Oh My F*cking God

Oh My F*cking God This is the official page for the metal-events @ Fri-Son / Fribourg under the same name – Death, Thrash, Doom, Grind, Post, Core… You name it, we bring it!

Le conte de fée entre Fri-Son et les guitares électriques prend une nouvelle tournure: Ce coup de pied au cul rajoute de l'huile à la machine et nous propose ménage à trois, le résultat ressemble a un petit bâtard suant entre des murs de décibels, de concerts énergiques et d'une incontrôlable montée d'adrénaline! Fri-Son présente: 'Oh My F*cking God'! DE
Die Bilderbuchromanze zwischen dem Fri-S

on und der Stromgitarre geht in die nächste Runde: Der Arschtrittfaktor erweitert das eingespielte Paar zum flotten Dreier, das Resultat ist ein schwitzender Bastard aus niederwälzenden Soundwänden, wuchtigen Live-Shows, und überdurchschnittlichem Adrenalinaustoss – Fri-Son präsentiert 'Oh My F*cking God'! EN
The Fairy-tale romance between the Fri-son and the electric guitar gets a new twist: The kick ass-factor expands the well oiled machine to a wild th*****me, the result is a sweaty bastard made out of crushing walls of sound, powerfull live-shows and an uncontrolled rush of adrenaline - Fri-Son presents 'Oh My F*cking God'! Future Events:

Past Events:
04. 02. 2011 - Amagortis, Kess'khtak, Daïgoro, DJ Deerstruction
13. 05. 2011 - Roots Of Death, Attack Vertical, Falling Down, DJs Ctrl-X & -V
22. 10. 2011 - War From A Harlots Mouth, Abraham, Promethee
16. 12. 2011 - Decapitated, Aborted, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Cyanide Serenity, Archspire
27. 01. 2012 - The Burden Remains, Emerald, Posthumanbigbang, DJ-Set by TBR
28. 04. 2012 - Beyond The Vortex, Tojinbo, We Said, etc.
21. 09. 2012 - Emerald, Gonoreas, Shadowsfear, DJ I.N.I
09. 11. 2012 - Asidefromaday, Zatokrev, Coilguns, DJs Tank vs. Husky
18. 01. 2013 - OMFG Double crème: Uneven Structure (FR), Oral Fi****ck (CH), Conjonctive (CH), Vuyvr (CH), Elizabeth (CH), Redheads Are Vampires (CH), Abstract Reason (CH)
16. 03. 2013 - Cortez (CH), Celeste (FR), Haut&Court (FR), DJ Husky
17. 05. 2013 - Abraham (CH), Coilguns (CH), Drawers (FR), DJ Mara
11. 10. 2013 - Battalion, Mesmerised (20th anniversary!), Petrol Patrol, DJ I.N.I
29. 11. 2013 - Vale Tudo, Edesse, Last Breath For An Addict, DJs René & Ginette
31. 01. 2014 - Disparaged, Black Code, NevBorn, DJ Barbarossa
04. 04. 2014 - The Burden Remains (Vernissage), Ølten, DJ Danny Ramone
09. 05. 2014 - Promethee, Showyourteeth, Make Me A Donut, Herod
10. 10. 2014 - Borgne, Lotrify, Six Months Of Sun, God's Punishment
14. 11. 2014 - Carnal Decay, Nihilo, Virvum
24. 01. 2015 - Stortregn, Calcined (Vernissage), Cobra Death
01. 04. 2015 - Ken Mode, Cortez
28. 10. 2015 - When Icarus Falls, Ogmasun (Vernissage), DJ CopKiller
27. 11. 2015 - Promethee (Vernissage), Insanity, Oregon Trail (Vernissage)
27. 01. 2016 - Protest Your Mind, Tuer, Undead Vision, Awaken The Lies
22. 04. 2016 - Schammasch, Ashtar, Kernal
18. 05. 2016 - Attack Vertical, Abstract Reason, Facing The Enemy
17./18. 09. 2016 - The Burden Remains & The Horns of the Seventh Seal
26. 11. 2016 - Rorcal, Ølten, Heads.
19. 01. 2017 - Reaptile, Lilium Sova, Toast Machine
26. 05. 2017 - Emerald, Poltergeist, Undead Vision (Double vernissage)
19. 10. 2017 - Insanity, Unexisting Structures, PIJAB
25. 11. 2017 - Vale Tudo, Attack Vertical, Oldsun (Collab avec PEA)
29. 03. 2018 - Impure Wilhelmina, Fat Wang
22. 09. 2018 - Darius, Unfold, The Crotals
14. 11. 2018 - Aborted, Cryptopsy, Benighted, Cytotoxin
28. 02. 2019 - Unhold, Falcifer, E-L-R
23. 05. 2019 - Abraham, Soldat Hans, Broken Reality

Friends and lovers of heavy live music, l'heure est arrivée:Es ist an der Zeit, Oh My F*cking God zu beerdigen/enterrer/...

