Botanisör Florist

Botanisör Florist Specialising in locally sourced flowers lovingly created with a European style We are a LGBTQIA+ friendly safe space

Local florist on the outskirts of the Launceston CBD cocooned in Milledge Lane between the popular family friendly Launceston City Park and the University of Tasmania.


Due to circumstances out of our control we have had to move to a new page. Please join us Botanisör Florist Launceston for regular posts, updates and more.

Today will be the last post from this page. We are retiring it to the recycle bin due to technical difficulties. If you ...

Today will be the last post from this page. We are retiring it to the recycle bin due to technical difficulties. If you would like to keep following the shenanigans of the crew at Botanisör Florist please follow us at the new page, Botanisör Florist Launceston.

After a bit of rain over night, what a beautiful day to start the week with. It’s just glorious.
Have you ever had a mental block on a collective noun? Or have a favourite? Our new range of collective noun tea towels and tote bags are for you. Wether it’s a murder of crows, a flamboyance of flamingos, a knot of frogs, an ostentation of peacocks or a loveliness of ladybirds. All in the best quality Indian cotton. Useful and educational for children of all ages to make washing up more fun. There are also the stunningly beautiful linen tea towels by Petals & Pins with the exquisite petal dresses too.
Did you know it’s a bouquet of hummingbirds? What’s your favourite?
And a heads up as I will be closing a little earlier than normal today. Have an appointment to change my will. I said will, not will to live. Although I have nothing to leave anyone, not even a working organ, I need to include some new instructions. After the service I need someone to take the flowers off my casket and throw them over their ahead into the crowd to see who’s next.
It will be like when the it’s time to was up. They will scatter to the four winds.
Have a great week and remember in case nobody told you today, thank you for being you.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🐞🐸🦩🐈‍⬛🦚122 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


We can see the finish tape from here. The finish line for the week is nigh. Hooray for Friyay.
And am I the only one sick of this drawn out debate on a new stadium? Build it, build it big. Put a retractable roof on it. Use it for as many sports and concerts as possible. Build a gastronomic center next to it. And a shopping precinct. Is it not written, build it big, build it well and they shall come to eat, shop and play? Or words to that effect.
And public transport! Good, easy, fun transport to ferry everyone. Here’s a good chance to put in a tram loop. Using heritage trams, like San Francisco. Transport + History = Fun
BUT I do need to preface this with as much as sport is part of a healthy life, I would like to see a world where footballers have to buy their own balls and the teachers who got them there are awarded million dollar contracts.
Soap box away and I’m back to work. Lots more people to make smile today. I love my job!
Have a great weekend and remember parenting is a lot like the bar scene. Everyone is yelling, everything is sticky and occasionally someone throws up somewhere they shouldn’t.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🏟️🍱🛍️ 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.

Follow us at Botanisör Florist Launceston as this page will close like a trap door next week.

Follow us at Botanisör Florist Launceston as this page will close like a trap door next week.

Yeah I know it’s only Tuesday but I’m here to tell you tomorrow is Launceston Cup and we will be open till 1pm. Like Saturdays. If your going to bet, hope you back a winner. Although what comes out the back end is a surer bet and will make the world grow.
David on the other hand wants to tell you we have rainbow dolly pegs to brighten up your tightie whities, delicates or witches britches.
Have a great Cup day and remember 90% of marriage is shouting “What!” From another room.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 📒📙📕📗📘 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.

Please follow us over at Botanisör Florist Launceston as we will be putting this old page in the compost bin at the end ...

Please follow us over at Botanisör Florist Launceston as we will be putting this old page in the compost bin at the end of February.

Let us start the week with my latest work, An ode to Alicia Bridges. Its I love the nightlife. Get it? I am so under appreciated and over medicated right now.
If you squint real hard, like reading the instructions on the back of a bag of rice,(who thought white font on yellow was and idea), you can see David hiding from doing any work. If Monday was person, it would be him. Rather like a slinky. No real purpose in life but makes you smile when you push them down a flight of stairs.
Anywho back to the bouquet making and the order sending out.
Have a great week and remember the more you weigh the harder you are to kidnap. So eat cake and say safe.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🕺🏻🪩💃🍰 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


We did it,we did it, we made it to Friyay without having to use the bail money for bail. We did however use it for shoes. Not all of it. Just most of it.
As seen above/below (it’s like when I worked in telly again. Yes, in and on the telly) , whatever, a restock of succulent gardens. Stunningly beautiful, low maintenance and the perfect alternative to children. Or if you have friend who keep bringing their children over to your house, we have cactus. Just saying.
Now to broach a sensitive topic, I know as domesticated adults we all do it but we need to bring it into the open. This having a favorite hot plate on the stove/hob. No one ever talks about it but you know it’s true. Which one is yours?
Have a great weekend and remember life is like a p***s, sometimes it’s up, sometimes it’s down…but it won’t be hard for long.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🌵🪴🤤 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


