TOLA G Different photos, quotes, historical events etc posted.


Pictures of Emperor Haile Selassie taken during his tour of Europe & North America in 1954 G.C "The University of Bonn, Howard, Oklahoma, Colombia, Lincoln, McGill, Michigan & Oxford honored the Emperor with Honorary Doctoral Degrees during his tour of Europe & North America in 1954. More than one Million New Yorkers cheered him on parade during his 7000 Mile long tour of North America. At the time Haile Selassie was one of the best known international celebrities.


AFRICAN PROVERB: When ants unite, they can lift an elephant

Meaning: If you go to an African tropical forest and catch 100 large black ants into a jar and then add 100 large black ants from a desert , at first nothing will happen. But if you shake the jar violently and release the ants back on the ground, they will fight and kill themselves until almost everyone of them is dead. The reason is that the black ants think the red ants are the ones that caused the violent shaking, so see them as enemies. The red ants also think the black ants are the cause, and see them as enemies. Isnt it what is happening today? Democrats and republicans see each other as enemies. Black and white see each other as enemies. Meanwhile, our real enemy is the one who shook the jar. I will let you figure out who the enemy is. In general, our enemy is the one who cannot afford to see or have us united. So the good question we all need to pause and ask ourselves is who shook(or is shaking) the jar and why? This is what the ants that are left do (did). In another experiment, researchers found out that the victories colonies were able to offset their challenge by recruiting members of the losing colonies to help rebuild their colonies back. Let us humble and unite ourselves like these wise ants and look at the overall good in each other and great things we can do when united. Let’s be united against division. We are losers so long as we do not see who are real enemies are. ́ Proverb
Writer: D.O Thompson
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It all comes down to mindset.

Let me tell you a story.

Anton Chekov was born in 1860 into the family of Pavel Yegorovich. He was the third of six surviving children. Anton's father was an orthodox Christian who led the choir at church. He appeared to be a completely devoted man to those who met him in public. Yet, in private, he was an abuser. He beat his wife and children recklessly. He beats them for no reason. One time he beat Anton and told him he was beating him so he would not commit any future crimes. His father was a hot-tempered man who was often impulsive.

Sometime during his teenage years, his father became bankrupt for engaging in a foolish business deal. The whole family became very poor; they sold their home and moved to another city, Moscow, for cheaper accommodation. In Moscow, they lived in abject poverty. While all the family moved to Moscow, Anton had to stay in Taganrog so he could finish school. He managed to get tuition by conducting home lessons.

It was during this time that Anton began to visit the library. He read widely. That's when it began to happen. His readings began to introduce him to different characters, different people, different histories, different cultures, and different episodes in human development. He loved the world he was discovering. He spent more and more time reading than doing anything. Soon, he began analyzing his father through the lenses of the books he read. He began to understand his father. He connected that his father was also born into an abusive family; all he had done to them was just a continuation of what he had experienced. Shortly after that, he forgave his father and even loved him. He no longer felt haunted by the pain of his past. In fact, Anton was once quoted as saying Love is the driving force of his life. This man who had experienced abuse had become a lover. He realized that he could continue to be like his father or change for the better, so he chose the latter.

His readings also helped him develop many skills, from financials to social skills. Soon, he was thriving in everything he did. He even began sending money and letters to his family in Moscow.
In a few years, he graduated and joined his family in Moscow. On getting there, he realized they lived in a cramped space in a chaotic home in which his father was still the same sort of person—draconian, insulting, abusive, and continually putting the family in trouble. Soon, Anton took over the family. Through his actions, he brought in much-needed coordination. He worked hard and got the family another home—a bigger one. Gradually, stability began to restore in the family. He supported his siblings in going to school. He stood firm and made his father change. At last, the whole family is transformed by Anton.

But there was one problem, Anton's brother, Pavel, was becoming exactly the sort of man their father was. He abused his wife, insulted the family members, drank alcohol, and was suicidal.