Friends and lovers of heavy live music, l'heure est arrivée:
Es ist an der Zeit, Oh My F*cking God zu beerdigen/enterrer/lay to rest.

After eight years of des concerts et sets dj incroyables mit genau 111 bands, davon 16 international und 95 groupes suisse, it's time to stop cette merveilleuse collaboration avec Fri-Son mon amour, et laisser la place à des autres gens et projets.
I would like to Danke sagen an alle Bands, DJs, Crews, Agenten, Besucher, Staff et cetera , it’s thoroughly been a pleasure, these memories will hold up for quite the while - Je vous aime! ❤️

/ Chris

All shows, by date:
04. 02. 2011 - Amagortis, Kess'khtak, Daïgoro
13. 05. 2011 - Roots Of Death, Attack Vertical, Falling Down
22. 10. 2011 - War From A Harlots Mouth, Abraham, Promethee
16. 12. 2011 - Decapitated, Aborted, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Cyanide Serenity
27. 01. 2012 - The Burden Remains, Emerald, Posthumanbigbang
28. 04. 2012 - Beyond The Vortex, Tojinbo, We Said, etc.
21. 09. 2012 - Emerald, Gonoreas, Shadowsfear
09. 11. 2012 - Asidefromaday, Zatokrev, Coilguns
18. 01. 2013 - OMFG Double crème: Uneven Structure (FR), Oral Fi****ck (CH), Conjonctive (CH), Vuyvr (CH), Elizabeth (CH), Redheads Are Vampires (CH), Abstract Reason (CH)
16. 03. 2013 - Cortez (CH), Celeste (FR), Haut&Court (FR)
17. 05. 2013 - Abraham (CH), Coilguns (CH), Drawers (FR)
11. 10. 2013 - Battalion, Mesmerised (20th anniversary!), Petrol Patrol
29. 11. 2013 - Vale Tudo, Edesse, Last Breath For An Addict
31. 01. 2014 - Disparaged, Black Code, NevBorn
04. 04. 2014 - The Burden Remains (Vernissage), Ølten
09. 05. 2014 - Promethee, Showyourteeth, Make Me A Donut, Herod
10. 10. 2014 - Borgne, Lotrify, Six Months Of Sun, God's Punishment
14. 11. 2014 - Carnal Decay, Nihilo, Virvum
24. 01. 2015 - Stortregn, Calcined (Vernissage), Cobra Death
01. 04. 2015 - Ken Mode, Cortez
28. 10. 2015 - When Icarus Falls, Ogmasun (Vernissage)
27. 11. 2015 - Promethee (Vernissage), Insanity, Oregon Trail (Vernissage)
27. 01. 2016 - Protest Your Mind, Tuer, Undead Vision, Awaken The Lies
22. 04. 2016 - Schammasch, Ashtar, Kernal
18. 05. 2016 - Attack Vertical, Abstract Reason, Facing The Enemy
17./18. 09. 2016 - The Burden Remains & The Horns of the Seventh Seal
26. 11. 2016 - Rorcal, Ølten, Heads.
19. 01. 2017 - Reaptile, Lilium Sova, Toast Machine
26. 05. 2017 - Emerald, Poltergeist, Undead Vision (Double vernissage)
19. 10. 2017 - Insanity, Unexisting Structures, PIJAB
25. 11. 2017 - Vale Tudo, Attack Vertical, Oldsun (Collab avec PEA)
29. 03. 2018 - Impure Wilhelmina, Fat Wang
22. 09. 2018 - Darius, Unfold, The Crotals
14. 11. 2018 - Aborted, Cryptopsy, Benighted, Cytotoxin
28. 02. 2019 - Unhold, Falcifer, E-L-R
23. 05. 2019 - Abraham, Soldat Hans, Broken Reality


Hey everyone!
We haven't exactly been super busy lately, but that doesn't mean others weren't either…

Check out this weekend's Hummus Fest featuring our good friends in Coilguns, Rorcal and Darius plus other great bands, Czar Of Crickets Productions will be on site with some killer releases, and on and on and on - Seriously, don't miss this!

