Repost from Mr. Darwin Rivers:
Sharing to you all my thoughts on How to combat the spread of NCov19 and protect your employees :
1. Implement precautionary measures such us temperature screening and availability of Alcohol, Hand Sanitizers and Soap
2. Campaign for proper Hygiene and proper washing of hands
3. Regularly disinfect your work area
4. Ensure proper Disclosure Protocol for all employees who have travel overseas specially those who have high cases of infection; Discourage travel either official or personal. Self Quarantine should be encourage for those who have traveled to countries with high infection.
5. Cancel or Limit any large scale Employee Engagement Activities particularly those that require offsite travel
6. Inform employees to limit going to social gatherings or being into large crowds
7. If sick, ensure that employees follow protocol of immediately consulting a Doctor and ensure that medical certificate and fit to work clearance is provided upon returning to work.
8. If Work from Home Option is available and will not disrupt business, allow employees to do work from home ; if Work from Home option is not feasible due to business requirements make sure to properly communicate to the employees.
9. Encourage employees to practice living a Healthy Lifestyle - enough rest, eating healthy food, taking multivitamins, proper exercise to boost their immune system.
10. Provide proper communications to all employees on what the company is doing to prevent spread of the virus.
11. Ensure you have convene your BCP and ERP Teams to discuss measures that you will implement.
12. Empower Front line managers to have regular checks with their teams for any possible concerns related to the NCov19. Make sure they are fully trained and informed of the proper discussions to be made to their teams.
Remember that we can fight the spread of NCov19 with proper knowledge and sharing of factual informations.
Above all our safety and the safety of our employees should always be a priority.