It’s now 12:58am, Christmas Morning. I’ve just finished an order for a customer who travelled back and forth numerous times to Coomera from SunnyCoast to pick up their Christmas Eve order for 4pm.
Where do I start? An apology isn’t good enough especially with everyone coming and going, waiting and waiting with little to no communication.
Everyone who preordered for Christmas Week should’ve received what they were promised. And once again I’ve under delivered. Left people wondering, waiting waiting and some plain not receiving anything.
I’ve turned Three Stones into a complete s**t show, constant mistakes, same crap over and over.
So sorry to everyone who has orders for this week. Today was evident to see that I didn’t plan properly, under ordered stock, left my husband to try and explain to everyone who arrived. I’ve ruined so many peoples Christmas that I truly don’t know how to rectify this.
We’ve run out of stock and also the stock that we had reserved for the rest of the week has gone off.
I’m now replying to everyone who has orders for 24th, 25th etc. I have to refund, redo and ALSO I feel I have to shut down Three Stones.
I have to shut down Three Stones for so many rea*ons but the main thing is because I’m constantly under delivering and causing chaos to say the least.
I’ve fu**ed up one too many times. And again another Christmas ffs and public holidays.
Thank you to the amazing people who were supposed to pick up their orders but helped myself and hubby get what we could out. You guys didn’t have to help at all and spend further time away from your family. You guys truly are amazing. Thank you.
I’m so sorry. I’ve literally just taken everyone’s money and given everyone crap and nothing. I need to stop and fix this asap.