Hummus Records / Fri-Son / Czar Of Crickets Productions / Out of Gas

Wow!Thanks to everyone for coming out yesterday, Abraham, Soldat Hans and Broken Reality for the killer shows, and of co...

Thanks to everyone for coming out yesterday, Abraham, Soldat Hans and Broken Reality for the killer shows, and of course Fri-Son's staff - It was a hectic day, but things went down smoothly.

Updates soon, in the mean time:
Don't forget this show here… Ultra Vomit - FR | Promethee - CH


New announcement today, watch this space!

So how about this: Saint Vitus just dropped a new morceau. 30.4. live @ Fri-Son

So how about this: Saint Vitus just dropped a new morceau.
30.4. live @ Fri-Son

Subscribe to Season Of Mist for new releases : https://som.lnk.to/YouTube Taken from the album "Saint Vitus". Release date: May 17, 2019. Order here: http://...

Well that was fun!Thanks again to E-L-R, Unhold and FalciferDoom for coming out and bringing this much people together u...

Well that was fun!
Thanks again to E-L-R, Unhold and FalciferDoom for coming out and bringing this much people together under the sign of… whatever it is we celebrated last night, it sure was a blast!

Thanks of course also to Hexerei Records, Fri-Son and crew, the crowd, all partners, etc.

The next show will be announced shortly, keep your eyes peeled!

Oh snap!This certainly is unexpected…Our buddies in Herod just dropped a new video from their forthcoming album, and it'...

Oh snap!
This certainly is unexpected…
Our buddies in Herod just dropped a new video from their forthcoming album, and it's plain massive.

This this link, get smothered. Now.

Stream a monstrous new track from the Swiss progressive sludge quartet's upcoming second full-length Sombre Dessein.

Tout le monde, habt ihr schon diesen Unhold-Clip hier gesehen? Massive, but equally delightful. Yeah, that's a thing  ht...

Tout le monde, habt ihr schon diesen Unhold-Clip hier gesehen? Massive, but equally delightful. Yeah, that's a thing https://www.facebook.com/events/341406499975581/

Taken from the Album "Here Is the Blood" CD CZAR076 | LP CZAR078 Release worldwide November 9th 2018 (Czar of Bullets | Plastic Head) Music by Unhold | Lyric...

Shred madness!Cryptopsy's new EP is streaming now over on Lambgoat, and it's insane. Check it out!Don't forget:> https:/...

Shred madness!

Cryptopsy's new EP is streaming now over on Lambgoat, and it's insane. Check it out!

Don't forget:
> https://www.facebook.com/events/417388475374577/

Eric Sanchez Photography In case you haven't been paying attention, technical death metal legends Cryptopsy are just hours away ...

Die neue Aborted ist mittlerweile veröffentlicht, der Hardy von Metal Factory schreibt dazu folgendermassen:«Die belgisc...

Die neue Aborted ist mittlerweile veröffentlicht, der Hardy von Metal Factory schreibt dazu folgendermassen:
«Die belgischen Grind/Deather kennen seit einigen Jahren nur einen Weg; vorwärts! Gefühlt immer auf Tour genügen ein paar wenige Sekunden eines neuen Songs um zu erkennen, dass Aborted die Messer wetzen, denn ihr Stil ist mittlerweile geradezu einzigartig und springt einem Blut gurgelnd direkt ins Gesicht. Ihren Höhepunkt kanalisierten sie für mich mit der "Termination Redux"-EP (2016), auf welcher die Band Tempo, Wucht, Groove und Fiesheit auf einem Level verzahnten welches seither leider nicht mehr verfolgt wurde. Schon das nachfolgende Album "Retrogore" bediente sich technischeren Grundpfeilern und verlor im Vergleich etwas an Dringlichkeit. Umso erfreulicher ist daher die Tatsache, dass der neue Hammer "TerrorVision" zwar noch einen Zacken technischer ausfällt, dabei aber ernster und bösartiger tönt, scheisstight aus allen Rohren feuert und zu meiner grossen Freude wieder dieses bestimmte, fiebrig-vibrierende Grundelement in sich trägt welches die ganz harten Jungs von den richtig durchgeknallten Männern trennt. Hier passiert innert 45 Minuten derartig viel, dass einige Durchläufe benötigt werden um sämtliche Ebenen dieses vielschichtigen Werkes zu beleuchten, harter Tobak. Nach einem kurzen Intro wird zehn dynamische Tracks lang auf höchstem Niveau gurgelnd exekutioniert, blutspritzend gemetzelt, sexy gegroovt, angenehm(!) gefrickelt und formidabel geblastspeedet, vorbildlichst. Auch die Texte sind nicht mehr nur makabrer Humor und schleimiger Ponyhof, sondern beleuchten den echten Dreck um uns herum und das spürt man aus Svenchos wie üblich positiv-kranker Gesangsdarbietung auch heraus. "TerrorVision" ist ein Monolith von einem musikalischen Werk mit hochansteckender Aura geworden und darum potenter Anwärter auf das Death Metal Album des Jahres. Uneingeschränkt empfehlenswert, verfluchter Pflichtkauf. / Punkte: 9.5 von 10»