He was the most challenging problem Anton had to deal with. One day the brother returned home drunk and began destroying things; Anton stood up to him and warned him that it was the last time he would ever do that. Indeed, it was. He once wrote to his brother, "Let me ask you to recall that it was despotism and lying that ruined your mother's youth. Despotism and lying so mutilated our childhood that it's sickening and frightening to think about it. Remember the horror and disgust we felt in those times when Father threw a tantrum at dinner over too much salt in the soup and called Mother a fool." Anton invoked their childhood experience to warn his brother not to be the same type of man.

Gradually, he, too, changed.

Now, this is where I was heading to.

One family, two children. One became an abuser; the other grew to become a lover.

What made the difference? Mindset.

Take care of your mindset.

How do you change your mindset? Do what Anton did-read.


በመንገድ ላይ ሲጓዝ የነበረ አንድ ሰውዬ መርዛማ የሆነ እባብ በእሳት ሲቃጠል ተመለከተና ከእሳቱ ውስጥ ሊያወጣው ወሰነ። ከእሳቱ ውስጥ ሊያወጣ ሲያነሳው እባቡ እጁ ላይ ነደፈው። ሰውዬው በድንጋጤ እባቡን ወረወረው እባቡም ተመልሶ እሳቱ ውስጥ ወደቀ።
ሰውዬውም በድጋሚ ሁለት እንጨቶችን ተጠቅሞ ከእሳቱ አወጣው። እናም የእባቡ ሕይወት ተረፈ።
ቆሞ ድርጊቱን ይመለከት የነበረ አንድ ሰው ወደ ሰውየው ቀርቦ

"ይህ እባብ በመርዙ ነድፎህ ሳለ ድጋሚ ልታድነው የምትሞከረው ለምንድነው?" ብሎ ጠየቀው።

ሰውየውም "የእባቡ ባህሪ መንደፍ ነው የእኔ ደሞ ማትረፍ ነው። ሁለታችንም ያለንን ነው ያንፀባረቅነው። ለሱ ክፉ ባህሪ ብዬ የኔን መልካም ባህሪ መለወጥ የለብኝም" ብሎ መለሰ።

መልዕክቱ እንደራስ አረዳድ ቢለያይም ጠቅለል ሲደረግ እንዲህ ነው.....።

ክፉ ነገር በክፉ ሊመለስ አይገባም። መጥፎ ሰዎች በዙሪያህ ቢኖሩም፣ የቱንም ያህል ክፋት ቢሰሩብህ አንተ የራስህን መልካም ብህሪ አንፀባርቅ እንጂ በነሱ ውስጥ አትዋት። እራስህን ሁን!!!!

አስተማሪ ሆኖ ካገኙት
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በዓለም ላይ ኒውክሌር የታጠቁ ሀገራት እና ያላቸው የኒውክሌር መሳሪያ ብዛት

ኒውክሌር ታጣቂ ሀገራት ያላቸው የኒውከሌር መጠን በቅደም ተከትል እንደሚከተለው ቀርቧል
-ሩሲያ - 5 ሺህ 977
-አሜሪካ - 5 ሺህ 428
- ቻይና - 350
- ፈረንሳይ - 290
-ብሪታኒያ - 225
-ፓኪስታን - 165
- ህንድ - 160
-እስራኤል - 90
- ሰሜን ኮሪያ - 20


As early as 1689, enslaved Africans fled from the South Carolina’s to Spain controlled Florida seeking freedom. These were Africans who formed what is known as the "Gullah" culture and developed an Afro-English based Creole, along with African cultural and other tribal leadership structures.

Realizing that Spain’s acceptance of them was mainly centered around their desire to use them in warfare against the indigenous Seminole people to confiscate their land, these Africans which included other escapees from slave ships or exploring parties, banned together and sought refuge in wilderness areas in northern Florida. They became allies of Creek and other Natives.

Then known as maroons, The Black Seminoles were by far the most extensive Black community in North America during that time. The name comes from the word "simanó-li", which means people who live by themselves.

Florida had been a refuge for the fugitive enslaved for at least 70 years by the time of the American Revolution. Over time the Creek were joined by other remnant groups of Natives, such as the Miccosukee, Choctaw, and the Apalachicola, and formed other communities.

