We would love to welcome all participants to the second day of the Psychedelics as Medicine conference! We're excited to have you all here with us as we continue to explore the latest research and developments in the field.
Yesterday's sessions were incredibly informative and thought-provoking.
We heard from leading researchers in the field about the latest developments in the use of psychedelics for treating a range of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction. The data presented was both compelling and promising, and it's clear that these substances have the potential to revolutionize the way we approach mental health treatment.
Today's schedule is packed with exciting presentations and panel discussions from some of the leading experts in the field. We're looking forward to diving even deeper in the field of the Psychedelic Assisted Therapy.
We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to network with other professionals in the field, and to ask questions and engage in discussions during the conference. We're looking forward to a stimulating and productive day! 💫☄🙏🌌
Please be sure to follow our conference schedule, click the video below to see speakers and subject of lectures/discussion panels. Feel free to share with anyone you think may be interested in attending.
Ticket link in bio 🔗✨
#edenfoundation #psychonaut #medicine #healing #psychedelicassistedtherapy #LSD #DMT #MDMA #ayahuasca #medicine #alcoholismtreatment #depression #anexiety #iceland #transpersonalpsychology #spiritualhealth #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #psychedelicsmedicine #mentalhealth #endoflifecare
Welcome to the first day of Psychedelics as Medicine Conference.
We are thrilled to bring together experts from various fields to discuss the latest research and advancements in the use of psychedelics for therapeutic purposes.
During the conference, we will explore the potential benefits and risks of using psychedelics in the treatment of a variety of conditions, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and addiction. We will hear from leading researchers and clinicians who have been at the forefront of this field, and we will have the opportunity to engage in lively and thought-provoking discussions.
We also welcome attendees with diverse perspectives, including healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers, and individuals with personal experience using psychedelics for therapeutic reasons.
We believe that this conference will be an important step in moving the field of psychedelic therapy forward, and we look forward to seeing you there!
Please be sure to follow our conference schedule and updates for additional information, click th video below. Feel free to share with anyone you think may be interested in attending.
Looking forward to experience Psychedelics as Medicine conference together 💫☄🙏🌌
Ticket link in bio 🔗✨
#edenfoundation #psychonaut #medicine #healing #psychedelicsasmedicine #LSD #DMT #MDMA #ayahuasca #medicine #alcoholismtreatment #depression #anexiety #iceland #transpersonalpsychology #spiritualhealth #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness
Stærsta og fyrsta ráðstefna sinnar tegundar á Íslandi í Hörpu dagana 12.-13.janúar! 🧠🍄
Fyrirlesarar frá öllum heimshornum og nokkur stærstu nöfnin úr heimi hugvíkkandi vísinda verða í Hörpu fimmtudag og föstudag. Þetta er einstakt tækifæri til að hlýða á helstu frumkvöðla hugvíkkandi heimsins og drekkja í sig þekkingu um þessa stórkostlegu nýsköpun og byltingu í geðheilbrigðismálum.
Þú vilt ekki missa af þessu, tryggðu þér miða í dag á www.psychedelicsiceland.com/tickets 👈