je profesionalni kongresni i sajamski organizator (PCO / PEO) koji se bavi planiranjem i organizovanjem kongresa, konferencija, simpozijuma, sajmova, izložbi i događaja u Srbiji i zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope.
- organizacija događaja (kongresa, simpozijuma, seminara, sastanaka...)
- organizacija prateće izložbe
- izradu web portala manifestacije
- sponzorstva i medije
- smeštaj i transport učesnik
- društveni program
- finansijski servis
Poveravanjem organizacije kompaniji CONGREXPO d.o.o. vi ćete:
- Nivo i kvalitet manifestacije
- Kvalitet usluga koji pružate Vašim učesnicima
- Aktivnosti organizacionog odbora i sekretarijata
- Troškove organizovanja ljudstva na organizaciji
- Stresne situacije koje mogu nastati
- Kompletnu organizaciju, koordinaciju i vođenje u ime Organizatora
CONGREXPO d.o.o. je član:
- SCB - Serbian Convention Bureau
- ICCA - International Congress and Convention Association
CONGREXPO d.o.o. is a professional trade fair and congress organizer (PCO / PEO) which deals with the planning and organization of congresses, conferences, symposiums, fairs, exhibitions and events in Serbia and the countries of Southeastern Europe.
- Organization of events (congresses, symposiums, seminars, meetings ...)
- Organization of exhibition
- Creation of web portal event
- Sponsorship and media
- Accommodation and transport of participants
- Social program
- Financial services
Entrusting the organization to CONGREXPO d.o.o. you will:
- The level and quality of the event
- Quality of service you provide to your participants
- Activities of the Organizing Committee and Secretariat
- Costs of organizing people in the organization
- Stressful situations that may arise
- Complete organization, coordination and conduct on behalf of the Organizer
Member of:
- SCB - Serbian Convention Bureau
- ICCA - International Congress and Convention Association