Tjo dann. Wohl einen Besuch wert, ne?
> https://www.facebook.com/events/417388475374577

CD Vinyl Reviews, Horseman, Korpiklaani, Betzefer, Ethernity, Manimal, Dream Child, Treat, Hardcore Superstar, Mayan, Federal Charm, Voivod, Ennui, Blood Of Serpents, Stoneman, Siege Of Power, Alice In Chains, Aeolian, Ill e Damned, Iskandr, Aborted, De Profundis, Krisiun, Stillbirth, Terror, Brains...

stemutz.com - Let's capture your story was on site last Saturday, check out his killer shots of Darius, Unfold and The C...

stemutz.com - Let's capture your story was on site last Saturday, check out his killer shots of Darius, Unfold and The Crotals!

OMFG ... live power Oh My F*cking God - The Crotals - UNFOLD - Darius


Well that was fun!
Thanks to Darius, Unfold, The Crotals, all staff from Fri-Son, and of course everyone who came out & made this night so much fun!

Next rdv is on November 14 – Hell Over Europe 2: Aborted, Cryptopsy, Benighted, Cytotoxin!


This is going down this weekend!
Don't miss Abyss Festival putting up one hell of a party featuring so many of our good friends from Promethee, Emerald, Vale Tudo, Darius, and co!

Let's dance!

> https://www.facebook.com/events/354466344967229/

Hey ben, did you check out the nöie Video von The Crotals already?22. 09. chez üüs: https://www.facebook.com/events/2423...

Hey ben, did you check out the nöie Video von The Crotals already?

22. 09. chez üüs: https://www.facebook.com/events/242321213236768/

THE CROTALS "Falling" Taken from the new album "Horde" Sludge metal from Switzerland Out through Tenacity Music on the 7th of September 2018 BUY YOUR PHYSICA...

Z'avez déjà checké le nouveau track des The Crotals?En ligne depuis hier, appuyez sur play!Ils seront sur scène chez nou...

Z'avez déjà checké le nouveau track des The Crotals?
En ligne depuis hier, appuyez sur play!

Ils seront sur scène chez nous le 22 septembre, avec Darius et Unfold:
> https://www.facebook.com/events/242321213236768/

THE CROTALS "Fissures" Taken from the new album "Horde" Sludge metal from Switzerland Out through Tenacity Music on the 7th of September 2018 BUY YOUR PHYSIC...

Aborted viennent de dévoiler la pochette et les infos du nouveau disque 'Terrorvision', il y aura un clip encore cette s...

Aborted viennent de dévoiler la pochette et les infos du nouveau disque 'Terrorvision', il y aura un clip encore cette semaine!

Ne ratez pas ce gig, choppez vos prélocs maintenant!
> https://www.facebook.com/events/417388475374577/


ABORTED’s new album “TerrorVision” will be released on September 21st, 2018. Today the band reveals the sick artwork that was done by Par Olofsson (Exodus, Immolation, Immortal) that is outlining the album approach flawlessly. “TerrorVision” offers eleven tracks of absolutely outstanding brutal death metal. With “The Necrotic Manifesto” and ABORTED’s last album “Retrogore” already showcasing what the band is capable of, “TerrorVision” lifts death metal to a higher level of intensity, atmosphere and brutality. Produced by Kristian “Kohle” Kohlmannslehner at Kohlekeller Studios, “TerrorVision” is not just a new chunk of high-class brutal death metal, it’s a piece of art pushing the boundaries of the entire genre by combining over-the-top musicianship with skilled songwriting, a clear yet organic production and inexorable brutality that has no equals.

