The Sesame Noodle Bowl from Lani’s Kitchen is huge, delicious, and nutritious! Vegan and gluten free options available. Check out all the Busy Box options at Skip the drive thru and let us pack your lunch!#lunchisserved #balancedmeal #kelownamealprep #kelownabusiness #kelownawomeninbusiness #kelownamoms #eatwell #skipthedrivethru #kelowna
BLACK FRIDAY FREEBIE! This week only, place an order of $100 and receive a FREE 6 pack of Jumbo Muffins! Breakfast is served! Swipe to see your flavor choices 🤤Place your order at by Friday!..#breakfast #kelownamuffins #kelownamealprep #blackfridaydeal #freemuffins #breakfastonme #kelownabreakfast #mealprep #homedelivery #readytoeat #kelownalife #okanaganlife
Next week's menu is up and available for order! Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegan, and Vegetarian options available! Starting at just $6/serving for mains and $4/serving for sides!Order by Friday for Tuesday delivery #kelowna #uppermission #mealdelivery #fallrecipes #yummy #eatgoodfood #familyfriendlymeals #kelownafoodie #okanaganlife
IT’S SOUP SEASON!! Two new soups up on the menu for this chilly fall week. Creamy Vegan Tomato and Ham & Corn Chowder. Pair the tomato with your favourite grilled cheese. The chowder is perfect alongside a BLT!
#kelownamealprep #kelownafood #soupseason #sweataweatha #tomatosoup #hamandcornchowder #soupandsandwich #kelownaliving #wholesomemeals #warmingfood #soup