Yes its Humpday and mostly because I’ve got the hump. It was a wonderful day yesterday but today is like when you’ve given birth. The euphoria was amazing, the results spectacular but it takes a while to clean it and it never goes back the way it was.
Now Fedtivale, check. Valentine’s, check. Today is Drag story time at the library in Civi Square. What better way to promote literacy and make reading exciting. Especially after someone posted on tinternetthattjey had baked synonym buns. And I replied, just like grammar used to make. I got blocked!
Well only TasPRIDE, Marci Gras and World Pride to go. And all that in February. Are we taking March off?
Also promoting the AlphabetMarfia, if you are or know a q***r business register it with the lovely Charlie Everywhere Is Q***r (he lives in Oregon, USA) at [email protected]" rel="ugc" target="_blank">www.everywhereisq***[email protected] . Charlie is compiling a world wide map of q***r owned businesses. It’s a wonderful directory and he gets so excited as it filled up.
Have a great day and remember my ability to remember lyrics from the 80’sfar exceeds my ability to remember why I walked into a room.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🌈📕📗📘📙📒 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.



On our marks, ready, set, create! Yes the day is here. Its Valentine’s eve.
As many of us getting ready to go with out sleep for no thanks and the odd abuse (that’s why mothers are good at floristry) to please as many people as possible. Sharing the love and raising funds an awareness for RAW Rural Alive & Well. There are many ways to show love and take care of each other.
Plus we are one concrete Italian down. David went camping with his friends over the week end. They got lost in the bush and tried to Bear Grylls it out. David stopped when he found wallaby tracks. One friend, let’s call him Stork, was convinced they were wombat tracks. While the third amigo, Swan, claimed them to be quoll tracks. All three were staring at the tracks when the train hit them.
Have a great week, any spare Prozac, or similar greatly accepted from Wednesday on. Just joking! For legal reasons. Seriously look around the bottom of your bag, between the fluffy tampon and the wrong lifesaver.
And remember if at first you don’t succeed, don’t sky dive.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🌸🌼🌺🛤️ 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


It’s Humpday and we are seriously prepping for next week. Getting ready for all those beautiful fresh flowers to arrive.
The day to make the love of your life feel special and appreciated. And to apologize for being able to pull a truck engine apart on a doona cover on the lounge floor but not being able to figure out how to replace a roll of toilet paper. Even though you installed the holder.
Not looking at anyone in particular, you know who you are. And that goes for placing dirty dishes on top of the dishwasher too. Vent over. Feel better.
And for those asking, yes I do have a date for Valentine’s but my therapist prefers to call it an appointment.
Now back to work and remember, elevator music is terribly wrong on many levels.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🧻🧻🧻 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


How did we pull up after the weekend dear Listener? Did we dance a little too hard? Over sample the produce of the island? Sip too long at the nectar of the Gods?
As long as you hade a good time. Now it’s Monday and we need to chant, My body is a temple. And if it’s anything like mine it’s ancient, crumbling, possibly cursed and definitely haunted.
Now for those wanting to send a Valentine’s but have a special someone with allergies or pets and worried about toxicity, we have the answer for you. Find someone new! No, we have a great range of indoor house plants that are safe, non toxic and allergy free. Also wine, spirits, beer, chocolate, candles or pampering products.
You are spoilt for choice, as much as you want to spoil them.
Now to start the week off with a smile, what starts with the letter F and ends in UCK?
Have a great week and remember there are two ways to be rich: one is to have all that you want, the other is to satisfied with what you have.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🚒🚒🚒 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston. Yes, it’s Firetruck!


It’s Friyay, the skies have cleared and Festivale starts this afternoon! YEAH!
Now Valentine orders are coming in thick and fast, just like me, so to avoid disappointment get in early. On the web or in store. There are also plenty of great gifts & packs to complement your flowers and spoil loved ones. It will also support in the vitality improvement support work they do.
And every woman has a challenge in life. She is either married to it or gave birth to it. So I’m here to help. When they leave their clothes the floor it means they no longer want them any more. She is then privileged/required to throw them in the bin. I’ll be back next week with more home hints and advice.
Have great weekend, enjoy Festivale if you were lucky enough to snaffle a ticket and remember failure is not the opposite of success it is the process to success.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 www, or 👕🩲👖🗑️ 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


