Our last advent giveaway 💫
With our giveaways this year we wanted to give back to you, our amazing community, from whom we have received so much ✨
Amidst the giveaways, holiday shopping and festivities, we wanted to take a pause and reflect on what’s truly important to us (apart from making you all very happy 🖤). This is why for our last giveaway, we want to give back together — to a cause we think is worth supporting:
If you are able to, we would love it if you would join us in donating. Additionally, we will be hosting a charity class next week. All proceeds from this class will go directly towards ✨
Join our charity class with Lu on Thursday, the 28th of December, at 17:00h in 1010 RING Studio. 💫
Thank you to the best community out there 🖤