In the 1850s, when the maroons relocated to Mexico, or Oklahoma through the "Trail of Tears", they adopted the name Mascogos, a Spanish term that referd to their Muskogee-Creek origins in the Southeast. On their return to the U.S. in the 1870s, the group became known as Seminole Negroes but were sometimes called Seminoles or even Seminole Indians. Descendants today continue to use different names, but a majority of English-speakers have settled on Black Seminoles, the term adopted by modern historians.

Despite the name, not all members of the community were traditionally allied with Seminole Indians. Out west and even in Florida, the community absorbed former slaves of the Creek and Cherokee Indians along with black refugees from a variety of circumstances. In Mexico over the last century, the Mascogos intermarried with local residents, creating a diverse contemporary population. Living descendants of the the include DJ Homicide and comedian Chris

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In 1958, Nigeria's🇳🇬 Chinua Achebe wrote his first novel book "Things Fall Apart" at the age of 28, which has sold over 20 million copies and has been translated to over 50 languages.

• It was ranked as one of the Greatest Books Ever Written in a list by Encyclopedia Brittanica in 2018.

• It was on number 5 on BBC's 100 Stories That Shaped The World.

• It was also among the 100 books that were featured on the TV series, The Great American Read.

• In 2011, Chinua Achebe forced 50 Cent to rename his forthcoming new movie "Things Fall Apart". He was contacted by Achebe's legal team that he couldn't use the title. Even when he offered Achebe $1 million dollars, Achebe felt insulted and rejected the money. 50 Cent later re-named his movie "All Things Fall Apart".

Rest in peace legend

Gossip House


It is worthy to read.

25 Top Facts about Eastern African countries
1. Ethiopia 🇪🇹 has the largest population of (114,963,588 people.)
2. Somalia 🇸🇴 has the largest coastline in the region.
3. Kenya 🇰🇪 has the highest GDP in the region.
4. South Sudan 🇸🇸 is the leading Oil Producing Country in the region.
5. Djibouti 🇩🇯 has the smallest population in the region.
6. Tanzania 🇹🇿 has the highest point in Africa, MT Kilimanjaro.
7. Ethiopia 🇪🇹 has the strongest military in the region before Dr.Abiy Ahmed
8. Ethiopia 🇪🇹 has the largest Dam, Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project in Africa.
9. Kenya 🇰🇪 has the largest desert lake in the world, lake Turkana
10. Uganda 🇺🇬 supplies electricity to Kenya, Tanzania and nearby DRC regions.
11. Rwanda 🇷🇼 has the cleanest city in Africa.
12. Burundi 🇧🇮 once had monarchs.
13. Ethiopia 🇪🇹 is rich with historical sites of king's castles and Emperor's Palaces.
14. The Name Of The Eritrean🇪🇷 Capital City ‘’Asmara’’ Means ‘’They Made Them Unite’’
15. Ethiopia 🇪🇹 has the largest lion species on earth, the Barbary lion with dark fur on the neck
16. Sudan 🇸🇩, South Sudan 🇸🇸and Ethiopia 🇪🇹 have a long history dating back 3500 years ago.
17. Sudan 🇸🇩 has some ancient pyramids on its northern region.
18. 🇰🇪 🇺🇬 🇹🇿 Has Lake Victoria which is the largest fresh water lake in Africa.
19. 🇹🇿 And 🇰🇪 have serengeti and maasai mara home to the great migration and 8th wonder of the world.
20. Kenya 🇰🇪 Mombasa Port was the first port in the region to be established in 1896.
21. Somalia 🇸🇴 was the first country in Africa to produce a pilot.
22. In Uganda 🇺🇬, less than one dollar is enough to sustain you for a day.
23. Ethiopia 🇪🇹 had the strongest Emperor and Monarchs that made them resist Colonization.
24. Tanzania 🇹🇿, lake Tanganyika in Tz is the deepest lake in Africa,
25. Lastly the longest river in the world is the river Nile which is estimated to be 30 million years old...
Africa Insider!


የሰው ልጅ ሁሉ ጀግና፣ ጠንካራ፣ ብልህ፣ ደግ፣ ሁሉንም ነገር መሥራት የሚችል ነው። ታዲያ ለምን ሁሉም አልሆነም?