“TerrorVision” will be offered in the following formats:
- Standard CD Jewelcase
- Gatefold LP+CD
- Ltd. Box set (with Digipak CD, bonus CD with the tracks of
the “Bathos” EP, black belt with metal belt buckle, sticker set
and button set)
- Digital

Brace yourself for the start of the pre-sale, including some kick ass collector bundles we came up with and the launch of the first video/track of “TerrorVision” for Friday, July 6th!

“TerrorVision” tracklist:

1. Lasciate Ogne Speranza (0:57)
2. TerrorVision (4:33)
3. Farewell To The Flesh (4:41)
4. Vespertine Decay (6:00)
5. Squalor Opera (4:01)
6. Visceral Despondency (3:32)
7. Deep Red (3:20)
8. Exquisite Covinous Drama (5:01)
9. Altro Inferno (4:49)
10. A W***e D’oeuvre Macabre (3:01)
11. The Final Absolution (5:07)


New Aborted is coming soon - Check out this teaser & don't forget: November 14 at Fri-Son!

New Promethee, drop everything & turn it up!

New Promethee, drop everything & turn it up!

Taken from the forthcoming PROMETHEE album "Convalescence" - out October 12th on Lifeforce Records. Video directed by Renaud Kritzinger. http://www.promethee...

It's Tuesday, and that means… Jam some death metal!C'est mardi, et mardi c'est généralement nikel pour mettre la sono à ...

It's Tuesday, and that means… Jam some death metal!
C'est mardi, et mardi c'est généralement nikel pour mettre la sono à fond!
Dienstag ist Death Metal-Tag, das weiss jeder!

> https://www.facebook.com/events/417388475374577/
Did you get your presale-ticket? Vous avez vos prélocs? Tickets schon abgestaubt?

ABORTED - Fallacious Crescendo (OFFICIAL VIDEO). Taken from the single "Bathos", out June 30th, 2017. Order now: smarturl.it/AbortedBathos

Fri-Son has two events coming up that might be interesting for some of you!21. 05.: The Jesus And Mary Chain (SCO) (Post...

Fri-Son has two events coming up that might be interesting for some of you!

21. 05.: The Jesus And Mary Chain (SCO) (Post-Punk / Noise)
25. 05.: Pere Ubu & Support (Art-Punk)

Both events will feature quite some dominant guitar-bashing, so essentially they're speaking the same language that we usually promote here…

See you there!

New Aborted-clip, check it out!Also, Nov. 14 is the date, don't forget!> https://www.facebook.com/events/417388475374577

New Aborted-clip, check it out!

Also, Nov. 14 is the date, don't forget!
> https://www.facebook.com/events/417388475374577

ABORTED - Fallacious Crescendo (OFFICIAL VIDEO). Taken from the single "Bathos", out June 30th, 2017. Order now: smarturl.it/AbortedBathos

What a night!Thanks to Impure Wilhelmina, FAT WANG, The Doogies, the full Fri-Son staff, and everyone who came out - We ...

What a night!
Thanks to Impure Wilhelmina, FAT WANG, The Doogies, the full Fri-Son staff, and everyone who came out - We had a blast!

(Pic by Hannah Cattin)

We're off in May, simply because you should go and spend your hard earned cash over at the Nouveau Monde for Full Metal's 10th anniversary - See you there!
> https://www.facebook.com/events/988574051309243/

Ps: If really we're already looking at future events, here's an event you might want to write down… Aborted, Cryptopsy, Benighted and CYTOTOXIN, November 14!
> https://www.facebook.com/events/417388475374577/

Impure Wilhelmina live on stage, about damn time!

Impure Wilhelmina live on stage, about damn time!

FAT WANG playing nasty tunes. Good times!

FAT WANG playing nasty tunes. Good times!

Aaaaaand it's FAT WANG time!Come on out tonight, it's going down!

Aaaaaand it's FAT WANG time!
Come on out tonight, it's going down!


Route De La Fonderie 13






Lassen Sie sich von uns eine E-Mail senden und seien Sie der erste der Neuigkeiten und Aktionen von Oh My F*cking God erfährt. Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht für andere Zwecke verwendet und Sie können sich jederzeit abmelden.


