"The Peace Plaza hosts numerous events throughout the year, like the summer market, from June through August, noontime entertainment with music and theatrical performances, as well as a fall fashion show. The plaza is located in the heart of downtown, between two major hotels and adjacent to the Mayo Clinic. Area organizations and business also can rent the outdoor plaza for private events. The si
ze is scalable and may host up to 5,000 people." - www.downtownrochestermn.com
Peace Plaza is a landmark in Rochester, MN that is home to several retail shopping businesses and Rochester's own Mac's Cafe. This location is home to many events, concerts, and shows throughout the spring and summer and also provides a beautiful backdrop for photographs of proms, engagements, weddings and more! This central location is ever changing and becoming the focal point for all of the improvements that are happening downtown! This page will keep you up to date on all of the events happening here as well as the businesses that help make Peace Plaza great! Never say, "There is nothing to do in Rochester..." again! Stay Tuned for Updates on what is happening in our Fantastic City.