የንሥሩን ታሪክ አስታወሳችሁት? የሆነው እንዲህ ነው። በአንድ ወቅት አንድ ዶሮ የሚያረባ ገበሬ ነበር። ይህ ገበሬ በእርሻ ማሳው አካባቢ ሲያልፍ አንድ ትንሽ የንሥር ጫጩት ያገኛል። ከዚያም ወደ ቤቱ አምጥቶ ከዶሮዎቹ ጋር ይቀላቅለዋል። ንሥሩም ዶሮዎቹ እንደሚያደርጉት ጥራጥሬ እየለቀመ ያድጋል። በዚህም የተነሳ ንሥሩ ዶሮ እንደሆነ አምኖ መኖር ጀመረ። ንሥሩም ከዶሮዎቹ ጋር በመኖሩ ምክንያት መብረር እንኳን እንደሚችል አያውቅም።
እናም የሰው ልጅ ሁሉ ይህንን ኃይሉን ያጣው ልክ እንደ ንሥሩ ከአትችልም፣ አይሆንም፣ ትወድቃለህ፣ ታዋርደናለህ፣ ከሚል ወይም ይህንን ካላስተማረ ማህበረሰብ ውስጥ ማደጉ አይመስላችሁም። ይህ ከትውልድ ትውልድ ሲተላለፍ የመጣው የልጅ አስተዳደግ ዘይቤያችን አስተሳሰባችን ላይም ከፍተኛ ተጽዕኖ ያሳድራል። ይህም ባህርያችንን ይቀርጻል።

ይህንን የበለጠ ለመረዳት እስከሆነ እድሜ ድረስ የነበረውን ልጅነታችንን አስቡ። በጣም ነጻ፣ ደስተኞች፣ ደፋሮች፣ ጥሩዎችና ሁሉን ማድረግ የምንችል አይነት ስሜት የሚሰማን ነበርን። ነገር ግን እያደግን ስንመጣና የማህበረሰብ ሕጎችን እየተማርን ስንመጣ ፈሪዎች፣ ተጠራጣሪዎች፣ ንፉጎች፣ የተገደብን እና ነገሮችን እንደፈለግን ማድረግ የማንችል አይነት ስሜት እየተሰማን ይመጣል።
በእርግጥ አዕምሯችንና ሰውነታችን አደጋን በማስወገድ ሥራ ላይ የበለጠ ያመዝናል። በአብዛኛው ራስን ከአደጋ ለመከላከልና ውስብስብ ሥራዎችን በማስወገድ ሥራ ላይ ስለሚጠመድ 'ሪስክ' ለመውሰድ ችላ እንድንል ያደርገናል። ይህም የሆነበት ምክንያት አዕምሯችን እኛን ለመጠበቅ በሚያደርገው እንቅስቃሴ ነው። ይህ ከአስተዳደግ ጋር ተደማምሮ አዳዲስ ነገሮችን እንዳንሞክር፣ የውስጥ ተሰጥዖዎቻችንን በሚገባ እንዳናወጣ፣ ሙሉ አቅማችንን ተጠቅመን የተሻለ እንዳንከውን እንቅፋት ይሆናል።

ሆኖም ግን ይህንን ሰብረው የወጡ ወይም በአስተዳደጋቸው የተሻሉ ሰዎች ስኬታማ ሆነው እናገኛቸዋለን። ስለሆነም ይህንን ለማስወገድና የተሻለ ውጤት ለማምጣት አዋዋልን ማሳመር፣ ራስን ለለውጥ ማዘጋጀት፣ ማንበብ፣ የአስተሳሰብ ለውጥ ላይ የሚያተኩሩ አነቃቂ ንግግሮችን ማዳመጥ፣ የተሻሉ ናቸው ከምንላቸው ሰዎች ጋር ማዘውተር፣ እንዲሁም ራስንና አካባቢን ማወቅና መረዳት ያስፈልጋል።

የሆነ ነገር ለማድረግ ያለን ብቸኛ ጊዜ አሁን ነው፡፡
አሁኑኑ በእነዚህ ሊንኮች ገብተው ቤተሰብ ይሁኑ!
ለወዳጆችዎም ያጋሩ!


Addis Ababa





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