happening and to prove that I wasn’t were the girl thinks I was I called Teddy Yamba who I had told about all this when asking for a phone to use…. “put it on loud speaker so that she doesn’t suspect foul play” one girl with a big nose advised, before Teddy picked up I was thinking to myself was this girl informed about what was happening here or she just used her nose to smell that something fishy was happening out? am sure this girl is a chargie pa class coz she seems to smells whats coming in the tests and study the right material, as I was thinking the guy I called picked up…. “hello mwaiche!!wachita bwino uku tuma” he said….. “Teddy umfwa am calling in relation to what I had earlier tol………...” then he cut me saying “yes I know what you want, apa mwaiche ninkwata ikali w**d, not shilye ngwalala nkupepesha, this one mwaiche kuya posha mudala obe ati atishani mulamu, I understand your situation so lelo you won’t contribute you’ll just smoke iyamahala, umunobe Maambo kel achiya pa DOS ku office ya ba Mulambya ati alefwaya latest handout thinking ni pa centre owe…fileeeeeeeeeepena kuno oweh….” I was just there now seated in shame, embarrassed and feeling shy like a Soweto moma eating nshima with *imintesa* pa level … “ kanshi fwaka echobekatila aii, I now see why smocking w**d is illegal!!” the landlord said in a considerably audible voice, “ ni nani uyo chika*** ulelanda ifyabupuba? I can get him clearly here…I know you are hearing me, waba ka pendo ku bw*mba infact uli……...” I abruptly cut the line before I started wondering how on earth a bottle-top got on the tip of the man’s nanikane, the landlord just held his head and started shaking it before saying anything……. “Mark you started smocking? and what did I tell you about hanging out with that Teddy guy?

“Listen my friend,the story of whether he smokes ifyamba or not can be sorted out when you are just the two of you, for now let’s just focus on the main topic of him sleeping out with an old woman and bringing her in school the following day” the same girl with a big nose advised my girl… I now started wondering to myself if all ugly girls by nature are kind coz even that nurse pa central hospital was really one of a kind... how I wish this inner beauty used to be reflect on the outside because as it stands mojokaling na ma looks aya ku kosa… I remember my classrep was dating some tall funny looking girl like she was mu accident ya train, whenever someone meets him and ask if for real he was dating the said girl instead of just confidently confirming he would go like “ ehe aiii” kwati he was forced dating her. you are right!!beauty lies in the eyes of the beer holder ooops i meant beholder, so I was thinking of calling back teddy but aweh he might say something else again coz the phone is on loudspeaker…. Wait a second, that day Ndanji CE aka Vaubwena was there when I came with that woman, yeah this one might explain better here so I call him…. “hello muntu wandi?” he answered…... “muntu wandi I have a problem here,you remember that woman I came with in school?” I asked him, “Yes and sorry I forgot to congratulate you mwaiche, I was told, aweh apa naukalipa mwaiche, ati nauleka uku donsa ama hule mu kalengalenga compound ati you are now going for sugar mummies mu ma companies...”, “aweh ba Eva that’s a false story” I tried cutting him short... “why cutting him short?let him finish” my girl ordered… “hello mwaiche can you get me?” he inquired… “ yes am here” I answered.. “great, mwaiche umfwa nomba, aya ama hule utemenwe just make sure that your baby doesn’t find out coz ma one, you remember that ka Natasha girl from October block 3 you brought I just covered you saying shes my cousin, your gir knows that Chibwe Musonda also from kafue follows me whenever we are out kanshi ninshi niwebo akonka, am sure you do recall that your baby caught you giving the current miss unza morning after pill and you lied that niba roomie aba kutumine when in fact it was you uwatimbile job and…….” Before he finished talking the girl just grabbed the phone and smashed it and cried even some more now…. “Young man out please, never ever step your feet in the yard again, infact even you girls you should be seeing boys to date” the landlord who had been a very good friend of mine for two years now has chased me….

Am now walking back to school very shocked like I have heard imfole speaking English or Gershom talking in a low tone voice… am now wondering if at all those guys constructing new hostels ku vet kulya if they can assist me with a cup of Dangote cement notu menshi coz the situation am in now *ukukosa ni mandatory*

To be continued

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