Tonight’s Bar Mitzvah sneak preview! #neonsigns #litdancefloor #onlyatthebocaraton #ledfurniture #glowparty #barmitzvah #bocabarmitzvah #bocabydesign video by @aros_az89
Sneak peek from a recent rehearsal dinner The Boca Raton… do you LOVE IT as much as we do? 😍 #rehearsaldinner #beachfrontevent #OnlyatTheBocaRaton #glowparty #whiteparty
A special moment under the Kapok tree… what would you say when asked, “will you marry me?” 🌹🥂 #bocabydesign #thebocaraton #onlyatthebocaraton #marryme #justengaged
Celebrating St Patrick’s Day with a throw back to when we had bag pipers for a corporate event on the golf course! 🌈 🍀#corporateevents #bagpiper #stpatricksday #stpaddysday #stpattysday #corporateevententertainment #onlyatthebocaraton
15 Tons of Sand
Sand Art… from finish to start! Labor Day celebrations are fully under way at The Boca Raton Club 🏖🇺🇸🏝Have a great weekend everyone! #labordayweekend #soirée @thebocaraton #sandart #sandsculpture #newlogo #bocabydesign #bocaresort #truckloadofsand
Throwback video of Boca NJROTC, Star Spangled Banner opening ceremony for a corporate event. Today, let’s take time to honor and mourn the military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties. #starspangledbanner #bocanjrotc #openinggala #bocaresort #bocabydesign #bocameetings #bocaeventplanners
Client asked for a magical table to celebrate at Mirasol and we delivered! ✨🌸🌊💗🥂#blushpalette #aesthetic #mirasolbeachside #bocabeachresort #beachvibes #bohobeach @bocaresort @bocabeachclub #bocabydesign