To celebrate this Humpday we put the new sigh out. Yes, I saw the sigh, it’s a sigh of the times, or for sore eyes. Mmmmm mmm mm, sorry there’s music going in my head.
And as the heavens look like they may well open up, I can only advise one thing to all the hard working peoples setting up the City Park for Festivale, activate poncho’s. Now!
Hopefully it’s just a shower because the line up of entertainment and food is amazing. A little rain will cool things off nicely, a drenching and we may get a Woodstock situation. So if your going we wish you the bestest of fun and a short line to the loos. Now, wardrobe decisions, should I wear my fancy or smarty pants?
Oh and if you pick up over the festivities, remember we have some belting ideas on our Valentines page at which will also support
And remember tradition is just peer pressure from dead people and a family heirloom is junk no one has ever had the guts to throw out.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🌼🎵🌸🎶🌺 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


Up and at em, the days already half done. It’s been so busy I’m running
a bit late myself.
Thought a bit of blue and white would calm the run off their feet/ not sure if they are Arthur or Martha today. It’s that time of the year. When all the schools go back there will be a quiet collective nap in the morning followed by a chorus of cup clinking in the afternoon. With saluted beverages being drunk before becoming stone cold. Yeah, we can all dream.
Actually to help normalise domestic bliss and the quality standards of our lives, hands up if you have ever read the cooking instructions from a package in the bin? Keep your hand up if you have repeated this action like you were reading a shampoo bottle. Read & cook, read & repeat.
Also why does the photo on the packaging never looks like what is eventually offered up?
OK back to it, nothing to see here, don’t you have a home to go to? And remember my goal in life is to be that old person that everyone is afraid to take out in public. “That skirt is nothing but a glorified cummerbund, one sneeze and the world will be her gynaecologist “. We should all have goals.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 ☕️😴🕊️ 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


This is what happens when the bride says it’s black & gold and art deco, and I want photos of me being a lamp. You just can’t buy that kind of cool. Happy Friyay by the way.
Now think sun-ray pleats, black satin and a Marcelle wave. Do it your way and it will always be remembered.
Another way to find your tribe is this joke. What gets covered with dirt and but never gets dirty? If you answered soap, you are correct. If you answered a body in a coffin, get over here, your my kinda people. Or anyone who matches gumboots with a fur coat. Why don’t we have dress like a kindergartener day? How much fun would that be? Back in a min, going to put my denim cape in the washing machine.
Valentine’s page is up on tinternet, peruse, choose and lock it in early.
Have a great weekend and remember the phrase “Don’t take this the wrong way”, has a 0% success rate.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🌼💍🟡 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


Happy Humpday and public holiday eve. After a trying morning I am here to tell you today I am identifying as Exasperated, my pronouns are try/me!
While running errands earlier, with David in tow, we dropped off dry cleaning. The lovely lady processed the cloths and said “Thank you, come again”. To which the concrete Italian replied, no it’s toothpaste this time.
Also the customer (read octogenarian), who wanted flowers but did not know what was appropriate to take to a “sex party”. Shock, clutch the pearls. Oh love, it’s a gender reveal party. But it did give me a giggle and turned me off my lunch. A win all round.
Yes we are open tomorrow, and as you can see the first delivery of dry hydrangea has arrived. It will be literally hanging from the rafters as we are running out of room.
Have a good day tomorrow and be a good Australian and check on your mates, it’s not a great day for everyone. And remember if you feel bad, call me. I promise to sing for you. Then you decide what’s worse.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🖤💛❤️ 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


Now I was up at the crack of dawn this morning getting these ready. Dawn was not amused, cow!
Welcome to a new week and congratulations to the amazing couple celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. These are but one of the bouquets to grace the family festivities later. And I’m guess that after 50 years the bride is well adverse with my favourite new word, Pisstified. It is the state of being simultaneously, pi**ed off and mystified, inequal parts at your insignificant other or work colleague or service provider. Please read David!
Now if you note and appreciate my sarcastic undertones,rude comments and sheer lack of common decency, we should make fabulous friends.
All fun aside, congtats again to the long suffering couple and if there is anything we can do to enhance your next celebration, come see us. We run well with a theme. It’s the only time I do run, well since they stopped the red light spot sales at Cole’s variety stores. I wouldn’t even run for or***ce, OFFICE! Hate auto correct.
Have a great week and remember when using on line dating sites, lives in gated community also means banged up in prison. Or so a friend told me.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🏆🌼🌟 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


It’s Friyay, get ready to chill.
And on the theme of chill, a heads up on the public holiday next week, Botanisör Florist will be open next Thursday as we disagree with said date with every fibre of our being. And if you are looking for appropriate attire for the day may I wholeheartedly recommend They have a fantastic range and your buying dollar will do amazing things in many communities.
On a culinary note, our Japanese pepper bushes have arrived. So for that cook or gardener who is hard to buy for. Voilà. Also known as Sansho, it has citrus flavoured pods with a peppery punch. It’s leaves can also be used in soups or salads. I can vouch they are good, like lemon balm and mint had a baby. Mild and pleasantly interesting. As see above, it will enhance any herb or veg garden.
For super the organised, there is a staggering range of choice for Valentine’s Day on tinternet. All rainbow bright, full of love and cheer and benefiting our community. So browse to show your love and support us, our Tassie growers and . You work hard for your money, let’s make it work just as hard for you and your community.
Have a great weekend and remember finally is pronounced final-e but finale is pronounced fi-nally.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🪴🪴🪴 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