Our Story

FR Le conte de fée entre Fri-Son et les guitares électriques prend une nouvelle tournure: Ce coup de pied au cul rajoute de l'huile à la machine et nous propose ménage à trois, le résultat ressemble a un petit bâtard suant entre des murs de décibels, de concerts énergiques et d'une incontrôlable montée d'adrénaline! Fri-Son présente: 'Oh My F*cking God'! DE Die Bilderbuchromanze zwischen dem Fri-Son und der Stromgitarre geht in die nächste Runde: Der Arschtrittfaktor erweitert das eingespielte Paar zum flotten Dreier, das Resultat ist ein schwitzender Bastard aus niederwälzenden Soundwänden, wuchtigen Live-Shows, und überdurchschnittlichem Adrenalinaustoss – Fri-Son präsentiert 'Oh My F*cking God'! EN The Fairy-tale romance between the Fri-son and the electric guitar gets a new twist: The kick ass-factor expands the well oiled machine to a wild th*****me, the result is a sweaty bastard made out of crushing walls of sound, powerfull live-shows and an uncontrolled rush of adrenaline - Fri-Son presents 'Oh My F*cking God'! Future Events: TBA Past Events: 04. 02. 2011 - Amagortis, Kess'khtak, Daïgoro, DJ Deerstruction 13. 05. 2011 - Roots Of Death, Attack Vertical, Falling Down, DJs Ctrl-X & -V 22. 10. 2011 - War From A Harlots Mouth, Abraham, Promethee 16. 12. 2011 - Decapitated, Aborted, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Cyanide Serenity, Archspire 27. 01. 2012 - The Burden Remains, Emerald, Posthumanbigbang, DJ-Set by TBR 28. 04. 2012 - Beyond The Vortex, Tojinbo, We Said, etc. 21. 09. 2012 - Emerald, Gonoreas, Shadowsfear, DJ I.N.I 09. 11. 2012 - Asidefromaday, Zatokrev, Coilguns, DJs Tank vs. Husky 18. 01. 2013 - OMFG Double crème: Uneven Structure (FR), Oral Fi****ck (CH), Conjonctive (CH), Vuyvr (CH), Elizabeth (CH), Redheads Are Vampires (CH), Abstract Reason (CH) 16. 03. 2013 - Cortez (CH), Celeste (FR), Haut&Court (FR), DJ Husky 17. 05. 2013 - Abraham (CH), Coilguns (CH), Drawers (FR), DJ Mara 11. 10. 2013 - Battalion, Mesmerised (20th anniversary!), Petrol Patrol, DJ I.N.I 29. 11. 2013 - Vale Tudo, Edesse, Last Breath For An Addict, DJs René & Ginette 31. 01. 2014 - Disparaged, Black Code, NevBorn, DJ Barbarossa 04. 04. 2014 - The Burden Remains (Vernissage), Ølten, DJ Danny Ramone 09. 05. 2014 - Promethee, Showyourteeth, Make Me A Donut, Herod 10. 10. 2014 - Borgne, Lotrify, Six Months Of Sun, God's Punishment 14. 11. 2014 - Carnal Decay, Nihilo, Virvum 24. 01. 2015 - Stortregn, Calcined (Vernissage), Cobra Death 01. 04. 2015 - Ken Mode, Cortez 28. 10. 2015 - When Icarus Falls, Ogmasun (Vernissage), DJ CopKiller 27. 11. 2015 - Promethee (Vernissage), Insanity, Oregon Trail (Vernissage) 27. 01. 2016 - Protest Your Mind, Tuer, Undead Vision, Awaken The Lies 22. 04. 2016 - Schammasch, Ashtar, Kernal 18. 05. 2016 - Attack Vertical, Abstract Reason, Facing The Enemy 17./18. 09. 2016 - The Burden Remains & The Horns of the Seventh Seal 26. 11. 2016 - Rorcal, Ølten, Heads. 19. 01. 2017 - Reaptile, Lilium Sova, Toast Machine 26. 05. 2017 - Emerald, Poltergeist, Undead Vision 19. 10. 2017 - Insanity, Unexisting Structures, Peace Is Just A Break 25. 11. 2017 - Vale Tudo, Attack Vertical, Oldsun (Avec PEA!) 29. 3. 2018 - Impure Wilhelmina, Fat Wang 22. 9. 2018 - Darius, Unfold, The Crotals

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