I’m on a mission. I want to raise awareness of an organisation that I imagine most people are unaware of - The DMWS - Defence Medical Welfare Service.
Anna, their ambassador covering this area has been an angel and has become a friend over the last few months and I was delighted she could attend my Dads funeral on Friday. I had no idea this organisation existed.
The pathway that should open up is as follows - anyone entering the hospital system who has served in the armed forces at any time is eligible for support during their illness - both within hospital and beyond. What should happen is that the DMWS are alerted - often by a member of the nursing staff - that a veteran or current serving member of the armed forces is in hospital.
The problem however is that many staff across the board in hospitals are unaware of their existence or, don’t consider it important. But oh my goodness it is!
Anna has been incredible. She was there for me as well as my dad. And had they needed her would have been there for any member of my family. But she was there for my dad. She visited him in hospital, she was going to visit him at home - and she visited him in his care home. She fought for us and took so much of the strain for us - often fighting our corner with issues that arise. She was friendly, compassionate, doggedly determined and so so kind.
So - if a loved one of yours has served or is currently serving in the armed forces and has a stay in hospital or is long term sick - contact the DMWS to be put in touch with your local officer - and educate hospital staff you might encounter who simply don’t know about them.
Anna - thank you. Thank you for your love and care but also for supporting us when we were navigating the hospital system and other issues. And thank you for becoming a member of our family. Dad loved seeing you as did I.
And yes - I will keep in touch. ♥️