- To promote Poker and it's duplicate variation as a MIND SPORT, without any discrimination ; and to reinforce the element of SKILL involved, as well as the talent and determination required to succeed.
- Changing the idea taken on Poker and other mind games from being CASINO GAMBLING GAMES which is religiously and ethically refused in Egypt and promote them as SPORTS of MIND & SKILL.
- The pro
cedure of establishing the Egyptian Federation of Poker & Mind Sport is currently in process and will be followed by joining the International Federation of Poker (I.F.P.) & The International Mind Sport Association. (I.M.S.A.)
- Organizing 4 or more major national tournaments yearly, aswell as the all year round grand prix (PGP),THE PGP will give 8 wild cards for the 1st 8 players to compete at the final ranking Tournament. the EFP will compile ranking tournament points with classifications of the PGP and present players from around the country with the chance to compete at The World Poker Championship (The Table) every year.