What are the opening hours
2pm-5pm Sat
9am-5pm Sat
9am-4pm Sunday
What is the venue address?
Park Foot Caravan & Camping Park
Howtown Road
Pooley Bridge
CA10 2NA
What is the venue website?
How much are tickets?
See our ticketing page for pricing and booking. Under 12’s are free of charge.
Can I buy a ticket on the day?
Yes, see our ticketing page for pricing.
Is there disabled access?
On arrival follow signs to the Public Car Park. Stewards will be on hand to marshal vehicles into position. Blue badges must be displayed. Please be aware that event fields and concert arenas are predominantly on undulating grass surfaces, and the wearing of appropriate clothing and footwear is strongly advised. Wheelchair users should be accompanied by a strong companion.
How can I get a programme?
Are there crèche facilities?
What is the Medical/First Aid procedure?
Please advise an onsite steward of any incidents.
Are dogs allowed?
Yes, but dogs must be kept on leads at all times. Owners must clean up after their dogs.
Where are the nearest toilets?
There are several WC’s on site.
Is there a cash machine on site?
Can I take pictures/video at the event?
Yes – however no drones may be used during the show.
Is there any mobility hire available on site?
There won’t be any mobility hire available at this event.
What time can I get on the camp site?
Car Club and Trade Pitches that a camping TBC
Pitches for Tents, Campers and Caravans with the latest facilities. Set on the banks of Ullswater, in the heart of the Lakes, we have three camping fields.