I was asked about how activate a seal, and how to pronounce the words in a conjuration.
My advice is to sound out the words. Different people will pronounce words a bit differently. I said that how you say them will be the correct way for you. The spirits will hear you. Even if the pronunciation is not “perfect” the intent is still there.
I was asked if I would do a video showing how I would read the words. This video is the conjuration. Please keep in mind this is not a full ritual.
Here are the words for the conjuration. The page I was sent did not have a License to Depart. I have included one. I did notice I said Lavertium rather than Lavaterium.
I, (say your name), a servant of God, desire, call upon and conjure thee, Spirit Phuel, by the Holy Messengers and all the Disciples of the Lord, by the four Holy Evangelists and the three Holy Men of God and by the most terrible and most holy words Abriel, Fibriel, Zada, Zaday, Zarabo, Laragola, Lavaterium, Laroyol, Zay, Zagin, Labir, Lya, Adeo, Deus, Alon, Abay, Alos, Pieus, Ehos, Mihi, Uini, Mora, Zorad, and by those holy words, that thou come and appear before me (say your name), in a beautiful human form, and bring me what I desire. (This the conjuror must name.)
O THOU Spirit Phuel, because thou hast diligently answered unto my demands, and hast been very ready and willing to come at my call, I do here license thee to depart unto thy proper place; without causing harm or danger unto man or beast. Depart, them I say, and be thou very ready to come at my call, being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of magic. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of GOD be ever continued between thee and me! AMEN!
All spirits, angels, elementals, and other spirits attracted here, depart you in peace unto your abodes. May the blessing of Adonai be upon you. Be there peace between us, and be ready to come again when you are called.
If anyone wishes to work with Phuel I found this information. “Phuel, Lord of the Moon, allows you to connect to and release hidden emotions from this and past lives.
Let the silver water rippling in the moonlight cleanse and clear you. Go for a swim, have a candlelit bath, watch the ocean and the moon and allow Phuel to reveal and release anything troubling you and connect to the tranquility within to share with others. I am calm and tranquil.”
This is the page I was sent with the sigil and conjunction.