Yes, we made it half way, Happy Humpday. And that rain last night was welcome, it filled the tanks up a bit, although it has made todays bit humid.Why is it called b**b sweat and not humiditities?
Come on in and cool down, the air con is set at chillax. All the while we watch our good neighbours pack up to move to their new premises on Wellington street. We will miss you guys. Although our new neighbours .baby.tasmania will be in and set up in no time. So pretty much form two wheels to four.
For those asking David is I the dog house at the moment. We understood when he deleted Tinder. He was having no luck, but to find out he was on FB marketplace searching for wedding dresses in his area to find recently divorced women, was low. Then to discover he was filtering them by size was too much. He is now persona non gratis until he drags his Neanderthal arse into at least the 20th century. Is now a bad time to say our Valentine’s Day page is up and rearing at ? It’s for true love, not David.
Anywho back to work, we have a plethora of blooms we can create bespoke gifts or enhance your home. Come on in and let us work our magic for you.
And remember your lips touch when you say seperate but they do not touch when you say together.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or ☔️🥵❄️😁 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


Welcome to a new week and the launch, there of, our Valentine’s Day package for 2023. Same as last year, we can not source any local roses and refuse to subject anyone to flowers from Africa or South America. They are not sustainable and we care too much for our ailing planet. So… we are again sharing the love, and who needs to be shown love and a helping hand are our farmers and rural folk. We are bringing a riot of colour to the day of love. Raising awareness and money for this amazing service. So because we love and rely on our growers of food, flowers & fibres,here it goes…

In this current climate we could all use a little extra love, how would you like to share the love even further?

In association with the RAW Rural, Alive & Well we are donating 20% of our Valentine's Day sales to go towards helping those in the community who need access and support with mental health in rural and remote areas.

For more information about RAW Rural Alive & Well and the incredible work they do please check out their website or give them a like on their page to keep up with their phenomenal work in our community.

Pre-orders available online at
Or give us a call
6334 9187
Or even visit us in-store
Shop 5, 112 Cimitiere St, Miledge Lane

Have a great week and remember if someone treats you bad, there is something wrong with them, not you. Normal people do not go around destroying other people.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or ❤️👍☑️ 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


OK, on a scale of 1 to 10 how are we feeling on this stinking hot Friyay? Cos you know it’s hot when the Tamar looks inviting. Plus it’s a free mud pack facial and if you’re near a bridge there could be a free ring inside.
Needless to say we and the flowers are chilling in the shop. Is it wrong to take a nap in the fridge?
While on the subject, is it normal when going for a drive in the country and you see an nice white marquee to think, there’s been a murder before, what a nice day for a wedding? Come on, I can’t be the only one.
Anyway stay chilled, stay hydrated (vodka is a hydrant?), and stay human. And remember people don’t fake depression, they fake being OK. Lets look after each other.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🥵❄️😁 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


Happiest of Humpdays to you dear Listener. We are as busy as the proverbial beaver.
February is going to be an extremely busy month. We are finishing the details for Valentine’s Day, with raising funds and awareness for a community group, and there’s in the City Park and for the first time World Pride will be held in the southern hemisphere . So, all in all a busy month of music, food, entertainment, learning, loving, celebrating and if that don’t kill you, we may need to take March off for a rest period. So much for the shortest month.
And we will combine them in a month long riot of colour with seasonal, responsibly sourced & locally grown flowers.
Now carry on and remember the best word in the English language is Pizzazz. And before you suggest a better word, does it have four z’s and contain the word pizza? If the answer is No, put your hand down. For worst word I nominate doilie or ( resonate fav), pilchers. Whats yours?

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or ❤️🟠🟨💚🔵🟪 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


Now I’m not allowed to play with the electrics, long story, so I made a lavendarbera! May as well make it pretty while it dries. The Betty Ford center never smelt so good.
Don’t fear, we also have bunches of fresh lavender.
If the person who has my voodoo doll could put it on the treadmill for a month or two, much appreciated. Cos the only squat I know how to do is diddly.
You know another thing I find confusing? You get paid to join the army and kill people yet it costs a fortune to become a doctor to save them.
Have a great week and remember, your getting old when the supermarket is playing good music. Well the stuff you once went to a club to hear.

☎️ 6334 9187, 🖥 or 🪩🎵🛒 112 Cimitiere Street, Launceston.


112 Cimitiere Street
Launceston, TAS

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday 8:30am - 1am




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