As most of you know, our family has suffered a devastating loss. Our daughter, Danielle Hope Dowdy, and our grandson, Clint Thrash, lost a future husband and a father, Alex Thrash - as well as his family and friends that he meant the world too. It has been hard but we are a close knit family who believe Jesus is a comforter, a friend, and Our Father and a good father holds His children close when they hurt. We trust in God to be with us and to hold us so close in such a sorrowful time. We are requesting for continued prayers for God's strength, peace of mind, and comfort for our entire family.
We are asking that if anyone would like to help our family by donating any amount to his funeral expenses it would be deeply appreciated. Donations may be accepted online or they can be made over the phone to:
Wortham Funeral Home & Cremations
(870) 856-5656
Thank you so much, and please share!
View Bubba's obituary, contribute to their memorial, see their funeral service details, and more.