Fortune cookie forecast for the weekend - When You Are Trying Something New!
The fortune cookie hits it right again!
There is always something to celebrate, even if you are crying while you recognize it.
Getting louder again! Hobby memberships to the studio are $40/month.
Make your own stuff! The Soup is like a gym for your creativity - come use space, tools and equipment for making and customizing items, creating artwork, as well as sharing and learning from each other!
Business memberships (if you are profiting from anything made) are $200-$500/month and include advertising and storefront sales, space to work and host workshops, as well as product pickup and client meeting space!
Getting better at being louder….
The Fortune Cookie says it’s Farmer’s Market Day in Lamont!
Get supper and your local shopping fix from 4-7 at the Rec Centre.
All set up for the Lamont Town Wide Garage Sale.
We’ve got a little bit of everything including Craft Supplies!
The Chipman Car Crafters Swap Meet is just down the highway today as well if you need car parts.
Good news for Events this weekend!
Number 12! Thank you guys for the positive feedback on these videos, it is having the happy side effect of getting me more comfortable in front of the camera. I’ve made a lot of videos over the last year, but rarely end up posting them for whatever reason, and this project is helping me to get over that so Thank You for watching!
# 11 failed to post yesterday, so today’s a 2-for- admission today!
Thanks for the idea Stephanie!
Anybody else feeling a little rushed today?
Flowers are in the Forecast, but what does the Fortune Cookie have to say for May Day?
Ha ha ha, I pre-taped this one last night to post because I wasn’t going to make it to the shop this morning. It WAS accurate… Last night!
Day 6! Location is “in your head.” Watch to see what the fortune cookie reveals…
It’s a Make Something Saturday! We made a barnwood and cowhide coathook with cast iron star hardware.
Show us what you made today in the comments!
Day 3 of The Fortune Cookie Project…
Oh, and I picked some pussywillows at the shop if anybody wants them for a craft project.
What will Tuesday’s Fortune Cookie Wisdom Reveal?
Please comment with where you think “the location” should be tomorrow!