Devilish Advocate, Therapist in Gestalt Psychotherapy
I am your Devilish Advocate helping you do the good you want to do in your life.
I have been made aware that I am agressive sometimes and confrontative- the first part I have improved by going to therapy and the second trait helps me be a good therapists.
Check out the 3-minute video about how your relationships can get stronger- once you get a voice.
Video footage from Menuda Peli- a great great videographer and video maker. Gracias.
Getting ready for tons of How2beyou Events in September. Stay tuned. Here is our promo video at Engage.
Ali gave us the space to share and connect. An experience that created Vulnerability- immediately built trust in her group...we laughed, cried and said what we loved about our bodies. How2beyou Hub is so pleased to have hosted the space for Ali and Steph.
Emcee at the Professional Speakers Association of India summit this weekend. I have a blast- being me- making corny jokes, dancing singing- entertaining the muted audience. I was born to be on stage- who put me in the audience!?
¨liberating¨I can be me¨Safe space¨ This was Clown Class last night. It can transform you to show you. Yourself. How2Beyou Hub hosted Laugh´s Clown Class. Next one April 9th 10am
95 workshops; 6 years at my NGO Laugh in Barcelona and now the community is ready for The You Studio. I bought 24 pink chairs the day I signed the contract and Hector-my interior designer made it work- more pink! This is the space to come to Be You. Thanks to Alba Lucia Hincapié for coming. Liam Kirsher for the awesome ice cream I ate with a fork- I´m still missing spoons and a toilet seat 2 weeks in.
Pau Gabo our great DJ, Annie O'Callaghan and Thais Karina Guerrero were our dancing queens, Michelle Hallum was there and will be in March for The expat mum mindset session, David Rigby added some fun, Elena Gibsonand Anastasia Gramatchikova looked lovely- my awesome entrepreneur ladies!
Space open for your next event- free for friends till June. So plan the fun now. Barcelona is back! Let´s connect, get heard and LAUGH!
Thanks for the likes for my page friends.
How to adapt when you don´t know what to do.
Laughter Yoga at BBB 2016